Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Traditional Latin High Mass At Saint Clare Of Assisi Church, Bronx, New York, On Thursday, 22 February 2018. 1930 hrs.

Illustration:: ST. HUGH OF CLUNY

The Chair Of Saint Peter At Antioch. Feast Day, Today, 22 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.

Feast Day 22 February.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Peter as Pope — shown with The Pallium 
Magyar: Szent Péter, portréfestménye a szentről, mint pápáról –

a festményen pápai köntösben a mennyország kulcsaival látható.
Français: Saint Pierre. Elle représente le saint en tant que Pape -
vu ici avec le pallium et les clés du Paradis.
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640).
Date: 1610-1612.
Current location: Prado, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: Originally from en.wikipedia 
description page is (was) here.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Tu Es Petrus" 
[Thou Art Peter].
By Robert Pearsall (1795 - 1856).
Sung on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville, 
Ohio, United States of America.
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum 
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung
Available on YouTube at

"Asperges Me".
on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch. 
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville,
Ohio, United States of America. 
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung.
Cantor: John Brodeur.
Available on YouTube at

To honour the dignity of "The Prince" (Introit), to whom Jesus committed The Power of The Keys (Collect), The Church instituted The Feast of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which is found in The Roman Calendar on this date since 354 A.D.

[The Cathedra (Chair) is The Throne established where the Bishop resides, hence the name Cathedral, given to the Church where the Bishop's Seat is placed. Metaphorically, it represents the Episcopal authority itself. "The Chair of Saint Peter" means, therefore, a memory of Saint Peter's Episcopate, and his Primacy as Head of The Whole Church.]

As it often falls in Lent, certain Churches Celebrated it at an earlier date, in January. Hence, the two Feasts of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which The Church distinguished by connecting the more ancient Feast [Rome, until the 16th-Century, only Celebrated this Feast and not the other Feast] on 22 February, with "The Chair at Antioch", and the other Feast, on 18 January, with "The Chair of Rome". Saint Peter resided, indeed for some time, at Antioch about the years 51-52 A.D.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
A Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately 
follows The Collects of The Feast, today, 
The Liturgy does not separate those 
who have so justly been called 
"The Two Pillars of The Church".
Artist: René de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

It is to Saint Peter, who proclaimed that Jesus was "The Christ, Son of The Living God" (Gospel), when all Palestine rejected Him, that The Master commits The Power to Bind Satan by Closing The Gates of Hell, to Open for us The Gates of Heaven (Gospel). And The Head of The Church teaches us in his first Epistle that it is "by Faith, in the sprinkling of The Blood of Jesus Christ, that The Holy Ghost Sanctifies us and reconciles us to The Father."

The Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately follows The Collect of The Feast, for The Liturgy does not separate those who have so justly been called "The Two Pillars of The Church".

Let us today honour The Head of The Church, who continues here below the redeeming work of Jesus.

Mass: Státuit ei Dóminus.
Commemoration: Of Saint Paul.
Commemoration: Of The Feria (with Last Gospel), in Lent.

Thursday Of The First Week In Lent. Lenten Station At Saint Laurence's-In-Panisperna.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Thursday of The First Week in Lent.

Station at Saint Laurence's-in-Panisperna.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

Church of San Lorenzo-in-Panisperna, 
Rome, Italy.
Photo: March 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
This file is licensed under the 
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Station at Rome was established by Pope Gregory II, in the old Church of Saint Laurence-in-Panisperna, erected to the glory of the heroic Deacon, on the very spot where he suffered Martyrdom.

The Church reminds The Catechumens that, since the coming of Jesus, it is no longer the Race of Israel, alone, that has the promise, but that all can enter The Church by Baptism and partake of The Eucharistic Bread of The Children of God.

If the heathen will Solemnly deny the evil deeds of his fathers and practise the Christian Law of Penance and Charity (Epistle), his Prayer will be granted, as was that of the woman who belonged to the accursed Race of Canaan, but whose Faith was great (Gospel).

Let us seek in The Eucharist the strength required to observe Lent. For it is our Fasting, in conjunction with The Sacrifice of Jesus, that will obtain for us Salvation (Secret, Communion, Postcommunion).

Mass: Conféssio et pulchritúdo.

Saint Laurence's Martyrdom, 
by Pasquale Cati (1589),

in the Church of San Lorenzo-in-Panisperna, 
Rome, Italy.
Photo: March 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
This file is licensed under the 
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

San Lorenzo-in-Panisperna, or San Lorenzo-in-Formoso, is a Church on Via Panisperna, Rome, Italy. It was built on the site of Saint Laurence's Martyrdom.

Panisperna most probably refers to the Tradition of The Poor Clares (in the adjacent Convent) of distributing bread and ham (pane e perna) on 10 August, Laurence's Feast Day, in remembrance of his distributing funds from The Church to the Poor. "Formoso" refers to Pope Formosus, who built the first attested Church, here.

Tradition states that the first building was constructed during the Reign of Emperor Constantine I, only 100 years after the Martyrdom of Saint Laurence, though the first written evidence is from 1300, when Pope Boniface VIII rebuilt the Church and annexed an Abbey to it. That Abbey was given to The Benedictines in 1451, and then had The Poor Clares settled in it by Cardinal Jacopo Colonna in 1896, who also restored the Church and Monastery.

English: The Chapel of Saint Brigid 
in the Church of Saint Laurence-in-Panisperna, Rome.
Italiano: Chiesa di San Lorenzo in Panisperna,
Cappella di Santa Brigida.
Photo: 1996.
Source: Own work.
Author: Torvindus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Franciscans now Serve the Church. In the 5th-Century A.D., this Church was one of Rome's Stational Churches and was visited by The Pope on its Titular Day, The Thursday of The First Week in Lent. Recent Popes have revived this ancient custom.

The present Church is a result of a re-building by Carlo Rainaldi in 1575–1576, under Pope Gregory XIII. It was at this time that it became known as 'in-Panisperna' rather than 'in-Formoso', and that the present Facade was built.

A new Outer Portico was added in the 17th-Century, then restored and decorated with images of Saint Laurence and Saint Francis of Assisi in 1893–1894 by Pope Leo XIII, who, in 1843, had been Ordained Bishop in this Church. Pope Leo XIII also added a steep flight of steps, in front of the Church, leading to a tree-lined Courtyard. There is a modern bronze statue of Saint Bridget of Sweden, here.

A Mediaeval house is preserved, next to the Church, with an exterior staircase, one of the few such houses to have been preserved in Rome.

Entrance door of the Church of San Lorenzo-in-Panisperna, Rome.
Photo: March 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
This file is licensed under the 
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church has a single Nave with three Chapels on each side.

South Side.
Includes a painting of Saint Clare of Assisi (1756), by Antonio Nessi, and a Ceiling fresco of Glory of Saint Laurence, by Antonio Bicchierai.

Contains the Tomb of the brothers, Saint Crispin and Saint Crispinian, with a painting by Giovanni Francesco Romano.

Painting of The Immaculate Conception, by Giuseppe Ranucci.

North Side.

Painting of The Stigmata of Saint Francis, by Niccolò Lapiccola.

Chapel of Saint Bridget, where she was buried before her body was moved to Sweden. She had used to beg for Alms for The Poor outside this Church, and Prayed before The Crucifix by The High Altar. Now, a Martyr, named Victoria, lies underneath the Altar in the Chapel.

The painting of Saint Bridget, Praying before The Crucifix, is by Giuseppe Montesanti and was painted in 1757.

Includes an 18th-Century Crucifix of The Roman School.

Under its Porch, is a Chapel containing the oven, said to have been used for Saint Laurence's Martyrdom. A Late-16th-Century fresco of The Martyrdom of Saint Laurence stands behind The High Altar (by Pasquale Cati, a mediocre pupil of Michelangelo). The Crucifix, by The High Altar, is from the 14th-Century.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

The Eighth Amendment In Ireland Protects Mothers And Babies. It Must Not Be Repealed.

Get more information,
and give your support to The Little Ones,
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Wednesday Of Ember Week In Lent. The Lenten Station Is At Saint Mary Major.

Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Wednesday of Ember Week in Lent.

Station at Saint Mary Major.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

English: Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rome.

Français: Vue arriere de la Basilique Sainte-Marie Majeure de Rome (Santa Maria Maggiore).
Photo: November 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT.
Permission: You are free to use this picture for any purpose under the conditions
specified in the license below as long as you credit its author, LPLT.
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Spring Ember Week coincides with The First Week of Lent. It was instituted for the purpose of consecrating to God The New Season, and, by Fasting and Prayer, to draw down Heavenly Graces on those, who, on Saturday next, are to receive The Sacrament of Holy Orders.

The Station on The Wednesday in Ember Week was always held at Saint Mary Major, the greatest and most illustrious of The Roman Churches Consecrated to The Blessed Virgin.

English: Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Vatican.
Français: Basilique Sainte-Marie-Majeure, 
Vatican, située à Rome, Latium, Italie.
Photo: September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Is it not fitting that on this very day, when The Scrutinies for Ordination used to be made, the Liturgical gathering should be made in The Basilica Consecrated to her, whom Proclus of Constantinople hails as “The Temple in which God became Priest” ? The Gospel also alludes to Our Lady.

English: The Borghese Chapel, Saint Mary Major, Rome.
Português: Capela Borghese, Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma.
Photo: 2005.
Source: Taken by Ricardo André Frantz.
Author: Ricardo André Frantz (User:Tetraktys).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The two Lessons, the second of which is read as The Epistle, tell of Moses and Elias, who, before seeing The Glory of The Lord, Fasted Forty Days and Forty Nights. Called to take the place of the rebellious Jews, let us make ourselves worthy of The Fruits of Penance, as did the men of Ninive, who listened to the voice of Jonas, and the Queen of Saba, who came from her distant Country to learn The Wisdom of Solomon (Gospel). We shall participate, then, in The Resurrection of The Saviour, symbolised by The Prophet, who, after remaining three days in the whale’s stomach, was vomited out alive.

Let us Pray to God that we may be strengthened in mind by The Fruit of Good Works, while we mortify our bodies by Abstinence (Collect).

Mass: Reminíscere.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Tuesday Of The First Week In Lent. Lenten Station At The Basilica Of Saint Anastasia.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Tuesday Of The First Week In Lent.

Station at Saint Anastasia's.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

Photo: April 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Karelj.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Station is at the old Church, which, in the 4th-Century A.D., was the only Parish in the Centre of Rome and in its wealthy Quarter. Built at the foot of The Palatine Hill, this Church, which owes its name to The Chapel of The Resurrection (Anastasis) at Jerusalem, was also Consecrated to Saint Anastasia.

Saint Anastasia was put to death, under Emperor Diocletian, at Sirmium, in Illyria (now Mitrowitz). Tradition seems to say that this "Title", mentioned in a Synod in 499 A.D., recalls the house of this Holy Martyr in Rome (?). It is more than likely, however, that it concerns but a simple identity of name between the Roman Foundress of this Basilica and the Titular Saint.

Lent is the time when "God is near to us and eager to forgive us, if we put aside our evil thoughts and forsake the way of sin" (Epistle). To do so, we must cast sin out from our hearts, as Jesus cast out the sellers from the Temple (Gospel), and receive the teaching of Christ with the simplicity of Children of God. Then, He will be able to cure our Souls, as He healed the lame and the blind who came nigh unto Him.

Casting out the vainglorious wisdom of the World, let us profit by The Holy Season of Lent, so that, "chastening our bodies by mortification, our Souls may be filled with Holy Desires" (Collect).

Mass: Dómine, refúgium.

The Basilica of Saint Anastasia, Rome.
Photo: June 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Church of Santa Anastasia is a Minor Basilica Church in Rome.

Santa Anastasia Church was built in the Late-3rd-Century A.D. - Early-4th-Century A.D., possibly by a Roman woman named Anastasia. The Church is Listed under the Titulus "Anastasiae" in The Acts of The 499 A.D. Synod. Later, the Church was entitled to The Martyr with the same name, Anastasia of Sirmium.

The Church was restored several times: Pope Damasus I (366 A.D. - 383 A.D.); and Pope Hilarius (461 A.D. - 468 A.D.); Pope John VII (705 A.D. - 707 A.D.); Pope Leo III (795 A.D. - 816 A.D.); Pope Gregory IV (827 A.D. - 844 A.D.). The current Church dates back to the 17th-Century Restoration commissioned by Pope Urban VII.

Traditionally, the Church is connected to the cult of Saint Jerome, who possibly Celebrated Mass here. The Saint is depicted over the Altar, by Domenichino.

Ceiling of The Basilica Sant'Anastasia, Rome.
Photo: July 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: User:Mattes.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The current Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Anastasiae is Godfried Danneels. Past holders have included John Morton, an Archbishop of Canterbury.

Art and Architecture.

The last Restoration, after the Restoration during the Papacy of Pope Sixtus IV, occurred in 1636, when the facade, with, Lower, Doric, and, Upper, Ionic order, was reconstructed in 1636, after the cyclone of 1634. The Nave recycles antique Columns. The Ceiling is frescoed with a Martyrdom of The Saints (1722) by Michelangelo Cerruti.

English: Madonna and Child in the Basilica di Sant'Anastasia al Palatino, Rome, Italy.
Česky: Socha v Bazilice sv. Anastázie na Palatinu, Řím, Itálie.
Photo: April 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Karelj.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Chapel, to the Right, has a painting of Saint John the Baptist by Pier Francesco Mola. While the last Chapel on the Right has a fresco of Scenes of the Life of Saints Carlo Borromeo and Filippo Neri by Lazzaro Baldi.

The Right Transept has a painting of Saint Toribio (1726) by Francesco Trevisani. The High Altar has a Nativity, by Lazzaro Baldi, and, below the Altar, is a statue of Saint Anastasia, by Ercole Ferrata. It clearly shows the influence of Bernini's Beata Ludovica Albertoni. The Left Transept has a Madonna of The Rosary, by Baldi. The last Chapel, to the Left, by Domenichino, depicts Saint Jerome. The other Chapel has Ss.Giorgio e Publio, by Etienne Parrocel.

Monday 19 February 2018

The Book Of Ruth: “ Whither Thou Goest, I Will Go . . . Where Thou Lodgest, I Will Lodge . . . Thy People Shall Be My People . . . And Thy God, My God ”.

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.


"Whither Thou Goest".
Sung by Les Paul and Mary Ford.
Available on YouTube at

Ruth (Hebrew: רוּת, Modern Rut Tiberian Rūθ), is the main character in The Book of Ruth in The Hebrew Bible.

Ruth was a Moabitess, who married into the Hebrew family of Elimelech and Naomi, whom she met when they left Bethlehem and relocated to Moab, due to a famine. Elimelech and his two sons died, leaving Naomi and her two daughters-in-law as widows.

When Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem, Ruth decided to go with her, despite the fact that Orpah, Naomi's other daughter-in-law, went back home.

Ruth famously vowed to follow Naomi in the following passage:

" Entreat me not to leave thee,
or to return from following after thee:

for whither thou goest, I will go;
and where thou lodgest, I will lodge:
thy people shall be my people,
and thy God my God:

Where thou diest, will I die,
and there will I be buried:
the LORD do so to me, and more also,
if ought but death part thee and me. "

(Ruth 1:16-17, King James Version)

"Ruth in the Fields"
by Merle Hugues, 1876.
Illustration: BIBLE-PEOPLE

"Whither Thou Goest".
Sung by Perry Como.
Available on YouTube at

Ruth went to glean in the fields, where she met Boaz. At the instigation of Naomi, she forced Boaz to declare his intentions regarding Ruth by slipping into the threshing floor at night, uncovering his feet, and lying at his feet (Ruth 3:8), in the Mosaic tradition of having the nearest relative be the kinsman redeemer (Leviticus 25:25-55).

Boaz indicated his desire to marry her, and called Ruth a "woman of noble character". After overcoming the obstacle of having a relative with a stronger claim (per the Mosaic requirements in Deuteronomy 25:7-9), Boaz married Ruth, and they had a son, named Obed.

The genealogy, in the final Chapter of the Book, explains how Ruth became the Great-Grandmother of David: Boaz begot Obed, Obed begot Jesse and Jesse begot David (Ruth 4:17). She is also, thus, the ancestor of Joseph (husband of Mary and foster-father of Jesus), and is one of the five women mentioned in The Genealogy of Matthew (along with Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, and Mary).

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