Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 3 July 2015

Pope Saint Leo II. Confessor. Feast Day 3 July. Papacy 682 A.D. - 683 A.D.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Leo II.
Pope and Confessor.
Feast Day 3 July.


White Vestments.


English: Portrait of Pope Saint Leo II.
Español: imagen del papa leon II.
Source: Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura, Roma.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Saint Leo II, a Sicilian by birth, participated in the full Priesthood of Christ (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia) on becoming Pope. Guided by The Holy Ghost, he gave their full value to the Spiritual Riches of The Church committed to his care by Jesus (Gospel, Communion).

He approved The Acts of The Sixth Council, which condemned those who taught that Christ had only one will. Well versed in Sacred Singing, he perfected the melodies of The Psalms and of The Hymns of The Church.

He was truly The Father of The Poor and, by his example and Preaching, led every one to Virtue. He died in 683 A.D., and was buried in the Basilica of Saint Peter, Rome.

Let us imitate the example of this Saint (Collect), who was one of the successors of Saint Peter on the Pontifical Throne.

Mass: Sacerdótes tui.
Commemoration of The Octave
      of The Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.


The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Pope Saint Leo II was a Sicilian by birth (the son of a man named Paul). He may have ended up being among the many Sicilian Clergy in Rome due to the Islamic Caliphate attacks on Sicily in the Mid-7th-Century. Though elected Pope a few days after the death of Pope Saint Agathon (10 January 681 A.D.), he was not Consecrated till 17 August 682 A.D. Pope Saint Leo II what known as an eloquent Preacher, who was interested in music and noted for his Charity to the Poor. His successor was Pope Benedict II.

St Andrew Daily Missal (Traditional Mass)

Available (in U.K.) from

Available (in U.S.A.) from

Thursday 2 July 2015

The Visitation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Visitation Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
Feast Day 2 July.

Double of The Second-Class.

White Vestments.

The Visitation of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”. 
Used with Permission.

The Magnificat.
The Canticle of Mary.
John Michael Talbot wrote the music
and the words are from the Gospel of Luke 1:46-55.
Sung by Annie Karto., Jackie Francois, John Michael Talbot.
Available on YouTube at

The Canticle of Mary.
This is Mary's Great Exaltation of Praise to God.
For in her visit to Elizabeth, Mary's Faith is validated; that she will be The Mother of The World's Saviour - Jesus Christ ! And so, with Rejoicing and Thanksgiving for all His Mighty Deeds, His Mercy on the lowly and His Fulfillment of Covenant - Mary's Soul bursts forth with Joy to The Lord.

The Angel Gabriel had announced to Mary that God would soon give a son to Elizabeth. The Virgin at once betook herself to Hebron, where her cousin resided: That is The Mystery of The Visitation, which is Solemnised on the day following The Octave of The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.

On this day, as in The Season of Advent, The Church recalls together the memories of The Precursor and of Jesus and Mary. For we then remarked, that the Friday in The Winter Ember Week recalled to us the same Mystery of The Visitation.

This Feast was instituted for the whole World in 1389, by Pope Urban VI, in order to obtain the end of the Great Western Schism. It was later on raised to The Rite of Double of The Second-Class by Blessed Pope Pius IX, for on this Feast was completed at Rome in 1849 the victory of The Church over the Revolution.

Mary visits Elizabeth and Jesus visits and Sanctifies John. Wherefore, Saint John leaps with joy and Elizabeth, filled with The Holy Ghost, exclaims: " Blessed art thou among women and Blessed is The Fruit of thy Womb" (Gospel).

The Virgin, Mother of God, who bears and gives birth to Him Who bears and produces all things (Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, Communion) then pronounces a "Sublime Canticle" (Introit), The Magnificat.

Mass: Salve, sancta parens.

The same day:

Saint Processus and Saint Martinian.
Feast Day 2 July.

Red Vestments.

Peter and Paul, cast into The Mamertine Prison, converted their two Warders, Processus and Martinian, and Baptised them. Brought before the statue of Jupiter, these new Christians refused to adore it and were put to death.

Mass: Sapiéntiam.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Ordinations In Florence. Institute Of Christ The King Sovereign Priest. Pontifical Masses Of Ordinations Conferred By His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke.

27 June to 6 July 2015 is The Institute’s Ordinations’ Week in Florence, Italy.
If you can visit Florence at this time, you will see the young Seminarians receive their
Cassocks and Minor Orders, and you will be able to assist at The Pontifical Masses of Ordinations
for the Deacons and Sub-Deacons, as well as for the Priests, which will be conferred by
His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke.

Deo Gratias.

Feast Of The Most Precious Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Feast Day 1 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Feast of The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Feast Day 1 July.

Double of The First-Class.

Red Vestments.

“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

The Liturgy, that admirable summary of the history of The Church, reminds us every year that, at this date in 1849, thanks to the French Army, the Revolution which had driven the Pope from Rome was vanquished.

To perpetuate the memory of this triumph, and to show that it was due to The Saviour's Merits, Blessed Pope Pius IX, at the time a refugee at Gaeta, Italy, instituted The Feast of The Precious Blood. Pope Pius XI, in 1934, raised it to the Rank of a First-Class Feast.

The Heart of Jesus has made this Adorable Blood circulate in His limbs; wherefore, as on The Feast of The Sacred Heart, the Gospel presents to our view the thrust of the lance which pierced the side of The Divine Crucified, Blood and Water gushing forth. [The Office of Matins speaks of The Blood which Christ shed at The Circumcision, and in The Garden of Olives, and The Flagellation (Scourging) at The Pillar, and The Crowning of Thorns, and on The Cross.]

Thus become united the two testimonies which The Holy Ghost bore to The Messias, when He was Baptised in The Water of The Jordan and when He was Baptised in Blood on The Cross (Gradual).

Let us do homage to The Precious Blood of Our Redeemer, which the Priest offers to God on the Altar.

Mass: Redemisti nos.
At Low Masses: Commemoration of The Octave Day of Saint John the Baptist.
Preface: Of The Cross.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

"Pope Francis Has Kept His Promises To Us. He Sees Us As Catholic". SSPX Superior-General, After Vatican Visits Their Seminaries.

The Text in this Article, unless otherwise stated,
is taken from RORATE CAELI

On Saturday, June 27, the French Conservative Daily Evening Newspaper Présent published an interview with the Superior-General of The Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX), Bishop Bernard Fellay, on the surprisingly positive developments for The Society under Pope Francis, and what they mean for the future.

On the occasion of The Blessing of The Bells, for the Chapel of Saint-Michel de La Martinerie School, in Chateauroux, France, Bishop Fellay gave Présent an update on the situation of The Society of Saint Pius X, of which he is the Superior-General.

In an interview with Fideliter, in 2001, you mentioned the "movement of profound sympathy from the young Clergy for the Society." Has this movement grown, especially with the motu proprio in 2007 ?

"Without a doubt ! The motu proprio gave this movement a new impetus. And it is important to insist upon Pope Benedict XVI's interest for the Liturgy, in general. He truly wished to put the entire Traditional Liturgy, not only The Mass, at the disposition of the Priests and The Faithful; this did not happen, because there was too much opposition. But the young Priests identify with this Liturgy, precisely because it is timeless. The Church lives in eternity. The Liturgy does also, too, which is why it is always young. Close to God, it is outside of time. So it is no surprise that the Baptismal character makes this harmony resound even in Souls that have never known the Liturgy. And the way the young Priests react when they discover this Liturgy is moving: They have the impression a treasure has been hidden from them."

The Society was officially recognised as Catholic by the State of Argentina, with the help of Cardinal Bergoglio, who has since become Pope Francis. Does this have a purely administrative importance or is it more revealing ?

"First of all, it has a juridical and administrative effect, with no implications as far as The Society's general relations with - to put it simply - the Official Church, are concerned. But the secondary effects are not easy to evaluate correctly. There is no doubt that Pope Francis, then Cardinal Bergoglio, had promised to help The Society obtain the Argentinian State's recognition of our Society as Catholic and that he kept his promise. So, we have no choice but to think that he does consider us Catholic."

Along the same lines, you were made a "Judge of First Instance", by The Vatican, for the trial of a Society Priest. Can that be seen as a sign of good will ?

"That is nothing new; it has been the case for over ten years. It is indeed a sign of good will and of common sense. It is something that can be observed in The Roman Church throughout her whole history: Her realism, her capacity to go beyond Canonical and juridical problems, in order to find solutions to very real problems."

In your "Letter to Friends and Benefactors", you mentioned "contradictory messages" coming from Rome. What do you mean by that ?

"I was thinking of the way in which a Society that was becoming closer to Tradition was treated - or, rather, mistreated: The Franciscans of The Immaculate. And of the different ways we are treated by the different Roman authorities: The Congregation for Religious, for example, still considers us Schismatic (in 2011, they declared a Priest, who joined our Society, Excommunicated), but that is not the case with other Congregations, or the Pope himself, as we just said."

"Pessimistic", "closed to others", "thinking that only The Faithful of The Society will be saved": You are sometimes referred to in these terms. How would you respond ? What is the missionary spirit in your eyes ?

"I do not recognise myself in these quips. Firmness in Doctrine is indeed necessary, for The Faith is not up for negotiation. The Faith is, as a whole, given by God, and we have no right to pick and choose among the Revealed Truths. Today, reminders of these requirements are unwelcome, as has always been more or less the case. The expression 'The Fight of The Faith' is part of the history of The Church. The Missionary has to make The Voice of The Faith heard outside, and, at the same time, seek to strengthen those who already have it. We cannot speak only to The Faithful of The Society. The torch lights up the World, the light of The Faith shines with warmth. The Faith must be borne by Charity: That is how I see the Missionary."

A few weeks ago, The Society's Seminaries were visited by Cardinal Brandmuller and Bishop Schneider. These visits are a public connection with the "Official Church". Isn't that vital ?

"The link with The Church is vital. The manifestations of this connection can vary. The dates and places for these visits were left up to me: The Vatican chose the names. I chose the Seminaries, because they seemed to me to be the most eloquent and representative for the Bishops."

What were the first reactions of these Bishops ?

"They were very satisfied. 'You are normal people,' they told us . . . which goes to show the reputation we have ! They congratulated us on the quality of our Seminarians. There is no doubt that their conclusion, after this first closer contact, was that we are a work of The Church."

Have you been in contact with any Bishops who support you discreetly ?

"Of course ! When we see that Priests are coming closer to us today and entering into contact with us, we can easily conclude that the same is true on the higher level . . ."

In the 2001 interview that we already mentioned, you declared: "If there is any chance at all that our contacts with Rome could bring back a little more Tradition in The Church, I think we should seize the opportunity." Is that still your position ?

"That remains our position, even if we cannot say it is easy, especially because of the open dissensions within The Vatican itself. These relations are delicate, but our point of view remains valid, as is confirmed by the facts. It is a discreet work, being accomplished in the midst of strong opposition. Some are working in one direction, others in the opposite direction."

Is The Society's role as a counterweight within The Church important ?

"This role is nothing new. Archbishop Lefebvre started it, and we are continuing it. It is easy to see in the irritation of the Modernists at the steps taken by Benedict XVI."

Where is The Society today ? What are its strong points and its weak points ? What future do you foresee for it ?

"I see a peaceful future. It is a work that has been entrusted to The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary; all we have to do is remain faithful to Their Will. This Church is the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who remains her head and will not allow her to be destroyed."

"The Society's weaknesses ? The risk of separation is serious. Look at the caricature of Tradition that calls itself the "Resistance", for example; it is a non-Catholic spirit that is almost sectarian. We wish to have nothing to do with it; it is a movement that is withdrawn into itself, with people who think that they are the only Good and Just men on Earth. That is not Catholic. It is an objective, but relative danger. Most of The Society is healthy and will not fall into these illusions. This encourages us to rely upon Supernatural means. God will show us what He wants of us. He will speak through circumstances."

"The strong points ? The living fidelity that bears fruit and shows the World today that The Catholic Life, even with all its requirements, is possible. But - another weak point - we are men of our times, and it would be a dream to pretend that we are immunised against the influence of the modern World. To be more precise, we must avoid the caricature of wishing for a Church without wrinkles or stains, here below: That is not what The Good Lord promised us on this Earth. That is not what The 'Holy Church' means; it means that she is capable of Sanctifying, using the means given by Our Lord: The Sacraments, The Faith, Discipline, Religious Life, The Life of Prayer."

What do you think of Cardinal Sarah's suggestion of introducing The Traditional Offertory into The New Mass ?

"It is not a new idea; it has been around in Rome for ten years. I am glad it has been taken up again. Some criticise the idea, saying it is a way of mixing the profane with The Sacred. On the contrary, in the perspective of bringing health back to The Church, I think it would be a great step forward, because The Offertory is a summary of The Catholic principles of The Mass, of The Expiatory Sacrifice offered to The Blessed Trinity, offered by the Priest to God, in reparation for sins, and accompanied by The Faithful. And that would gradually bring The Faithful back to The Traditional Mass they have lost."

How would you like to conclude, your Excellency ?

"In my opinion, we are on the eve of important events that we cannot yet define very well. I would like to call for Prayers, and end with a gaze towards God, which allows us to always have hope."

Interview realised by Anne le Pape.

[Translation courtesy of the US District of the SSPX.]

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Présent is a French Daily Evening Newspaper, close to Catholic Traditionalists, often described
as Extreme Right, but declaring National and Catholic inspiration. Founded in January 1982
at the initiative of the Centre Henri-and-André-Charlier and Christianity-Solidarité, it intends to be in opposition to the political, cultural and social current.
Its motto is "God, Family, Country",
from its official Web-Site.

This Little Boy Cried His Heart Out Because He Couldn't Make His First Communion, As His Brother Had Just Done.


His Eminence Cardinal Burke consoles a heartbroken Louis Martin.



Little Louis Martin receives his First Holy Communion
from His Eminence Cardinal Burke.

Read the story of
The Kindness of a Shepherd at

Also read the story on

Commemoration Of Saint Paul. Apostle. Today, 30 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Commemoration of Saint Paul.


Red Vestments.

Saint Paul.
Artist: Bartolomeo Montagna (1450–1523).
Date: 1482.
Current location: Museo Poldi Pezzoli,
Milan, Italy.
Author: Bartolomeo Montagna (1450–1523).
(Wikimedia Commons)

"The Tiber, on entering Rome," writes an ancient poet, "salutes the Basilica of Saint Peter and, on leaving it, that of Saint Paul. The Heavenly Door-Keeper has built his Sacred abode at the Gates of The Eternal City, which is an image of Heaven. On the opposite side, the ramparts of the City are protected by Paul's Portico: Rome is between the two."

With Peter, the new Moses, leader of the new Israel, is associated Paul, the new Aaron, more eloquent than the first, chosen in his mother's womb to announce to the Gentiles the riches of the Grace of Christ (Collect, Gradual, Epistle).

Commemoration of Saint Peter.
Commemoration of Saint John the Baptist.

English: Conversion of Saul on the way to Damascus.
Polski: Nawrócenie w drodze do Damaszku.
Artist: Caravaggio (1571–1610).
Date: Circa 1600.
Current location: Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome, Italy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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