Monday 9 February 2015

"Parce Mihi Domine". "Spare Me, O Lord". Hauntingly Beautiful. Spanish Composer: Cristóbal De Morales (1500-1553).

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

File:Cristóbal de Morales.jpg

Cristobal de Morales by Angelo Rossi (dates unknown). 
The print is from the original  Andrea Adami 's Osservazioni per il ben regolare choir Cappella dei della Pontifical cantori. Catalogue 'nomi, Cognomi, and homeland i cantori Pontifici (Rome, 1711).
Date: 18th-Century.
Source: Dejiny hudby II. Renesance, p. 231.
Author: Angelo Rossi.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cristobal de Morales (1500 - 1553) was a  Spanish  composer of the  Renaissance . I is Generally Considered to be the Most Influential Spanish composer before  Victoria .

He was born in  Seville , Spain, and, after an exceptional early education there, Which included a Rigorous training in the classics, as well as musical study With some of the foremost composers, I have held posts at  Ávila  and  Plasencia .

Parce mihi Domine.
Cristobal de Morales (1500-1553).
Available on YouTube at .

Parce mihi Domine
(Job  7:16 -21)


Parce mihi Domine, nihil enim sunt dies mei.
Quid est homo, quia magnificent eum?
Aut quid apponis erga cor tuum eum?
Cum diluculo visits, et subito probas illum.
I usquequo non michi parcis, nec dimittas me, ut glutiam salivam meam?
Peccavi. Faciam Quid tibi, or custos hominum?
Quare posuisti contrarium me tibi, et factus sum michimet ipsi gravis?
Cur non tollis peccatum meum, et quare non aufers iniquitatem meam?
Ecce nunc in pulvere dormio; et si me quesieris mane, non subsistam.


Spare me, O Lord, for my days are nothing.
What is man, That thou dost make so much of him, and That
September dost thou thy mind upon him,
dost visit him every morning, and test him every moment?
How long wilt thou not look away from me, nor let me alone till I swallow my spittle?
If I sin, what do I do to thee, thou watcher of men? Why hast thou made me thy mark? 
Why Have I Become a burden to thee?
Why dost thou not pardon my transgression and take away my iniquity?
For now I Shall lie in the earth; thou wilt seek me, but I Shall Not be.


Forgive me Lord, for my days are a breath.
What is man that you give so much importance,
so you put your attention on it,
for inspections every morning and you constantly put to the test?
How long you'll keep watching me and give me no respite to swallow?
What made you hurt my sin, keeper of men?
Why have you made me your target arrows? 
Why should I be a burden to you?
Why not forget my sin and you overlook my fault?
Look how soon will lie on the ground and not find me, even me look.



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  1. Hauntingly beautiful indeed. Thank you for posting this.

  2. Thank you for the Comment, Matthaeus.

    Delighted you like Morales' rendition of Parce Mihi Domine.

    Let us hope that more Parish Priests utilise this beautiful piece of music in their Masses.
