Sunday 8 February 2015

The Times They Are A'Changing.

Snowdrops have started to appear in Kent.
Winter progresses and Spring is not far away.
The Times They Are A'Changing.
Photo: 4 February 2015.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

"The Times They Are A'Changing"
Bob Dylan
Available on YouTube at

The first Daffodil shows its sleepy head on 4 February.
Winter progresses and Spring is not far away.
The Times They Are A'Changing.
Photo: 4 February 2015.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zephyrinus.

"The Liturgical Year"
Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
The Liturgical Year progresses as well.

As Christmastide has just given way
to Septuagesima and Sexagesima,
Quinquagesima beckons, next Sunday,
followed by Ash Wednesday.
Lent progresses nearer and nearer.
The Liturgical Year progresses.

Now is a wonderful time to
reflect, take stock, contemplate, and prepare for Lent.

The Liturgical Times They Are A'Changing.

St Andrew Daily Missal (Traditional Mass)

Available (in U.K.) from

Available (in U.S.A.) from

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