Tuesday 26 April 2016

"I Declare Before You All That My Whole Life, Whether It Be Long Or Short, Shall Be Devoted To Your Service And The Service Of Our Imperial Family To Which We All Belong."

This Article can be read in full at TRANSALPINE REDEMPTORISTS

The Sons of The Most Holy Redeemer wish Her Majesty
a very happy ninetieth birthday,
and a happy ninety-first year !

21 April 2016 was the 90th birthday of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II. In celebration of this wonderful occasion, over 1000 Beacons were lit across The United Kingdom, starting at 7.00 p.m., with The Queen lighting the first.

Not wanting to be left out in giving honour to our earthly Sovereign, Papa Stronsay officially registered with The Pageant Master to host a Beacon. The Beacon was lighted atop one of the Papa Stronsay Pier Towers. The time assigned by The Pageant Master for the lighting of the Papa Stronsay Beacon was 8.30 p.m.

Br Peter Mary, F.SS.R. was nominated to light the Beacon,
as The Community sung the National Anthem:
God Save the Queen !

The Beacon is alight.
"A Very Happy Birthday, Your Majesty."

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