Tuesday 26 April 2016

Saint Cletus And Saint Marcellinus. Popes And Martyrs. Feast Day 26 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saints Cletus and Marcellinus.
Popes and Martyrs.
Feast Day 26 April.


Red Vestments.

Pope Saint Cletus.

Two Popes of The Early Church sit on opposite corners of the Portico Ceiling of
Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Today, we Celebrate their Feast Day. The two men served
as Popes two 
Centuries apart. What they share is that their Pontificates occurred during

times of great torture 
and persecution for professing Christians under Roman rule. Reflecting

on the lives of Pope Saint Cletus (above) and Pope Saint Marcellinus I (below) puts

into perspective the trials that The Faithful now are facing.

Illustrations (above and below) and Captions: THE BRIGHTON ORATORY

Pope, St Marcellinus I, Martyr

Pope Saint Marcellinus I.

Saint Cletus was the third Pope. Born at Rome, he was converted by Saint Peter and succeeded Saint Linus on the Pontifical Throne. He received the Crown of Martyrdom in 91 A.D., under the Emperor Domitian and was buried near The Prince of The Apostles.

Saint Marcellinus was also a Roman. He governed The Church from 293 A.D. to 304 A.D., during the terrible persecution of Diocletian, who caused him to be beheaded. The name of Saint Cletus is in The Canon of The Mass (First List).

Their Mass is that of Martyrs in Paschaltide. It shows how Faith in the Virtue of The Resurrection of Christ sustains Souls in the midst of the sufferings they have to undergo on Earth after Christ (Epistle) before sharing in His Triumph in Heaven (Introit, Epistle, Gospel, Offertory, Communion).

Let us glorify Jesus, whose members we are, by producing many fruits of patience, as did these Holy Martyrs (Gospel).

Mass: Sancti tui.

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