Wednesday 27 April 2016

Saint Peter Canisius. Doctor Of The Church. Confessor. Feast Day 27 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Peter Canisius.
Doctor of The Church and Confessor.
Feast Day 27 April.


White Vestments.

Saint Peter Canisius.
Date: 1699.
Author: Anonymous.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Peter Canisius was born in Nimegen, Holland, on 8 May 1521; he died at Fribourg, Switzerland, on 21 December 1597. He was Beatified by Pope Pius IX and Canonised and proclaimed Doctor of The Church by Pope Pius XI.

His Feast Day was extended to the Universal Church on 24 November 1926. It is fitting that this Dutch Saint should be called The Apostle of Germany, The Hammer of Heretics, The Jerome  and Augustine of his Century, The Defender of The Church against The Gates of Hell.

By his eloquent Preaching, controversy, and Books of Piety, by the Foundation of several Colleges, by the Missions entrusted to him by four Sovereign Pontiffs, he stopped the progress of Protestantism and caused Catholic Life to flourish.

Saint Peter Canisius.
Available on YouTube at

He assisted as a Theologian at The Council of Trent, and maintained the interests of The Church at The Diet of Augsburg and at The Conference of Worms.

Profoundly humble, he refused the Bishoprics of Vienna and Cologne. We owe to him the first Catechism of Christian Doctrine, which suffices to entitle him to the gratitude of Catholics. He ended his days at The College of Saint Michael, Fribourg, Switzerland, where Pilgrims visit his room and Pray at this tomb.

Mass: In médio (from The Common of Doctors).

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