Friday 17 June 2016

Dominican Rite Masses, In Ohio, For The Order’s 800th Anniversary Celebrations.


To Commemorate the 800th Anniversary of The Dominican Order, Saint Dominic’s Church, in Youngstown, Ohio, will Celebrate a special series of Masses in The Traditional Dominican Rite.

1 July 2016: Feast of The Precious Blood (Low Mass).

22 July 2016: Feast of Mary Magdalene (Sung Mass).

19 August 2016: Votive Mass of Saint Dominic
(Solemn High Mass).

There will be Lessons by The Friars, explaining the history and the significance of The Dominican Rite, before each Mass, beginning at 6:30 p.m., with The Mass at 7:15 p.m.

For more information, see the Poster, above, and visit The Parish Web-Site,

This Article, by Gregory Dipippo, is taken from NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT

Dominican Rite Low Mass.
Available on YouTube at

Solemn High Mass in The Dominican Rite.
The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.
Available on YouTube at

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