Friday 17 June 2016

Schola Abelis Singing Vespers In Merton College Chapel, Oxford.

The Oxford Gregorian Chant group, Schola Abelis,
sing Vespers in Merton College Chapel, Oxford.
Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN

This Article is taken from LMS CHAIRMAN

Last Saturday evening, the Oxford Gregorian Chant group, Schola Abelis, sang Vespers in Merton College Chapel, Oxford.

Fr Richard Biggerstaff, the Director of The Saint Barnabas Society, officiated.

We don't often do Services in Anglican Chapels, but Vespers is a rather different proposition from Mass. It was an opportunity for the Schola to tackle the somewhat different challenges of The Divine Office, compared to Mass, and to sing in the wonderful acoustic of Merton's historic Chapel, as well as to honour Saint Barnabas and beg his intercession for the important work of the Saint Barnabas Society.

Fr Richard Biggerstaff, Director of The Saint Barnabas Society,
imposes Incense during Vespers at Merton College Chapel, Oxford.
Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN

This supports Anglican and other Ordained Ministers who become Catholic, frequently losing their livelihoods in doing so. Go and support them through their Web-Site HERE.

The Schola Abelis is the only Choir in Oxford focusing on Gregorian Chant. And, though I say it myself, we sounded very good at Vespers. Anyone, from Town or University, who is interested in singing with us, should contact us

We don't expect previous experience singing Chant - or anything else. I should mention that it is an all-male Schola.

These days, we are being looked after, in the capacity of Cantor and Trainer, by Will Dawes, a Professional Singer based in Oxford with an excellent knowledge of Chant. Amusingly enough, he also directs an all-female Liturgical Choir. There is something for everyone in Oxford !

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