Sunday 9 October 2016

Did You Know ?

The Bakerloo Line is named after The Baker Street and Waterloo Railway, which first opened from Baker Street to Kennington Road (now Lambeth North) in 1906.

A writer at The Evening News coined the name "Bakerloo" as an abbreviation for the Railway. The Company quickly accepted it and used it officially from July 1906.

Chancellor of The Exchequer, William Gladstone (Centre Right)
on an inspection tour of the early Underground Railway, May 1862.
Illustration: BBC
Picture Credit: GETTY IMAGES


  1. Is it called U-Tube after Euston?

    Great post, thank you.

  2. NO! It's closed on a Sunday! Miss old Humph (goes off whistling 'Bad Penny Blues')

    1. There's no out-smarting you, John.

      You do realise that nobody else out there in The Blogosphere will have a clue what we're prattling on about, don't you ?

      I agree. There's no replacing Old Humph. I'm so tempted to repeat some of his "one-liners", but, this being a Family-Friendly Blog, I dare not !!!

      Meanwhile, while you're whittling away on your new Ocean-Going-Racer, how about "LATIMER ROAD" !!!

      I will say no more !!!
