Saturday 8 October 2016

O, How The Soul Weeps !!!

" O, How The Soul Weeps !!! "
See what Modernism does to The Sacred Liturgy.

Missals from Silverstream Priory: A Defaced Missal from The Post-Conciliar Revolution.


In our series of Missals from the Library of The Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration, we have so far looked at magnificent works of art from the 20th-Century (Maria Laach, Regensburg) and from the 18th-Century (The Augustinians).

Today, instead of basking in beauty, we will come face-to-face with the diabolic disorientation of The Church in the Mid- to Late-1960s, when Prayers and practices of half a millennium’s duration, or longer, were being discarded and burned like so much chaff.

Not even The Roman Canon, that ancient pristine shrine of Romanitas, was safe from this barbarian appetite for conquest, this insatiable lust for violating The Sacred under the guise of “Simplification” and “Modernisation.”

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT

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