Friday 28 April 2017

Jasna Góra Monastery, Poland.

English: The Basilica of Jasna Góra, Poland.
Polski: Z Jasnej Góry jeszcze mi się takie ostały . . .
Przedświąteczne pozdrowienia:)

Illustration: PINTEREST

English: The Basilica at Jasna Góra, Poland.
Polski: Bazylika jasnogórska.
Photo: 10 March 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Skarabeusz.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Jasna Góra Monastery (Polish: Jasna Góra, Luminous Mount, Hungarian: Fényes Hegy, Latin: Clarus Mons) in Częstochowa, Poland, is a famous Polish Shrine to The Virgin Mary and one of the Country's places of Pilgrimage – for many the Monastery is a Spiritual Capital.

The image of The Black Madonna of Częstochowa, also known as Our Lady of Częstochowa, to which miraculous powers are attributed, is one of Jasna Góra's most precious treasures.

The site is one of Poland's National Historic Monuments (Pomnik historii), as of 16 October 1994  and is tracked by The National Heritage Board of Poland.

Among the Monastery's many treasures and artifacts of interest is the medal from the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize received by Lech Wałęsa, the former Polish President and Trade-Union Organiser.

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