Saturday 29 April 2017

"The Devil Hates Latin".


The Devil Hates Latin.

A new Novel from REGINA Press

An African is elected Pope, as The Barque of Peter encounters heavy seas.

Everywhere, The Faith and The West are in decline. [Editor: What a surprise !!! ]

Ominously, Occult Practices have corrupted the elites, the Media and powerful men in The Church.

The new Pontiff faces this unprecedented challenge, alone, until an embattled American Cardinal sends his best Exorcist to Rome, a young Dominican Priest with hard experience combating the Devil -- in Latin -- on America's mean streets.

Meanwhile, a US Media mogul, an indifferent Catholic targeted for his Politics, flees America with his family for The Eternal City. There, they find a despondent Society where Italians no longer marry and have children. Indeed, all hope seems lost until a beautiful Roman girl takes a brave stance against the rising tide of despair.

Gritty, fascinating and impossible to forget, "The Devil Hates Latin" sweeps from New England to The Tiber, and, ultimately, to a Renaissance Palazzo nestled in the Green Hills of Umbria, building to a shattering confrontation, as GOOD summons the courage to face the menace of the gathering forces of EVIL. 


Paperback or Kindle.

Under the Patronage of Our Lady, Mary Most Holy.

REGINA MAGAZINE draws together extraordinary Catholic writers, photographers, videographers and artists with a vibrant Faith. 

We’re interested in everything under The Catholic Sun — from work and family to Religious and Eternal Life. 

 REGINA MAGAZINE is under the Patronage of Our Lady, Mary Most Holy. 

We Pray that She lays our humble work at The Feet of Her Son, and that His Will be done.

REGINA MAGAZINE is published under the auspices of REGINA FOUNDATION
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