Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Monday 1 April 2019

Farewell To Margate. Reverend Fr. Finigan Moves On To New Challenges.

The Lady Chapel,
The Church Of The Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Bournemouth, Dorset, England.

Sunset over Margate, Kent, England.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

It was sad to have to pack up and leave Margate, this week, saying goodbye to such good people who helped with the Worship of God, the care of the Poor, the formation of children in The Faith, and the stuff like unblocking drains and fixing roofs.

My health deteriorated so much, by the early part of this year, that I was no longer able to discharge the duties and responsibilities of a Parish Priest, nor was I likely to be able to do so in the foreseeable future. Archbishop Smith kindly accepted my Resignation from The Office of Parish Priest and gave his Blessing to my convalescing in Bournemouth, Dorset, England, where I am being looked after by one of my sisters.

Competent medical care and the good cooking of my sister have helped to improve my health considerably over the past couple of months.

The Community at The Oratory-in-Formation, The Church Of The Sacred Heart Of Jesus, Bournemouth (Web-Site HERE) have been most kind to me, first of all by visiting to bring me Holy Communion at home, and then by making it as easy as possible for me to start offering Mass, again. I have been using their splendid Lady Altar [Editor: Please see, above].

I still have various tests to take and hurdles to get over, and probably some surgical intervention to undergo and recover from, before I will know what I am able to do for the future as a Priest. So I can’t make any sure predictions, but one thing that I do hope to be able to do is to write some more [Editor: " Hurrah " !!!]

The many kind and Prayerful messages that people have sent on Twitter, and by E-Mail, have been a great consolation. I am sure that your intercession has been effective, not only for my physical health but also in helping me to cope with what has been a psychological roller-coaster.

Thank you.

Rev. Fr. Timothy Finigan.

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