Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Sunday 14 June 2020

Saint Basil The Great (330 A.D. - 379 A.D.). Bishop And Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day, Today, 14 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Basil the Great.
   Bishop. Confessor.
   Doctor of The Church.


White Vestments.

English: Three of The Four Great Doctors of The East: Saint Basil of Cæsarea; Saint John Chrysostom; and Saint Gregory of Nazianzen - an icon of the
17th-Century from Lipie Museum, Sanok, Poland.
Polski: Ojcowie Kościoła: św. Bazyli Wielki, św. Jan Chryzostom, św. Grzegorz z Nazjanzu – ikona z XVII wieku, pochodząca z Lipia, miejsce ekspozycji - Muzeum Historyczne w Sanoku, nr inw. MHS/S/3423.
Date: August 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Przykuta
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Basil was born at Cæsarea, in Cappadocia. After having completed his studies at Constantinople and Athens with his intimate friend, Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, he renounced the World, left his family (Gospel), and embraced Monastic Life in the Province of Pontus (modern-day Turkey).

Like fully-seasoned salt (Gospel), he gave to his teaching the full flavour of the Gospel and nourished with Holy Truth the people of Caesarea committed to his care (Communion).

He was the author of the famous Rule which bears his name; it was praised by Saint Benedict and is still observed by the Monks of The East. The Holy Ghost filled him with His Divine Wisdom and with Intelligence (Introit).

When, therefore, he wrote against those who rebelled against the sound Doctrine (Epistle), he attacked the Arians, who denied The Divinity of Jesus Christ, and prepared the triumph of Orthodoxy over the error of the Macedonians by firmly establishing the Catholic Dogma regarding The Holy Ghost.

The Life of Saint Basil the Great.
Available on YouTube at

He is one of The Four Great Doctors of The East. 

He died in 379 A.D.

Let us ask Saint Basil to fill us with his Faith in The Divinity of The Third Person of The Holy Trinity, and to deliver us from sin (Offertory), which hinders the working of The Holy Ghost in our Souls.

Mass: In médio.
Creed. Is said.

The following Text is from NEW ADVENT

There are Four Great Doctors of The East:

Saint Basil the Great;
Saint John Chrysostom;
Saint Gregory of Nazianzen;
Saint Athanasius.

There are Four Great Doctors of The West:

Saint Ambrose;
Saint Augustine;
Saint Jerome;
Saint Gregory the Great.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Basil of Cæsarea, also called Saint Basil the Great (Greek: Ἅγιος Βασίλειος ὁ Μέγας, Ágios Basíleios o Mégas; Coptic: Ⲡⲓⲁⲅⲓⲟⲥ Ⲃⲁⲥⲓⲗⲓⲟⲥ) was The Bishop of Cæsarea Mazaca in Cappadocia, Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). He was an influential Theologian, who supported The Nicene Creed and opposed the heresies of the Early-Christian Church, fighting against both Arianism and the followers of Apollinaris of Laodicea. His ability to balance his Theological convictions with his Political connections made Basil a powerful advocate for The Nicene position.

In addition to his work as a Theologian, Basil was known for his care of the Poor and underprivileged. Basil established guidelines for Monastic Life, which focus on Community Life, Liturgical Prayer, and Manual Labour. Together with Pachomius, he is remembered as a Father of Communal Monasticism in Eastern Christianity. He is considered a Saint by the Traditions of both Eastern and Western Christianity.

Saint Basil, Saint Gregory of Nazianzus, and Saint Gregory of Nyssa, are collectively referred to as The Cappadocian Fathers. The Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches have given him, together with Saint Gregory of Nazianzus and Saint John Chrysostom, the Title of Great Hierarch.

He is recognised as a Doctor of The Church in The Roman Catholic Church. He is sometimes referred to by the epithet "Ouranophantor" (Greek: Οὐρανοφάντωρ), "Revealer of Heavenly Mysteries".

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