Tuesday 25 August 2020

Oh, What A Wonderful Thing Vatican II And The Novus Ordo Was !!!

In all of Ireland’s twenty-six Dioceses, there is to be just one Priestly Ordination of a Diocesan Priest, this year.

Before Vatican II, there would have been ninety or more Ordinations of Diocesan Priests in a typical year.

The Church in Ireland is in a pretty poor state.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,


  1. Confucius understated the truth when he said that ‘one picture was worth 1000 words.’

    That picture “says it all.”

  2. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Thank you for your most welcome Comment.

    Your very pithy Comment says it all, really.

    I agree. Nothing more needs to be said.

  3. It's possible our Blessed Lord is punishing the World for the doubtful
    "new Rite of Holy Orders."
