Tuesday 25 August 2020

Rev. Fr. Charles Briggs (R.I.P.).

Reverend Fr. Charles Briggs (R.I.P.).
Former Parish Priest, Saint Mary’s,
Chislehurst, Kent.

“In Paradisum”.
Composer: Gabriel Fauré.
Sung by: The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge.
Available on YouTube at

In Paradísum dedúcant te Angeli:
In tuo advéntu suscípiant te Mártyres,
Et perdúcant te in civitátem sanctam Jerúsalem.
Chorus Angelórum te suscípiat,
Et cum Lázaro quondam páupere
Aetérnam hábeas réquiem.

May the Angels lead thee into Paradise:
May the Martyrs receive thee at thy coming,
And lead thee into The Holy City of Jerusalem.
May The Choir of Angels receive thee,
And mayest thou have Eternal Rest with Lazarus,
Who once was poor.

Please Pray for The Repose of The Soul of
Rev. Fr. Charles Briggs (R.I.P.), who went to
his Heavenly reward in the early hours of today.

“Requiem Officium Defunctorum”.
Composer: Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611).
Sung by: The Tallis Scholars.
Director of Music: Peter Phillips.
Available on YouTube at


  1. Mark Twain, the American writer, once commented: “Let is endeavor to live so that when we die, even the undertaker will be sad.”

    By the grace of God, Fr. Briggs met that measure. Requiescsnt in pace, “Padre”.

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. A wonderful Comment from you for dear Fr. Briggs (R.I.P.).

      I agree wholeheartedly with it.

      May Our Blessed Lady, Queen of Heaven and Queen of Priests, welcome him into his Heavenly reward.

  2. Beautiful setting of music.

    The “In Paradisum” by Faure from his Requiem is one of the most profoundly peaceful and hopeful short pieces of Catholic funeral music Faure, as you know, set out to write hopeful and comforting music color both the deceased and the bereaved.

    And, wow, did he do so.

    1. Dear Dante Peregrinus. Delighted that you approve of "In Paradisum". It will, I am sure, accompany dear Fr. Briggs to his Heavenly reward.

      Thank you for your welcome Comments and support.
