Wednesday 23 December 2020

Le Monastère Saint-Benoît. The Monastery Of Saint Benedict, La Garde-Freinet, France. “Come And See” (Saint John 1:39).

You can support this new Traditional Monastery,
and make a donation,
by visiting their Web-Site HERE.


  1. Thank you for the link to this second traditional Benedictine monastery in Le Garde-Freinet, also worthy of our support. I have read their website and it is very interesting that they have a number of English-speaking members and vocations as well as French, but the Mass and the Divine Office appear to be traditional Latin.

    These “mustard seeds” appear to be growing and maybe the hope for the Catholic faith to survive.

    Thank you, Zephyrinus!

    1. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus. I, too, have noted the number of English-speaking Members of this Community of Monks, in addition to the French-speaking Members. The Divine Mass and The Divine Office are, of course, only Said or Sung in Latin. This is, verily, a Traditional Benedictine Monastery.

      As you rightly say, these “Mustard Seeds” are growing all over the World (Thank God). There is, indeed, great hope and joy for the resurrection of True, Devout, Traditional, Catholic Liturgy.

      As we definitely know: “The Gates Of Hell Will Not Prevail Against The Lord's Church”, and, in addition, Our Lady has stated that: “In The End, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph”.

  2. Correction, is the Benedictine monastery of Brignoles one and the same as Legarde-Freinet?

    1. Thank You, Dante Peregrinus, for your very interesting question. Upon close examination, there appears to be TWO Benedictine Monasteries; one at Brignoles and one at Legarde-Freinet. Quite close to each other, I suspect that one is the “Off-Shoot” of the other.

      The best way to resolve this conundrum would be to contact the Monasteries and ask for clarification. The addresses I have are: 6 Rue de la Croix, 83680 La Garde-Freinet, France, and Monastère Saint-Benoît, Domaine Saint-Christophe, 4763 route Théodore Linari, Route de Vins, 83170 Brignoles, France.

      Do, please, let me know of any outcome.

      Most grateful for your enquiry.

      in Domino

    2. Dear Gentlemen,

      There is in fact only one monastery: the monks from La Garde-Freinet were living in what was the old Presbytery, if I remember correctly. Later, they bought and moved to the old Templar building at, or rather just outside, Brignoles.

      There is no offshoot, but their vocations continue and recently they have enjoyed some ordinations.

      They are good and holy monks and they deserve all the support we can muster.

      In hoc signo vinces +

    3. Dear Mr. Williams.

      Thank You very much for your most welcome and informative Comment.

      This enables Readers to understand and comprehend this particular Article much better.

      Please do keep Zephyrinus updated on any further news or updates.

      in Domino

  3. ...If, however, you refer to Abbaye de La Celle in Brignoles, this is sadly now nothing more than a monument/tourist destination. It used to be a Benedictine convent, and before that a Roman villa.

    1. Again, Mr. Williams. We are delighted to have this update.

      in Domino
