Saturday 27 February 2021

Vespers Of The First Sunday In Lent Marked The Beginning Of “The Pars Verna”. The Spring Volume Of The Breviary (“Breviarium Romanum”).

Breviarium Romanum.
“Pars Verna”
(Spring Volume).
Ratisbonæ, Romæ, et Neo Eboraci
(Regensburg, Rome, and New York).
Illustration: ZEPHYRINUS

Breviarium Romanum.
“Pars Verna”
(Spring Volume).
Ratisbonæ, Romæ, et Neo Eboraci
(Regensburg, Rome, and New York).
Illustration: ZEPHYRINUS

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

The Roman Breviary (Latin: Breviarium Romanum) is the Liturgical Book of the Latin Liturgical Rites of The Catholic Church containing the public or Canonical Prayers, Hymns, the Psalms, Readings, and Notations, for everyday use, especially by Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, in The Divine Office (i.e., at the The Canonical Hours, the Christians' Daily Prayer regime).

The Volume containing The Daily Hours of Catholic Prayer was published as The Breviarium Romanum (Roman Breviary) from its Editio Princeps in 1568 under Pope Saint Pius V until the reforms of Paul VI (1974), when it became known as The Liturgy of The Hours.

In the course of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, Pope Saint Pius V (reigned 1566–1572) imposed the use of The Roman Breviary, mainly based on the “Breviarium secundum usum Romanæ Curiæ”, on the whole Roman Catholic Church. Exceptions are The Benedictines and The Dominicans, who have Breviaries of their own, and two surviving local Breviaries:
The Mozarabic Breviary, once in use throughout all Spain, but now confined to a single foundation at Toledo; it is remarkable for the number and length of its Hymns, and for the fact that the majority of its Collects are addressed to God the Son;
The Ambrosian Breviary, now confined to Milan, where it owes its retention to the attachment of The Clergy and people to their Traditionary Rites, which they derive from Saint Ambrose.
This Article was generated by interest in the Post on The Saint Lawrence Press Blog, at

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