Friday 30 July 2021

“Media Vita In Morte Sumus”. A Mediæval Antiphon (Circa 750 A.D.) This Setting Composed By: John Sheppard (1515 - 1558). Sung By: The Tallis Scholars. Director: Peter Phillips.

“Media Vita In Morte Sumus”.
A Mediæval Antiphon (Circa 750 A.D.).
This Setting Composed By: John Sheppard (1515 - 1558).
Sung By: The Tallis Scholars.
Director: Peter Phillips.
Available on YouTube at

Media vita in morte sumus.
Quem quærimus adiutorem nisi te, Domine,
Qui pro peccatis nostris iuste irasceris ?
Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis,
Sancte et misericors Salvator,
Amaræ morti ne tradas nos.

Nunc dimittis servum tuum Domine:
Secundum verbum tuum in pace.
Quia viderunt oculi mei: salutare tuum.
Quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum.
Lumen ad revelationem gentium:
Et gloriam plebis tuæ Israel.
Gloria Patri et Filio: et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper:
Et in sæcula sæculorum.

Ne proicias nos in tempore senectutis;
Cum defecerit virtus nostra
Ne derelinquas nos Domine.
Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis,
Sancte et misericors Salvator,
Amaræ morti ne tradas nos.

Noli claudere aures tuas ad preces nostras.
Sancte fortis,
Sancte et misericors Salvator,
Amaræ morti ne tradas nos.

Qui cognoscis occulta cordis,
Parce peccatis nostris.
Sancte et misericors Salvator,
Amaræ morti ne tradas nos.


In the midst of life we are in death.
From whom may we seek help except You, Lord,
Who, on account of our sins, are justly angry ?
Holy God,
Holy and strong,
Holy and merciful Saviour,
Do not hand us over to the bitter pains of death.

Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace,
According to Thy word.
For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation,
Which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people.
To be a light to lighten the gentiles,
And to be the glory of Thy people, Israel.
Glory be to The Father, and to The Son, and to The Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
World without end.


Do not cast us away in old age;
When our strength fails, do not abandon us, Lord.
Holy God,
Holy and strong,
Do not hand us over to the bitter pains of death.

Do not close Your ears to our Prayers.
Holy and strong,
Holy and merciful Saviour,
Do not hand us over to the bitter pains of death.

You who know the secrets of our hearts,
Forgive our sins.
Holy and merciful Saviour,
Do not hand us over to the bitter pains of death.


And, for comparison . . .

“Media Vita In Morte Sumus”.
A Mediæval Antiphon (Circa 750 A.D.).
This Setting Composed By: John Sheppard (1515 - 1558).
Sung By: The Gabrieli Consort and Players.
Conductor: Paul McCreesh.
Available on YouTube at

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