Friday 30 July 2021

World-Wide Consecration To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary. 15 August 2021.

Illustration: RORATE CÆLI

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, RORATE CÆLI

As endorsed by several fellow Catholic blogs and pages, we urge you to get your Traditional Latin Mass community to join this global effort. This is very important! We can only win this generational battle through prayer and through the intercession of the Victorious Mother.

The Holy Catholic Church is in an unprecedented worldwide crisis. The only hope for the Faithful is a Divine intervention, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Two priests who wish to remain anonymous - one a Diocesan, the other a Religious, both of whom offer exclusively the Traditional Mass - propose a world wide consecration to the Immaculate Heart by all TLM communities on 15 August, 2021, the feast of Our Lady’s Assumption.

They hope that many Cardinals and Bishops will also associate
themselves with this entrustment.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumph and reign !

1 comment:

  1. Well, this is a most noble and welcome effort to dedicate and consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart. Of course, it should include all the bishops and Cardinals in the world who should participate, but waiting for that is, er, “not likely.”

    And the Pope?,.. “Paging the Pope, P Francis, please pick up the white courtesy phone in the lobby near you, the Blessed Virgin Mary is calling very, very long-distance,..”

    I was just watching an old interview in Italian of the late Fr. Gabriel Amorth (“the Pope’s exorcist”) who was present at the consecration conducted by Pope John Paul II in March, 1984: And he said that the pope was told by his cardinal advisors that he “couldn’t mention the consecration of Russia,” “for political and diplomatic reasons.” Fr. Amorth knew because he had organized the event and he was there. Fr. Amorth was very saddened that even P. JP2 followed the counsel of men instead of the Blessed Virgin.

    However, this is consecration from “the ordinary people” is a step in the right direction: “One does what one can.”
