Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Sermon Of The Venerable Bede. Feast Of All Saints. Fourth Lesson Of The Second Nocturn Of The Vigil.


Today, beloved Brothers, we Celebrate, with the joy of a Common Solemnity, the Feast of All Saints.

Their society rejoices the heavens, their protection consoles the Earth, their triumph crowns the Holy Church. 

The more firm the profession of their Faith was in torments, the more brilliance they had in glory.

Because, as the violence of the combat increases, the honour of the combatants also increases. The various tortures of Martyrdom enhance the triumph, and more terrible sufferings have brought more delicious rewards. 

Our Mother, the Catholic Church, spread far and wide throughout the universe, to whom Jesus Christ, its Head, taught by His example to fear neither outrages, nor Crosses, nor death, has become more and more strengthened, not by resistance, but by patience. 

To encourage all these legions of illustrious athletes, thrown into prison like criminals, and to inspire them all to support the fight with the same ardour and equal courage, she inspired them with the holy ambition of a glorious triumph.

Sermon of Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest.
 Fourth Lesson of the nocturnal Vigils of this Feast, 
at the second Nocturn.

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