Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Watch The 2023 Broadcast Of The Solemn High Vigil Mass Of Pentecost. From The Church Of Saint-Eugène-Sainte-Cécile, Paris.

The Vigil Mass Of Pentecost 2023.
Watch on YouTube

Get the Mass Booklet to follow this beautiful Liturgy 

Pentecost Vigil Programme 2023.

In the early days of The Church, The Pentecost Vigil was one of the times chosen by The Fathers to proceed with the Baptisms of Catechumens, like The Easter Vigil. 

Its form, therefore, follows that of The Easter Vigil, 
including a first catechetical part. The six Prophecies 
of this first part are indeed part of the ancient Baptismal catechesis given to Neophytes.

Our Lord, by saying: “I will Pray to My Father 
and He will give you another Paraclete”, shows that He, Himself, is also a Paraclete. 

Paraclete translates into Latin as “advocatus” (advocate); now, it has been said of Christ: “We have for our Advocate with The Father, Jesus Christ The Righteous” . 

The Saviour declares that the World cannot receive 
The Holy Spirit, in the same sense that it has been said: 
“The prudence of the flesh is the enemy of God; for 
it is not subject to the law and cannot be”.

It is as if we were saying: Injustice cannot be justice. 
By these words “the World”, He designates here those 
who are full of the love of the World, a love that 
does not come from The Father. 

This is why, to the love of this World, which we have 
so much difficulty in diminishing and destroying in ourselves, is opposed “the love of God, which pours into our hearts 
The Holy Spirit, Who has been given”.

Homily of Saint Augustine, Bishop, seventh Lesson of the Nocturnal Vigils of this Saturday, at the third Nocturn.

Six Prophecies and their features.
Procession to the Baptismal Font
to the sound of the “Sicut Cervus”.
Baptismal Water Blessing.
Litany of The Saints.
Gloria I.

Offertory – “Emitte Spiritum Tuum” (Tone VIII.).
Sanctus I.
On The Elevation, “O Salutaris”.

Agnus Dei I.
During Communion: “Veni Creator” by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643 † 1704), Master of The Sainte Chapelle.
Ite Missa Est I.
Exit Procession: “Beata Nobis Gaudia”, Hymn of Pentecost, at Lauds – Text by Saint Hilaire de Poitiers († 367 A.D.), Father and Doctor of The Church – Parisian plainsong from 
the 17th-Century.

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