Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 26 July 2024

The Papal Court.

His Holiness Pope Leo XIII with The Papal Court.

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The Papal Household, or Pontifical Household (Latin: Pontificalis Domus), called, until 1968, The Papal Court (Aula Pontificia),[2] consists of dignitaries who assist The Pope in carrying out particular Ceremonies of either a Religious or a Civil Character.

It is organised into two Bodies:

The Papal Chapel (Cappella Pontificia), which assists The Pope in his functions as Spiritual Head of The Church, especially in Religious Ceremonies;

The Papal Family, or, Papal Household (Familia Pontificia), which assists him as Head of a Juridical Body with Civil Functions.[3]

In The Papal States, from Mediæval times, The Papal Nobility formed a part of The Papal Court.

Reform of Pope Paul VI.

On 28 March 1968, Pope Paul VI reorganised The Papal Court with an Apostolic Letter “Motu Proprio”, renaming it “The Papal Household” (Latin: Pontificalis Domus).

In changing the name from what it had been for some Centuries, Pope Paul VI said he was returning an “original and noble” name.[10] Moreover, many positions were consolidated into new ones or altogether abolished.

According to the “Motu Proprio”: “Many of the Offices entrusted to Members of The Papal Household were deprived of their function, continuing to exist as purely Honorary Positions, without much correspondence to concrete needs of the times”.[10]

In The Papal Chapel, the following Positions were altered or destroyed:

Palatine Cardinals (Cardinali Palatini);
Prelates di fiocchetto;
Prince-Assistants to the Throne (Principi assistenti al Soglio);
Majordomo of His Holiness;
The Interior Minister;
Commander of Santo Spirito;

Roman Magistrate;
Master of The Sacred Apostolic Hospice;
Chamberlains of Honour in abito paonazzo;
Secret Chaplains and Secret Chaplains of Honour;
Secret Clerics;
Confessor of The Pontifical Family;

Candle-Carrying Acolytes (Ceroferari);
Common Papal Chaplains;
Porter-Masters of The Virga Rubea;
Guardian of The Sacred Tiara;
Mace-Bearer; and Apostolic Messenger (Cursori Apostolici).[11]

Of these Offices, the Suppressed Offices of Secret Chaplain and Secret Chaplain of Honour, Secret Cleric, Acolyte Ceroferari, Common Papal Chaplain, and Porter-Masters of The Virga Rubea were consolidated under The General Title of “Cleric of The Papal Chapel”.[12]

The Papal Family underwent even more radical changes. Abolished and considered were the following Titles:

The Palatine Prelates (i.e., Majordomo of His Holiness, Master of The Chamber [Maestro di Camera], Auditor of His Holiness);
Master of The Sacred Apostolic Hospice;
The Hereditary Quartermaster General of The Sacred Apostolic Palace (Foriere Maggiore);
Master of The Horse to His Holiness (Cavallerizzo Maggiore di Sua Santità);
General Superintendent of Posts;

The Keepers of The Golden Rose;
Secretary to Embassies;
Esente of The Noble Guard of Service;
Chamberlains of Honour in abito paonazzo;
Chamberlains of Honour extra Urbem;

Secret Chaplains and Secret Chaplains of Honour;
Secret Chaplains of Honour extra Urbem;
Secret Clerics;
Common Papal Chaplains;
Confessor of The Pontifical Family;
Secret Steward (Scalco Segreto).[13]

The Master of The Sacred Palace (The Pope’s Dominican Theologian) has been re-named Theologian of The Pontifical Household.[14] Currently the Post is held by Fr. Wojciech Giertych, a Polish Dominican former Student of, and Professor of, Theology, at The Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Angelicum, who was appointed by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in 2005 to replace the Swiss Cardinal, Georges Cottier, now Theologian Emeritus of The Pontifical Household.

The Titles of Secret Almoner and Sacristan of His Holiness were changed to Almoner of His Holiness, and Vicar-General of His Holiness for Vatican City, respectively, and the responsibilities of The Secretary to Embassies and Secretary of The Wardrobe were commuted into The Office of The Prelates of The Ante-Chamber.

Domestic Prelates and Secret Chamberlains supernumerary remained part of The Papal Family, but were henceforth to be called Prelates of Honour of His Holiness and Chaplains of His Holiness, respectively.

Likewise, the Secret Chamberlains of The Cape and Sword (di cappa e spada) were retained under the Title “Gentlemen of His Holiness”, and The Bussolanti took the new name of Attachés of The Ante-Chamber.[15]

The Camerieri Segreti Partecipanti were abolished, as was the Title of Sub-Auditor (Subdatarius).[16]

There was also a change in Honorific Ecclesiastical Titles, which were reduced to three Categories:

Protonotaries Apostolic (de numero and supernumerary);
Prelates of Honour of His Holiness;
Chaplains of His Holiness.

All the other Categories of Monsignori were abolished.[17]

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