Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Monday 26 August 2024


Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ferias are Week-Days on which no Feast of a Saint is kept.

Ember Days (which are Ferias), Rogation Days (which are Ferias), and every Feria in Lent, have a special Mass.

On other Ferias, The Mass of the preceding Sunday is said.

Some Ferias are called Greater Ferias, and are divided into two Classes:

a. Privileged Ferias.

These are:

Ash Wednesday;

The First Three Days of Holy Week.

Privileged Ferias do not give place to a Feast.

b. Non-Privileged Ferias.

These are:

Ferias of Advent;

Ferias of Lent;

The Ember Days;

The Monday of Rogation Week.

A Commemoration of Non-Privileged Ferias is always made on Feast Days.

Non-Privileged Ferias’ Gospels are The Last Gospel at Feast Day Masses.

On the Ferias of:

Lent (after Ash Wednesday);

and those in Passiontide (before Palm Sunday);

and The Ember Days (not those in Pentecost Week);

and on Monday of Rogation Week;

and on Ordinary Vigils;

if a Greater-Double Feast,

Double Feast,


Semi-Double Feast,

is kept,

it is allowed in Private Masses to say The Mass of The Feria, or of The Vigil, 
with a Commemoration of The Feast,


it is allowed in Private Masses to say The Mass of The Feast, with a Commemoration and Last Gospel of the Feria or the Vigil.

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