Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Tuesday 3 September 2024

The Thought Police Are Coming To Get You.

Text is from Voice for Justice UK.

The Thought Police Are Coming To Get You.

Beware The Tentacles Of Evil.

“The further a society drifts from the truth, 
the more it will hate those that speak it.”
― Selwyn Duke (Author).

A couple of months into Office, and in an unseemly two-fingered gesture to their predecessors, the new government is apparently considering a total ban on Silent Prayer outside abortion clinics.

 It will be remembered that the draft guidance produced by the last government said that Silent Prayer within the zones should be allowed, along with consensual communication, adding that: “Silent Prayer, being the engagement of the mind and thought in Prayer towards God, is protected as an absolute right under The Human Rights Act 1998 and should not, on its own, be considered to be an Offence under any circumstances” (emphasis added).

This, however, has provoked outrage amongst pro-death activists, who clearly think that private communication with The Almighty poses a threat, and have called for a 150 metre exclusion zone to be imposed round all abortion facilities.

“The further a society drifts from the truth, 
the more it will hate those that speak it.”
― Selwyn Duke (Author).

 Championed by Policing Minister, Diana Johnson, Safeguarding Minister, Jess Phillips, and Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, all of whom voted against Silent Prayer while in Opposition, pro-death campaigners are said to be quietly optimistic that they will at last achieve their goal of “safe access zones” – and that anything that even hints at opposition, no matter how well-meaning, will be proscribed.

This would be a blatant violation of human rights. If implemented, it will put us on a par with Communist China, the Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany.

Since when, did the State become empowered to dictate what people are allowed to think ? Since when, did Politicians become empowered to say when and where people of Faith be allowed to Pray ? 

 And if pro-death activists achieve their 
unconscionable demands, where will it end ? 

 Will Christians be barred from any form of 
Public Worship or Prayer ? 

 Will Street Preachers become liable to arrest merely for standing in a shopping precinct ? 

“The further a society drifts from the truth, 
the more it will hate those that speak it.”
― Selwyn Duke (Author).

 And will the Police have authority to take someone in for questioning, merely because they think he or she was indulging in unauthorised communication with God ?

But there is a more widespread objection. 

It is a general principle of civilised legal systems that liability, or guilt, should be proved, and that in criminal trials the burden of proof lies on the prosecution. 

This fundamental principle is ingrained not only 
in the minds of current and former Directors of Public Prosecutions, but universally. 

A famous dictum of English criminal law states: “The devil himself knoweth not the intention of man” – so how exactly do the proposers of this new law to penalise Private Thoughts explain how it can be proved that it has been broken ? 

Can it be that for this type of Offence they intend to reverse the burden of proof, so that the onus will be on the accused to prove they have not had illegal private thoughts ? 

“The further a society drifts from the truth, 
the more it will hate those that speak it.”
― Selwyn Duke (Author).

 In which case, how could such a 
requirement accord with justice ? 

 Or do they intend to legislate to convict people 
who are simply accused of thinking the wrong things, 
without any need for proof ? 

However dressed up, the proposal is a direct move 
towards capricious Thought Control.

The attempted imposition of such power is, in fact, 
the weasel introduction of an ideological totalitarianism 
that will brook no dissent. 

 It is not just an attempt to restrict Religious Freedom, but a challenge to Freedom of Thought for all. 

“The further a society drifts from the truth, 
the more it will hate those that speak it.”
― Selwyn Duke (Author).

 Any such law, passed for whatever reason, would be a contravention of human rights, and Labour must not support this malignant demand.

But the real question here perhaps is: Why are pro-death activists and secularists so afraid ? 

 Can it be deep-down that they believe God is real 
… and that He hears ?

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