unless otherwise stated.
Saint Damasus I.
Pope and Confessor.
Feast Day 11 December.
White Vestments.
English: 19th-Century imagined portrait of
Pope Saint Damasus I. (Papacy 366 A.D.-384 A.D.).
Português: Lithography of Pope Saint Damasus I
(Lisboa, 1840).
Source: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal: http://purl.pt/6209/1/
Institution: National Library of Portugal.
Author: Pedro Augusto Guglielmi.
(Wikimedia Commons)
He governed The Church seventeen years and showed himself the faithful and prudent servant mentioned in the Gospel, to whom “The Lord entrusts His family to be nourished by him in due Season.”
The Era of Persecution being over, that of heresy began with the 4th-Century A.D. Wherefore, Pope Saint Damasus I confirmed the Second Ecumenical Council, which, at Constantinople, had condemned Arianism and Macedonianism (381 A.D.). Saint Jerome, by Pope Saint Damasus I’s command, translated The New Testament into Latin (from Greek).
This holy Pope increased the beauty of worship by his rules for the singing of Psalms, and by decreeing that the Gloria Patri should be said at the end of Psalms, thus Baptising them, so to speak, in The Trinity. He adorned the Catacombs with artistic inscriptions, and died in 384 A.D.
Mass: Sacerdótes tui.
Commemoration: Of the Octave of The Immaculate Conception.
Commemoration: Of the Feria.
The Creed is Said or Sung: On account of the Octave of The Immaculate Conception.
Preface: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.
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