This Article is taken from CATHOLIC VOTE
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Dear CV Friend,
41 years of abortion. 56 million souls.
Yet today in Washington D.C., hundreds of thousands of joy-filled marchers will be smiling, singing, and celebrating the gift of life. The contrast is startling.
Emily Stimpson addressed this reality on the CV Blog this week:
"If you want to understand the March for Life, if you want to understand the pro-life movement in general, it starts with hope. That’s the key. That’s the real difference between those who oppose abortion and those who support it. The first is an act of hope. The second is an act of despair.
It’s simple: When a mother chooses life, she chooses to hope. She hopes for her unborn child. She hopes for his or her future. She hopes for her own future. She hopes in the love of her friends. She hopes in the grace of God. And she hopes in herself. She hopes that no matter how young or ill equipped or scared she might be, she can still bring someone beautiful into the world..."
Apart from our winning the pro-life battle in politics, science and the law, the real secret to victory remains our building a culture of hope.
No, not the hope offered as a political slogan in 2008.
Real hope.
The hope implicit in those men and women who choose life, welcome children, and embrace the responsibilities and adventure of raising families and caring for the elderly.
And of course, this hope is preserved every day by thousands of prayer warriors who pray in front of abortion clinics, and in front of the Blessed Sacrament in chapels hidden on streets and neighborhoods across America.
This hope is contagious.
And it's why we are winning.