Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Holy Water. Think About It.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Water. Think About It.. Show all posts

Thursday 25 July 2024

Holy Water. Think About It.

The following Text is from WIKISOURCE

The Glory Be To The Father.

Indulgence of 100 Days, three times a day, for saying 
morning, noon, and night, The Glory Be To The Father thrice, in thanksgiving to The Most Holy Trinity, for the graces 
and privileges granted to Most Holy Mary, especially 
in her Glorious Assumption into Heaven. — 
Blessed Pope Pius VII, 11 July 1815.

The Glory Be To The Father.
(Seven Times).

Indulgence of Seven Days, every time.
For saying The Glory Be To The Father seven times to obtain The Seven Gifts of The Holy Spirit; for The Propagation of 
The Faith; and for The Intention of the Pope.
— Blessed Pope Pius IX, 12 March 1857.

The Sign Of The Cross.

Indulgence of Fifty Days, each time;
Indulgence of 100 Days, each time, if made with Holy Water.
“In the name of The Father,
and of The Son,
and of The Holy Ghost”.
— Blessed Pope Pius IX, 28 July 1863, and 23 March 1866.

Note: The words must be said, in either case.

The following Text is from CATHOLIC.ORG

Saint Theresa of Avila, commenting on Holy Water: 

“From long experience, I have learned that there is nothing like Holy Water to put devils to flight and prevent them from coming back again. 

“They also flee from The Cross, but they return; so, Holy Water must have great value.”

Holy Water is a means of Spiritual Wealth — a Sacramental that remits Venial Sin. The Church strongly urges its use, especially when dangers threaten. 

The devil hates Holy Water because of its power over him. He cannot long abide in a place, or near a person, that is often sprinkled with this Blessed Water.
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