Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Indulgences . . . Don’t Leave Life Without Them.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indulgences . . . Don’t Leave Life Without Them.. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Indulgences . . . Don’t Leave Life Without Them.

Apostolic Benediction and Plenary Indulgence Parchment.

Beatissimo Padre, Della Mora Antonietta, umilmente prostrata ai piedi di Vostra Santitá, implora la Benedizione Apostolica e l'Indulgenza Plenaria "in articulo mortis"
anche quando non potendosi confessare né ricevere la
Santa Communione invocherá pentita con la bocca or
col cuore il Nome Santissimo di Gesú.

Most Holy Father, Della Mora Antonietta, humbly prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness, begs the Apostolic Blessing and a Plenary Indulgence at the hour of death, even if incapable to confess or receive Holy Communion, if she is penitent and invokes, with mouth or heart, the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

SSmus Dominus benigne annuit precibus
Datum ex aedibus Vaticanis die 26 oct. 1948.

Most Holy God graciously grant this request. 
Presented from the Vatican on this day 26 October 1948.

Photo: 19 June 2019.
Source: Own work.
Author: Nick-philly
(Wikimedia Commons)

Indulgences . . . don’t leave Life without them.

Did you know that there is a Partial Indulgence attached 
to the Recitation of your customary Prayer After A Meal ? 
“Agimus tibi gratia . . .”
“We Give Thee Thanks, O Lord . . .”

Think about it.

Text is from FR. Z's BLOG

Monday, 1 January 2024

Indulgences . . . Don’t Leave Life Without Them.

Apostolic Benediction and Plenary Indulgence Parchment.

Beatissimo Padre, Della Mora Antonietta, umilmente prostrata ai piedi di Vostra Santitá, implora la Benedizione Apostolica e l'Indulgenza Plenaria "in articulo mortis"
anche quando non potendosi confessare né ricevere la
Santa Communione invocherá pentita con la bocca or
col cuore il Nome Santissimo di Gesú.

Most Holy Father, Della Mora Antonietta, humbly prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness, begs the Apostolic Blessing and a Plenary Indulgence at the hour of death, even if incapable to confess or receive Holy Communion, if she is penitent and invokes, with mouth or heart, the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

SSmus Dominus benigne annuit precibus
Datum ex aedibus Vaticanis die 26 oct. 1948.

Most Holy God graciously grant this request. 
Presented from the Vatican on this day 26 October 1948.

Photo: 19 June 2019.
Source: Own work.
Author: Nick-philly
(Wikimedia Commons)

Indulgences . . . don’t leave Life without them.

Did you know that there is a Partial Indulgence attached 
to the Recitation of your customary Prayer After A Meal ? 
“Agimus tibi gratia . . .”
“We Give Thee Thanks, O Lord . . .”

Think about it.

Text is from FR. Z's BLOG

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Indulgences . . . Don’t Leave Life Without Them.

Apostolic Benediction and Plenary Indulgence Parchment.

Beatissimo Padre, Della Mora Antonietta, umilmente prostrata ai piedi di Vostra Santitá, implora la Benedizione Apostolica e l'Indulgenza Plenaria "in articulo mortis"
anche quando non potendosi confessare né ricevere la
Santa Communione invocherá pentita con la bocca or
col cuore il Nome Santissimo di Gesú.

Most Holy Father, Della Mora Antonietta, humbly prostrate at the feet of Your Holiness, begs the Apostolic Blessing and a Plenary Indulgence at the hour of death, even if incapable to confess or receive Holy Communion, if she is penitent and invokes, with mouth or heart, the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

SSmus Dominus benigne annuit precibus
Datum ex aedibus Vaticanis die 26 oct. 1948.

Most Holy God graciously grant this request. 
Presented from the Vatican on this day 26 October 1948.

Photo: 19 June 2019.
Source: Own work.
Author: Nick-philly
(Wikimedia Commons)

Indulgences . . . don’t leave Life without them.

Did you know that there is a Partial Indulgence attached to the Recitation of your customary Prayer After A Meal ? “Agimus tibi gratias” . . . “We Give Thee Thanks, O Lord . . .”

Think about it.

Text is from FR. Z's BLOG
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