Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label On Hearing Mass During The Season Of Septuagesima.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label On Hearing Mass During The Season Of Septuagesima.. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

On Hearing Mass During The Season Of Septuagesima.

Elevation of the Chalice during a Solemn High Mass Celebrated by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter.
Attribution: Required attribution text: By the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, available from
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from “The Liturgical Year”.
   By: Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
      Volume 4.

The Christian who enters into the spirit of The Church, during the Season of Septuagesima, will find an increase in his Soul of that Holy Fear of God, which the Psalmist tells us is the beginning of Wisdom.

The consideration of what Original Sin has brought upon him [Editor: This Christian], the recollection of his own sins, and the dread of God’s judgements, all combine to arouse him from the indifference which so easily fastens on the Soul.

He has need, therefore, of some refuge, some powerful and saving help, which may re-kindle within his heart that Christian hope, without which he cannot be in the Grace of God. Nay, more: He has need of a victim of propitiation, which may appease the Divine Anger; he has need of a Sacrifice, whereby to stay the arm of God, which he knows is raised to punish his sins.

This Victim is ready; this infinitely efficacious Sacrifice is prepared for us. “The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the World”, is still on our Earth.

His Birth has filled us with consolation; the joy we experienced as we stood near His Crib, but which has suddenly given place to thoughts the very opposite of joy, will return to us, and be greater than when we had it at Christmas, on the Easter Day of His Resurrection.

But, in the interval, while awaiting the dawn of that bright day which is to lead us to our Jesus purified from our sins and vigorous with our new life, we may and must trust that His merits will effect the regeneration of our Souls.

When, therefore, we would offer to our God the sacrifice of a “contrite and humble heart”, let us ensure its acceptance by going to the Altar, and supplicating the Victim, Who there offers Himself for our sake, that He join His infinite merits with our feeble works.

When we leave the house of God, the weight of our sins will be lessened, our confidence in Divine Mercy will be increased, and our love, renewed by compunction, will be firmer and truer.

We will now endeavour to embody these sentiments in our explanation of the Mysteries of the Holy Mass, and initiate the Faithful into these Divine Secrets; not, indeed, by indiscreetly presuming to translate the Sacred Formulæ, but by suggesting such acts as will enable those who hear Mass to enter into the Ceremonies and the spirit of The Church and of the Priest.

On the three Sundays of Septuagesima,  Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima, the Mass is always Celebrated according to the Rite of the Penitential Season we are now keeping.

These Sundays take precedence of all Feasts, except Doubles of The First Class. Ash Wednesday does not admit of even that exception; the Mass of that Feria is never omitted.

But when a Saint’s Feast (and there are many such during the time of Septuagesima) falls on any other day than the four just mentioned, The Church then lays aside her Purple Vestments, and Celebrates the Holy Sacrifice in memory of the Saint.

On the Sundays, if the Mass at which the Faithful assist be the Parochial, or, as it is often called, the public Mass, two Solemn Rites precede it, and they are full of instruction and Blessing: The Asperges, or sprinkling of the Holy Water, and the Procession.

During the Asperges, let us ask with David, whose words are used by The Church in this Ceremony, that our Souls may be purified by hyssop of humility, and become whiter than snow.

The Procession, which immediately precedes the Mass, shows us the ardour wherewith The Church advances towards her God.

Let us imitate her fervour, for it is written: “The Lord is good to them that hope in Him, to the Soul that seeketh Him”.

But see, Christians !!! The Sacrifice begins. The Priest is at the foot of the Altar; God is attentive, the Angels are in adoration, the whole Church is united with the Priest, whose Priesthood and action are those of the Great High Priest, Jesus Christ.

Let us make the Sign of The Cross with him.
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