English: Santa Maria Nuova Cathedral, Monreale, Sicily.
Deutsch: Kathedrale Santa Maria Nuova, Monreale, Sizilien.
Photo: 8 September 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: pjt56.
(Wikimedia Commons)
The Cathedral of Monreale is one of the greatest extant examples of Norman architecture in the world. It was begun in 1174 by King William II of Sicily, and, in 1182, the Church, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, was, by a Bull of Pope Lucius III, elevated to
the Rank of a Metropolitan Cathedral.
for stunning photography of
Santa Maria Nuova Cathedral,
Monreale, Sicily,
Basilica Santa Maria La Nuova di Monreale, in Sicily, is a magnificent 12th-Century Normano-Byzantine edifice, which must number among the most beautiful Churches in the world.
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