Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Supplementum Missarum Per Angliam Propriarum. Supplement To Masses For England Proper.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supplementum Missarum Per Angliam Propriarum. Supplement To Masses For England Proper.. Show all posts

Sunday 18 February 2024

Supplementum Missarum Per Angliam Propriarum. Supplement To Masses For England Proper. Missale Romanum MDCCCLXI (1861) Vindobonæ (Vienna, Austria).

Text and Illustrations, unless stated otherwise, from
Missale Romanum MDCCCLXI (1861)
Vindobonæ (Vienna, Austria).
Author: Zephyrinus.

Festa Decembris.
(Feasts in December).

Die V.
(Day 5).
Festum S. Birini, 
Conf. Pont.
Feast of Saint Birinus,
Confessor and Bishop.


(Day 18).
Festum Epspectationis Partus Beatæ Mariæ Virginæ.
Feast of the Expectation of Delivery 
of The Blessed Virgin Mary.


(Day 29).
Festum Sancte Thomæ Cantuariensis.
Martyris Pontificis.
Feast of Saint Thomas of Canterbury.
Martyr Bishop.


Festa Januarii.
(Feasts in January).

Die V.
(Day 5).
Octava Sancte Thomæ Cantuariensis.
Octave of Saint Thomas of Canterbury.


Die XIX.
(Day 19).
Festum Sancte Wolstani.
Conf. Pont.
Feast of Saint Wulfstan.
Confessor. Bishop.


(Day 23).
Festum Desponsationis Beatæ Mariæ Virginæ.
Feast of the Betrothal of The Blessed Virgin Mary.


(Day 28).
Festum Sancte Raymondi de Pennefort.
Feast of Saint Raymund of Pennefort.


Festa Martii.
(Feasts in March).

Die I.
(Day 1).
Festum Sancte David.
Conf. Pont.
Feast of Saint David.
Confessor. Bishop.


Saint Chad
(Sancte Ceaddæ).
Confessor. Bishop.
Monastic Chapel, Holy Cross Monastery, 
West Park, New York.
Photo: 9 July 2007.
Source: Flickr
Author: Randy OHC
(Wikimedia Commons)

Die II.
(Day 2).
Festum Sancte Ceaddæ.
Conf. Pont.
Feast of Saint Chad.
Confessor. Bishop.


Saint Felix of Burgundy.
A statue of Felix, part of a Reredos by J.P. Seddon (1885) 
at Saint Peter Mancroft, NorwichHe was also known 
as Felix of Dunwich and was the first Bishop of the 
Kingdom of the East Angles.
Photo: 5 June 2010.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following eight paragraphs are from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Felix of Burgundy (8 March 647 A.D.), also known as Felix of Dunwich, is a Saint and the first Bishop of the Kingdom of the East Angles

He is widely credited as the man who introduced Christianity to the Kingdom. Almost all that is known about him comes from The Ecclesiastical History of the English People, completed by the English historian, Bede, about 731 A.D., and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

The Venerable Bede wrote that Felix freed “the whole of this Kingdom from long-standing evil and unhappiness”.[2]

Felix came from the Frankish Kingdom of Burgundy, and may have been a Priest at one of the Monasteries in France Founded by the Irish Missionary, Columbanus — he may have been Bishop of Châlons, before being forced to seek refuge elsewhere. 

Saint Felix travelled from Burgundy to Canterbury before being sent by Archbishop Honorius of Canterbury to Sigeberht of East Anglia’s kingdom in about 630 A.D., (travelling by sea to Babingley in Norfolk, according to local legend). 

Upon his arrival in East Anglia, Sigeberht gave him a See at Dommoc, possibly at Walton, Suffolk near Felixstowe, or Dunwich in Suffolk

According to The Venerable Bede, Saint Felix helped Sigeberht to establish a school in his Kingdom “where boys could be taught letters”.[3][4]

Felix died on 8 March 647, having been Bishop for seventeen years. His Relics were translated from Dommoc to Soham Abbey and then to the Abbey at Ramsey. After his death, he was Venerated as a Saint; several English Churches are Dedicated to him. Felix’s Feast Day is 8 March.

(Day 8).
Festum Sancte Felicis.
Conf. Pont.
Feast of Saint Felix.
Confessor. Bishop.


(Day 18).
Festum Sancte Gabrielis.
Feast of Saint Gabriel.


Die XX.
(Day 20).
Festum Sancte Cuthberti.
Feast of Saint Cuthbert.
Confessor. Bishop.

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