“The Heavenly And Earthly Trinities”.
Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
Date: 1675 - 1682.
“ . . . A Time Will Come When The Decisive Battle
Between The Kingdom Of Christ And Satan
Will Be Over Marriage And The Family . . .”
The Late Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, who was as a Priest assigned in 1981 to Found the once-sound Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, revealed that the Fatima seer, Sister Lucia, wrote in a letter to him:
“Father, a time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over marriage and the family. And those who will work for the good of the family will experience persecution and tribulation. But do not be afraid, because Our Lady has already crushed his head.”
Text from FR. Z's BLOG
The Feast Day of The Holy Family, Celebrated on the first Sunday after Christmas, honours Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
as the model of family life.
It serves as a reminder of the sacredness of family and
the importance of love, Faith, and unity, within the home.
This Feast Day encourages Catholics to strengthen
their own familial bonds and to seek inspiration
from The Holy Family’s example.