Servant of God,
Pope Pius VII
(Papacy 1800-1823).
Barnaba Niccolò Maria Luigi Chiaramonti.
Artist: Jacques-Louis David (1748–1825).
Date: 1805.
Current location: Louvre Museum,
Paris, France.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project:
10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002.
ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
of Servant of God,
Pope Pius VII
Français: Armoiries du pape Pie VII : Parti en 1 d'azur à la croix patriarcale d'or posées sur
un mont de même avec les trois lettres PAX de même brochant sur le tout et en 2 tranché d'or
et d'azur à la bande d'argent chargée de trois têtes de maure animée de sable et
tortillée aussi d’argent au chef d'azur aux trois étoiles d'or mal ordonnées.
Source du blasonnement: http://www.heraldique-europeenne.org/Regions/Italie/Papes_9.htm
Date: 11 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Odejea.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Leo XII
(Papacy 1823-1829).
Annibale Francesco Clemente Melchiore Girolamo Nicola Sermattei della Genga.
Author: Not Known.
of Pope Leo XII
Français: Armoiries du pape Léon XII : D'azur à l'aigle éployé d'or et couronné de même.
Source du blasonnement: http://www.araldicavaticana.com/pleone12.htm
Figure utilisée: Image:C o a Innocenzo XIII.svg
Date: 7 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Odejea.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Pius VIII
(Papacy 1829-1830).
Francesco Saverio Castiglioni.
Author: Not Known.
of Pope Pius VIII
Français: Armoiries du pape Pie VIII : De gueules au lion d'argent tenant dans sa patte
senextre une tour d'or maçonnée et ajourée de sable.
Source du blasonnement: http://www.araldicavaticana.com/ppio08.htm
Date: 7 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Odejea.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Gregory XVI
(Papacy 1831-1846).
Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari.
This File: 17 March 2013.
User: Vanzanten.
of Pope Gregory XVI
Français: Armoiries du pape Grégoire XVI : Parti, en 1 d'azur au calice d'or surmonté d'une comète ondoyante de même et accompagnée de deux colombes affrontée d'argent et en 2 coupé d'azur au chapeau d'ecclésiastique de sable et d'argent à la fasce de gueules chargée de trois étoiles d'or. Source du blasonnement : http://www.araldicavaticana.com/pgregorio16.htm
Date: 13 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Odejea.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Blessed Pope Pius IX
(Papacy 1846-1878).
Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti.
Artist: George Peter Alexander Healy (1818–1894).
Date: 1871.
Source/Photographer: http://www.papapionono.it/
of Blessed Pope Pius IX
Blazon: First and Last, Azure, a Lion rampant, crowned Or,
resting Hind Foot on a Bezant; Second and Third, Argent, two bends Gules.
Date: 27 April 2013.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Leo XIII
(Papacy 1878-1903).
Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci.
Date: Circa 1878.
Source: Library of Congress.
Author: Authentic portrait from the Vatican
album of the Ecumenical Council.
of Pope Leo XIII
Date: 20 August 2014.
Source: Own work, using elements from SajoR
and files from the Commons.
Author: J-Ronn.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Saint Pius X
(Papacy 1903-1914).
Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto.
Portrait of Pope Saint Pius X.
Coloured from File:Pope St. Pius X.jpg.
Date: 16 June 2014.
Author: Giuseppe Felici (1839-1923),
Coloured by J-Ronn.
of Pope Saint Pius X
Date: 19 August 2014.
Source: Own work, using elements from SajoR
and files from the Commons.
Author: J-Ronn.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Benedict XV
(Papacy 1914-1922).
Giacomo Paolo Giovanni Battista della Chiesa
(later Pope Benedict XV)
as Cardinal, in Choir Dress.
Source: Commons, from Image:LA2-NSRW-3-0547.jpg.
Author: Frédéric.
of Pope Benedict XV
English: Party per bend Azure and Or,
a Church, the Tower at Sinister, Argent, essorée Gules,
the Tower-Cross of the second,
in Chief Or, a Demi-Eagle displayed issuant Sable, langued Gules.
This blazoning, given in 1915, differs from the image shown here: (a) the Eagle's Tongue
should be Red, (b) the Church Tower should have a Gold Cross instead of a Black Flag.
Français: Armoiries du pape Benoît XV : Tranché d'azur et d'or à l'église d'argent couverte de gueules brochant sur le tout, au chef d'or à l'aigle issant de sable.
Source du blasonnement: http://www.araldicavaticana.com/pbenedetto15.htm
Date: 11 August 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Odejea.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Pius XI
(Papacy 1922-1939).
Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti.
English: Portrait of Pope Pius XI.
Español: Pintura de pio XI.
Source: Vatican.
Author: Vatican.
of Pope Pius XI
Blazon: Argent three Torteaux Gules and on a Chief Or
an Eagle displayed Sable armed Gules.
Date: 28 April 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: alekjds.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Venerable Pius XII
(Papacy 1939-1958).
Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli.
Date: Between 1938-1958.
Source: http://mundabor.wordpress.com/
Author: The Vatican.
Pope Pius XII
Polski: Herb Piusa XII
Date: 21 August 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: User:mAgul.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Saint John XXIII
(Papacy 1958-1963).
Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli.
Date: 1959.
Source: Files from the Patriarchate of Venezia
Venice, Italy.
Author: Not Known.
of Pope Saint John XXIII
Polski: Herb Jana XXIII.
Date: 19 August 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: User:mAgul.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Blessed Pope Paul VI
(Papacy 1963-1978).
Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini.
Date: 1963.
Source: Vatican City. Official picture.
Author: Vatican City.
of Blessed Pope Paul VI
[Editor: Note the lack of a Triple Tiara]
Polski: Herb Pawła VI.
Author: Lemmens, Tom.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Servant of God,
Pope John Paul I
(Papacy 1978-1978).
Albino Luciani.
Italiano: Giovanni Paolo I dopo l'elezione.
This File: 3 January 2014.
User: Michelemontecchio.
of Servant of God,
Pope John Paul I
Polski: Herb Jana Pawła I.
Date: 27 March 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: User:mAgul.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Saint John Paul II
(Papacy 1978-2005).
Karol Józef Wojtyła.
Polski: Papież Jan Paweł II.
Date: 1980.
Source: Fels Papst.JPG.
Fels_Papst.JPG: Nikolaus von Nathusius.
Derivative work: JJ Georges.
of Pope Saint John Paul II
Polski: Herb Jana Pawła II.
Azure a Cross Or, the Upright placed to Dexter and the Crossbar enhanced,
in Sinister Base an M of the same.
On a Blue Shield, a Golden Cross, off-centered to the Upper Left,
with a Capital M in the Lower-Right corner).
As a Bishop, Karol Woytila used this design with the Cross and Letter M in Black, instead of Gold. As this violated the Heraldic "Tincture's Canon" (Black on Blue, Colour on Colour), upon his Election as Pope, Vatican Heraldist, Monsignor Bruno Bernard Haim, suggested he replace Black by Gold (Raul Pardo, 2 April 2005, Joe McMillan, 20 April 2005).
Date: 25 March 2007.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Emeritus
Benedict XVI
(Papacy 2005-2013).
Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger.
Date: 17 October 2010.
Source: prezydent.pl
Author: Kancelaria Prezydenta RP.
of Pope Emeritus
Benedict XVI
English: The Coat-of-Arms of Pope Benedict XVI. The Crown with the Episcopal Mitre Plate is divided into three fields that carry specific Heraldic symbols:
Left (Heraldic Dexter) of the "Moor of Freising" from the Coat-of-Arms of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, where Archbishop Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was Archbishop.
Right (Heraldic Sinister) the Bear of Saint Corbinian, Patron Saint of the Diocese
of Munich and Freising, from the City Arms.
Below is a Scallop, which stands for the Pilgrimage. It refers to a legend about Saint Augustine.
The Mussel is also found in the Arms of Scots Monastery, Regensburg, Germany, in which
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. began his life as a Priest. Behind the Shield are the
Keys of Heaven, which, by Christian Tradition, were received by Saint Peter from Jesus
as a symbol of Papal authority. On top, it is adorned with a Bishop's Mitre and a Pallium,
instead of the Traditional three-tiered Papal Tiara.
Deutsch: Der mit der bischöflichen Mitra gekrönte Schild ist in drei Felder geteilt, die spezielle heraldische Symbole tragen:
Links (heraldisch rechts) der "Freisinger Mohr" aus dem Wappen des Erzbistum München-Freising, wo Joseph Kardinal Ratzinger Erzbischof war.
Rechts (heraldisch links) der Bär des Hl. Korbinian, Schutzpatron des Bistums München-Freising, aus dem Freisinger Stadtwappen.
Unten eine Jakobsmuschel, die für die Pilgerreise steht. Sie bezieht sich auf eine Legende über den Kirchenvater Augustinus. Die Muschel fand sich auch im Wappen des ehem. Schottenklosters St. Jacob in Regensburg, in dem Benedikt XVI. seine Laufbahn als Priester begann.
Hinter dem Wappenschild befinden sich die gekreuzten Schlüssel des Petrus, die für den Papst als Stellvertreter Gottes auf Erden stehen. Ein zusätzliches Element ist das Pallium, eine Art Stola, die von römisch-katholischen Metropoliten über dem Messgewand getragen wird und das in diesem Fall den Papst als Erzbischof und Metropolit von Rom kennzeichnet.Als erster Papst der Neuzeit verzichtete Benedikt XVI. auf die Tiara im Wappen und wählte statt dessen die Bischofsmitra.
Date: 7 May 2005. Updated 18:26, 1 June 2006 (UTC).
Source: Own work.
Author: Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo designed the
Coat-of-Arms of Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.
This vector image was created with by Piotr Michał Jaworski;
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Francis
(Papacy 2013-Present).
Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Date: 17 August 2014.
(unwatermarked version supplied via e-mail by Jeon Han).
Author: English: Korea.net / Korean Culture and Information Service (Jeon Han).
Français: Korea.net / Service coréen de culture et d'information (Jeon Han).
한국어: 코리아넷 / 해외문화홍보원 (전한).
of Pope Francis
Pope Francis has decided to keep his previous Coat-of-Arms,
chosen at the time of his Episcopal Consecration and marked by linear simplicity.
The Blue Shield is surmounted by the symbols of Papal Dignity, the same as those used by his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (the Mitre above Crossed Keys of Gold and Silver, bound by the Red Cord). At the top of the Shield is the emblem of the Pope's Religious Order, The Society of Jesus: A radiant Sun carrying the Letters in Red, IHS, the Monogram of Jesus. The Letter H is crowned by a Cross; beneath the Letters are three Black Nails.
Lower down on the Shield, there is a Star and a Spikenard Flower. The Star, according to ancient Armorial Tradition, symbolises The Virgin Mary, The Mother of Christ and The Church; while the Spikenard symbolises Saint Joseph, Patron of The Universal Church. In Traditional Hispanic iconography, Saint Joseph is shown with a Vine in his hand. By bearing these images on his Shield, the Pope communicates his special Devotion to The Most Holy Virgin and to Saint Joseph.
The Motto of Pope Francis is taken from a Passage from the Venerable Bede, Homily 21 (CCL 122, 149-151), on The Feast of Matthew, which reads: "Vidit ergo Jesus publicanum, et quia miserando atque eligendo vidit, ait illi, ‘Sequere me’. [Jesus therefore sees the tax collector, and since He sees by having Mercy and by Choosing, He says to him, ‘follow Me’.]
Date: 18 March 2013.
Artist: Copyist:Poznaniak.
Source: własna praca na podstawie: Stemma del Santo Padre Francesco.
This Vector Image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from
(Wikimedia Commons)