Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Tuesday Of The Third Week In Lent. The Lenten Stations Are At The Basilica Of Saint Pudentiana And The Basilica Of Saint Agatha.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tuesday Of The Third Week In Lent. The Lenten Stations Are At The Basilica Of Saint Pudentiana And The Basilica Of Saint Agatha.. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Tuesday Of The Third Week In Lent. The Lenten Stations Are At The Basilica Of Saint Pudentiana And The Basilica Of Saint Agatha.

Canterbury Cathedral.
Photo Credit: A. G. Baxter.
lllustration: SHUTTERSTOCK

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Tuesday of The Third Week in Lent.

Stations at Saint Pudentiana's and Saint Agatha's.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

Basilica of Santa Pudentiana, Rome.
Photo: May 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Welleschik
(Wikimedia Commons)

By Apostolic Letters, dated 5 March 1934, and published on 
15 October 1935, the Churches of Santa Agatha and Santa Maria Nova (also called Santa Francisca Romana) were raised to the Title of Stational Churches.

The same Ceremonies are performed, and the same Indulgences may be gained there, respectively, as Santa Pudentiana on The Third Tuesday in Lent and San Apollinare on Passion Thursday. These two Churches are not on the published Map of Stational Churches in The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

English: Basilica of Saint Agatha, Rome.
Deutsch: Innenraum von Sant' Agata dei Goti.
Photo: September 2006.
Source: Photo taken by Th1979
Author: Th1979
(Wikimedia Commons)

Stational Indulgences.

Indulgences are mentioned in The Missal at some Stational Days. These Indulgences may be gained in Rome by taking part in The Stational Procession and Mass or by visiting The Stational Church on that day.

All Regulars [Editor: Regular Clergy, as opposed to Secular Clergy] may gain the same by attending Conventual Mass and Praying for the Pope's intentions in their own Convent Church (Pope Paul V, 23 May 1606).

This Privilege may have been extended to some Confraternities affiliated to these Orders.

The same Interior of Sant’Agata dei Goti (Saint Agatha
of The Goths), Rome, as the previous photo, above. 
But the photo, here, was taken circa 1899.
Taken from the Web-site of University College, Cork, Ireland, at UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, CORK, IRELAND.

The Station is at the very ancient Sanctuary of Saint Pudentiana, erected on the site of the house of her father, the Senator Pudens, mentioned by Saint Paul in his Epistles. Saint Pudentiana lived here with her sister, Saint Praxedes. Here, Saint Peter received hospitality and the first Christians often assembled.

In the 2nd-Century A.D., this house seems to have been the Residence of The Roman Pontiffs. For such reasons, it became one of the twenty-five Parish Churches of Rome in the 5th-Century A.D. It was quite fitting to read there the Gospel in which Saint Peter asks Our Lord about the use of the Power of The Keys.

Basilica of Santa Pudentiana, Rome.
Photo: August 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Luc
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Basilica of Saint Agatha, Rome.
Deutsch: Roma, Sant'Agata dei Goti (rione Monti).
Photo: 25 May 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Pippo-b
(Wikimedia Commons)

The clemency of the Jews was content to forgive three times. Jesus, in the Gospel, says we are to forgive "seventy times seven times", that is to say, always. Mercy, with the sacrifices which accompany it, forms part of The Lenten Penance.

Wherefore, the Epistle shows us, in the miraculous increase of a small quantity of oil at the word of Eliseus (by the sale of which a poor widow was enabled to pay a pitiless creditor), a figure of The Mercy of The Saviour, whose infinite merits supply the ransom for our sins.

One-time Cardinal Priest of Santa Pudenziana, Rome.
Artist: Eduardo Cano de la Peña (1823–1897).
Date: 1865.
Current location: University of Seville, Spain.
Source/Photographer: [2]
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following paragraph is from THE FAR SIGHT

The first Archbishop of Westminster, and also the first Cardinal resident in England since The Reformation, was Blessed Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman.

In order to participate in the effects of this Charity of Christ, we should, in our turn, exercise the same Virtue. Then will The Church, in The Name of Jesus, make use in our favour of the Power of Remission which she holds from her Head.

Let us atone for our sins and forgive our neighbour his sins against us. And then let us implore The God of Mercy to grant us, by His Almighty Power, the pardon for our sins (Postcommunion).

Mass: Ego clamávi.
Preface: Of Lent.

“Saint Pudentiana being received into Heaven”.
Artist: Bernardino Nocchi.
The High Altar of Santa Pudentiana.
Photo: April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Georges Jansoone (JoJan).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

The Church of Santa Pudenziana (Pudentiana) is recognised as the oldest place of Christian worship in Rome. It was built over a 2nd-Century A.D. house (probably during the Pontificate of Pope Pius I (140 A.D. – 155 A.D.)) and re-uses part of a Baths facility, still visible in the structure of the Apse.

This Church was the Residence of the Pope until, in 313 A.D., Emperor Constantine offered them The Lateran Palace.

In the 4th-Century A.D., during the Pontificate of Pope Siricius, the building was transformed into a Three-Naved Church. In The Acts of The Synod of 499 A.D., the Church bears the Titulus “Pudentis”, indicating that the administration of The Sacraments was allowed.

“Christ Delivering The Keys Of Heaven
To Saint Peter”, by the architect Giacomo della Porta.
Date: 1594.
The Saint Peter Chapel,
Church of Santa Pudenziana, Rome.
Photo: April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Georges Jansoone (JoJan).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Saint Peter Chapel, on the Left-Side of the Apse, contains a part of the table at which Saint Peter would have held the Celebration of The Eucharist in the house of Saint Pudens. The rest of the table is embedded in the Papal Altar of Saint John Lateran.

In the same Chapel, there are two bronze slabs in the wall, explaining that here Saint Peter was given hospitality and that he offered, for the first time in Rome, Bread and Wine as a Consecration of The Eucharist. The Pavement is ancient. A door opens into a Cortile (Courtyard) with a small Chapel that contains frescoes from the 11th-Century.

Main entrance to Saint Pudentiana’s, Rome.
Photo: November 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Panairjdde
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cætani Chapel: This Chapel for The Cætani family (family of Pope Boniface VIII) was designed by Capriano da Volterra, in 1588, and, after his death in 1601, was completed by Carlo Maderno. The mosaics on the floor are notable. The Columns are of Lumachella Marble.

The Relief (1599), above the Altar, is by Pier Paolo Olivieri and depicts The Adoration of The Magi. Giovanni Paolo Rossetti painted Saint Praxedes and Saint Pudentiana collecting The Blood of The Martyrs, in 1621. He also painted the fresco of The Evangelist, in the Ceiling, to a design by Federico Zuccari.

Saints Praxedes and Pudentiana
collecting The Blood of The Martyrs.
Date: 1621.
Artist: Giovanni Paolo Rossetti.
Current location: The Caetani Chapel,
Church of Santa Pudentiana, Rome.
Photo: April 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Georges Jansoone (JoJan).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The statue of Saint Pudentiana, in a Niche, is by Claude Adam, dating from, circa, 1650. The Sisters’ Well stands just outside The Caetani Chapel, in the Left-Aisle, and is said to contain the Relics of 3,000 Early Martyrs, many of which were brought here and hidden by Saints Pudentiana and Praxedes. This is marked by a square porphyry slab in the floor.

The Cardinal Priest, of the Titulus S. Pudentianæ, was Joachim Meisner. From the death on 5 July 2017 of Cardinal Joachim Meisner, the Titulus S. Pudentianæ was vacant until 28 June 2018, when Pope Francis assigned the Title to Cardinal Thomas Aquino Manyo Mæda.

One of the former Cardinal-Priests of this Basilica was Cardinal Luciano Bonaparte, great-nephew of Emperor Napoleon I.

The following three paragraphs are from THE CATHOLIC TRAVELER

The Station Churches of Rome.

Pilgrims who travel to Rome, during Lent, can participate in a beautiful custom that dates back to the 4th-Century A.D. It’s a custom that began as a way to strengthen the sense of community in the City, while honouring The Holy Martyrs of Rome.

The Faithful would journey through the streets to visit various Churches. As they walked, they would Pray The Litany of The Saints. The Bishop of Rome, that is The Holy Father (The Pope), would join them, lead them in Prayer and Celebrate Mass at the Church.

Though this practice was around for years, Pope Saint Gregory the Great established the order of the Churches to be visited, the Prayers to be recited, and designated this as a Lenten Practice. The Tradition continued until 1309, when the Papacy moved to Avignon, France. Pope Leo XIII revived the Tradition and it was fully restored by Pope Saint John XXIII in 1959.
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