The Descent Of The Modernists.
Illustration: RORATE CAELI
The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless stated otherwise.
The Sedia Gestatoria (Chair for Carrying) was a Ceremonial Throne on which Popes were carried on shoulders until 1978, and later replaced with the Popemobile.
It consists of a richly-adorned, silk-covered armchair, fastened on a Suppedaneum, on each side of which are two gilded rings; through these rings pass the long rods with which twelve footmen (Palafrenieri), in red uniforms, carry the Throne on their shoulders. On prior occasions, as in the case of Pope Stephen III, Popes were carried on the shoulders of men.
The Sedia Gestatoria is an elaborate variation on the Sedan Chair. Two large fans (Flabella), made of white Ostrich feathers —a relic of the ancient Liturgical use of the Flabellum, mentioned in the Constitutiones Apostolicae— were carried at either side of the Sedia Gestatoria.
Pope Pius XII is carried through Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome, on the Sedia Gestatoria.
Date: Unknown.
This File: 26 February 2008.
User: Melesse
(Wikimedia Commons)
English: The Sedia Gestatoria of Pope Pius VII (1800-1823).
Exhibition of various Thrones in Galerie des Glaces of Château de Versailles, France.
Français: La Sedia Gestatoria (Chaise à porteurs) du Pape Pie VII (1800-1823).
Bois sculpté et doré, velours de soie cramoisi sur âme de bois, passementerie
en fils d'or, bronze doré. Exposition "le Trône en Majesté", Château de Versailles.
Italiano: La sedia gestatoria di Papa Pio VII.
Photo: 20 March 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jebulon.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Zephyrinus heartily commends the following Article to all Readers.
The Article, dated 8 February 2013, from RORATE CAELI, can be read in full HERE
Obedience And The Power Of The Modernists: Understanding The Resurgence Of Modernism In The Past 50 years.
by Fr. Giovanni Cavalcoli, O.P.
The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless stated otherwise.
Pope Saint Pius X's Papacy featured vigorous condemnation of what he termed 'Modernists' and 'Relativists'.
Pope Leo XIII had sought to revive the inheritance of Thomas Aquinas, 'the marriage of Reason and Revelation', as a response to Secular 'Enlightenment'.
Under the Pontificate of Pope Saint Pius X, Neo-Thomism became the blueprint for an approach to Theology. Pius X's Papacy featured vigorous condemnation of what he termed 'Modernists' and 'Relativists', whom he regarded as dangers to The Catholic Faith (see, for example, his Oath Against Modernism).
This is perhaps the most controversial aspect of his Papacy. He also encouraged the formation and efforts of Sodalitium Pianum (or League of Pius V), an Anti-Modernist network of informants, which was seen negatively by many people due to its accusations of Heresy against people on the flimsiest evidence.
This campaign against Modernism was run by Umberto Benigni in The Department of Extraordinary Affairs in The Secretariat of State, distributing Anti-Modernist propaganda and gathering information on "culprits". Benigni had his own secret code—Pope Pius X was known as "Mama".
English: Pope Saint Pius X. Official portrait taken shortly after his Enthronement in August 1903
Deutsch: Papst Pius X. Offizielles Porträt, aufgenommen kurz nach Inthronisation (August 1903).
Español: El papa Pío X. Retrato oficial, hecho pocos días
de su entronización como papa el 9 de agosto de 1903.
Français: Le pape Pie X. Portrait officiel du 14 août 1903, après son inthronisation.
Photo: 14 August 1903.
Source: Web.
Author: Giuseppe Felici (1839-1923).
(Wikimedia Commons)
Pope Saint Pius X's attitude toward The Modernists was uncompromising. Speaking of those who counselled compassion to the "culprits", he said: "They want them to be treated with oil, soap and caresses. But they should be beaten with fists. In a duel, you don't count or measure the blows, you strike as you can."
The Modernist Movement was linked especially with certain Catholic French scholars, such as Louis Duchesne, who questioned the belief that God acts in a direct way in the affairs of Humanity, and Alfred Loisy, who denied that some parts of Scripture were literally, rather than perhaps metaphorically, true.

Signature of Pope Saint Pius X.
Date: 1906.
Source: Heritage Auctions
Author: Pope Pius X.
Created in Vector format by Scewing
(Wikimedia Commons)
In contradiction to Thomas Aquinas, they argued that there was an unbridgeable gap between natural and supernatural knowledge. Its unwanted effects, from the Traditional viewpoint, were Relativism and Scepticism. Modernism and Relativism, in terms of their presence in The Church, were Theological trends that tried to assimilate modern philosophers, like Kant, as well as Rationalism into Catholic Theology.
Modernists argued that beliefs of The Church have evolved throughout its history and continue to evolve. Anti-Modernists viewed these notions as contrary to the Dogmas and Traditions of The Catholic Church.
"Habemus Papam".
Cardinal Luigi Macchi announces the Election of Cardinal Sarto as the new Pope.
As Proto-Deacon since 1899, Cardinal Macchi announced the Election of Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto at the end of the Conclave of 1903 and Crowned him on 9 August 1903.
Four years later, Cardinal Macchi died after an illness at the age of seventy-five.
Photo: 9 August 1903.
Source: Originally from hu.wikipedia; description page is/was here.
Author: Unknown, original uploader was User:Czinitz at hu.wikipedia.
(Wikimedia Commons)
In a Decree, entitled Lamentabili Sane Exitu ("A Lamentable Departure Indeed"), issued 3 July 1907, Pope Saint Pius X formally condemned sixty-five Modernist or Relativist Propositions concerning The Nature of The Church, Revelation, Biblical Exegesis, The Sacraments, and The Divinity of Christ.
This was followed by the Encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis ("Feeding The Lord's Flock"), which characterised Modernism as the "Synthesis of all Heresies." Following these, Pope Pius X ordered that all Clerics take The Sacrorum Antistitum, an Oath against Modernism. Pope Pius X's aggressive stance against Modernism caused some disruption within The Church. Although only about forty Clerics refused to take the Oath, Catholic scholarship with Modernistic tendencies was substantially discouraged. Theologians who wished to pursue lines of inquiry in line with Secularism, Modernism, or Relativism, had to stop, or face conflict with the Papacy, and possibly even Excommunication.