Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 7 October 2016

Our Lady Of The Rosary. Feast Day 7 October.

Mary, Mother of Grace and of Mercy,
help me against the efforts of my enemies.

Illustration: HOLY CARD HEAVEN

Thursday 6 October 2016

Saint Bruno. Confessor. Feast Day 6 October.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Bruno.
Feast Day 6 October.


White Vestments.

Saint Bruno.
Artist: Girolamo Marchesi.
Date: Circa 1525.
Current location: Walters Art Museum,
Baltimore, Maryland,
United States of America.
Credit line: Acquired by Henry Walters with the Massarenti Collection, 1902.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Bruno was born at Cologne, Germany, in the 11th-Century. With six of his friends, he retired to one of the desert heights of Dauphiny, France, called "Chartreuse", which had been conceded to them by the Bishop of Grenoble (Gospel).

There, he Founded the first Monastery of The Order of Carthusians, which is held in so high esteem by The Church that, by the prescriptions of Canon Law, the Religious of any other Order may enter it so as to lead a more perfect life. [The Order of Carthusians has given to The Church several Saints, two Cardinals, seventy Archbishops and Bishops, and several famous writers, one of the most distinguished being Dionysius the Carthusian.]

Saint Bruno died, pressing The Crucifix to his lips, on 6 October 1101.

Mass: Os justi.

English: Saint Bruno refuses the Archbishopric of Reggio di Calabria.
Español: San Bruno renuncia ante el papa Urbano II al arzobispado de Reggio Calabria.
Date: 4 November 2011.
Current location: Prado Museum, Madrid, Spain.
Author: Vicente Carducho (1576-1638).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Bruno of Cologne (1030 – 1101) was the Founder of The Carthusian Order and personally Founded The Order's first two Communities. He was a celebrated Teacher at Reims, and a close advisor of his former pupil, Pope Urban II.

On the verge of being made Bishop, Bruno instead followed a Vow he had made to renounce Secular Concerns and withdrew, along with two of his friends, Raoul and Fulcius, also Canons of Reims.

Bruno's first thought on leaving Reims seems to have been to place himself and his companions under the direction of an eminent Solitary, Saint Robert, who had recently (1075) settled at Sèche-Fontaine, near Molesme, in the Diocese of Langres, France, together with a band of other Hermits, who were later on (in 1098) to form The Cistercian Order.

But he soon found that this was not his Vocation. After a short stay, he went with six of his companions to Saint Hugh of Châteauneuf, Bishop of Grenoble. The Bishop, according to the pious legend, had recently had a vision of these men, under a Chaplet of Seven Stars, and he installed them in 1084 in a mountainous and uninhabited spot in the Lower Alps of the Dauphiné, France, in a place named Chartreuse, not far from Grenoble. With Saint Bruno, were Landuin, Stephen of Bourg, and Stephen of Die, Canons of Saint Rufus, and Hugh the Chaplain, and two Laymen, Andrew and Guerin, who afterwards became the first Lay Brothers.

They built a an Oratory, with small individual Cells, at a distance from each other, where they lived isolated and in poverty, entirely occupied in Prayer and Study; for these men had a reputation for Learning, and were frequently honoured by the visits of Saint Hugh, who became like one of themselves.



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A Last-Minute Invitation To Zephyrinus, To Spend A Week-End In The Highlands, Necessitates A Sudden Dash From King's Cross.

Illustration: PINTEREST

"Have you packed the Fishing Rods, Perkins ?"

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Pray For Priests.

Text is taken from CATHOLIC ANSWERS

From: In Sinu Jesu, The Journal of a Priest.
Originally seen at VULTUS CHRISTI

Reparation Is the Exercise of Love

Be for Me another John,
a friend for My Heart,
a consoler in My loneliness,
an advocate on behalf of poor sinners
and, especially on behalf of fallen Priests,
and of those who have lost hope in My infinite mercy.

Be a companion for Me in the Sacrament of My Love,
the Sacrament of My Divine Companionship for every human wayfarer
in this valley of tears.
I remain unknown.
I am left alone.
Even those who claim to profess
the mystery of My Real Presence
in the Sacrament of the Altar
forsake Me.

I am treated with a terrible indifference,
with coldness,
and with a lack of respect
that causes the Angels to weep
because they cannot offer me reparation
for the coldness and indifference of human hearts.
Only men can make reparation for men.
What is lacking is the loving response of a human heart
to My Eucharistic Heart,
pierced, alive, and beating in the Sacrament of the Altar.
Only a human heart can make reparation for a human heart.

Alter Christus.

For this reason the Angels are sorrowful.
The adoration and the praise they offer Me is Angelic.
It is the expression of the perfections I have placed
in their Angelic nature.
Without ever dying, they immolate themselves before Me,
in the Tabernacles where I dwell on Earth,
by lowering themselves in the most humble Adoration
and by placing all their Angelic perfections
--their beauty, their strength, their intelligence--
beneath My feet.
The Angels are like living flames
who burn in My Eucharistic presence
without ever being consumed.

Saint Joseph with Jesus.

For all of this, My Angels cannot replace
a single human heart in My presence.
What I look for from men,
what I wait for, above all, from My Priests,
My Angels cannot give Me.

And so I turned to Saint John to comfort Me;
to love when the love of others grew cold;
to hope in Me when the trust of others was shaken;
to remain faithful to Me when the faith of others was put to the test.

The Sorrowful Heart of Mary.

John was, among The Apostles, My loving friend,
My Adorer, the one who understood the mystery of reparation to My Heart.
John made reparation for Peter's denial of Me,
not by standing in judgment over Peter,
whom he honoured and loved as a father,
but by weeping with Peter,
and by offering himself in reparation for Peter's fall.

The Charge to Saint Peter from Jesus Christ.

Again, it was John who offered Me faithful love
in exchange for Judas' faithless betrayal.
He made reparation to My Heart that suffered so grievously
when Judas walked out of The Cenacle into the night.
In that moment, John gave Me all the love of his heart,
begging Me to accept it
in reparation for Judas' cold and calculated plot against Me.

The Flagellation of Christ.
Artist: William Bouguereau.

Be another Saint John for My Heart.
Offer Me reparation by offering Me yourself
in the place of those who flee from before My Eucharistic Face;
in the place of those who cannot bear to remain
in My presence, close to My Heart;
in the place of those Priests of Mine
who have time for all else save for Me.

Christ Blessing The Children.
Artist: Nicholaes Maes (1634-1693).

Give Me your companionship,
give Me your confidence,
give Me your grateful affection.
Let nothing keep you from carrying out this design of Mine.
One who makes reparation for My Priests
will discover on The Last Day
that his own sins, though they be many,
will be covered over by a single act of reparation,
for reparation is the exercise of love,
and love covers a multitude of sins.

The Betrayal of Christ.
Artist: Francisco Zarillo (1707-1783).

Love Me, and you will fulfill all that I am asking of you.
Love Me, and I will fulfill all that you ask of Me. . . .
I desire a company of Johannine Souls, Priest Adorers and Reparators,
and upon them I will pour out Rivers of Grace
for the renewal of My Priesthood
and the joy of My Spouse, The Church.

English: Christ Falling on the Way to Calvary.
Deutsch: Kreuztragung Christi.
Français: Le Portement de Croix.
Artist: Raphael (1483–1520).
Date: Circa 1516.
Current location: Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Proper Preparation For Holy Mass And Holy Communion. It's Not The Same As Going Down To Your Local Supermarket. (Part Four).

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Before Celebrating Holy Mass, the Priest, if he has time, says the following Prayers, which The Faithful may say, also, as an excellent preparation for Holy Mass or for Holy Communion, when, for some reason, this cannot be received at Mass.

Pope Leo XIII granted an Indulgence of one year to those who say these Prayers, up to the Prayers of Saint Ambrose and Saint Thomas Aquinas, inclusive. These last two Prayers will be published on Zephyrinus' Blog in due course.

Illustration: PINTEREST

Psalm cxv.
(An Act of Thanksgiving for deliverance from deadly peril).

(The following Text is from The Douai-Rheims Bible).

I have believed, therefore have I spoken; but I have been humbled exceedingly.

I said in my excess: Every man is a liar.

What shall I render to the Lord, for all the things he hath rendered unto me?

I will take the chalice of salvation; and I will call upon the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows to the Lord before all his people:

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

I will sacrifice to thee the sacrifice of praise, and I will call upon the name of the Lord.

I will pay my vows to the Lord in the sight of all his people:

In the courts of the house of The Lord, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem.

Illustration: PINTEREST

Psalm cxxix.
De Profundis.
(Prayer for The Dead).
(De Profundis. A Prayer of a sinner, trusting in the mercies of God.
The Sixth Penitential Psalm).

Out of the depths I have cried unto Thee, O Lord:

Lord, hear my voice.

Let Thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.

If Thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it.

For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of Thy law, I have waited
for thee, O Lord.

My Soul hath relied on His word:

My Soul hath hoped in The Lord.

From The Morning Watch even until night, let Israel hope in The Lord.

For with The Lord there is mercy.

And with Him plentiful redemption.

And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.

Versicle: Eternal Rest give unto them, O Lord.

Response: And let Perpetual Light shine upon them.


Let us Pray.

O God, Who freely grantest forgiveness and desirest the salvation of all mankind, grant, we beseech Thee, in Thy mercy, all that our Brethren, Kinsfolk, and Benefactors of our Congregation, who have passed from this life, may, by the intercession of Blessed Mary Every Virgin, and of all Thy Saints, partake of Everlasting Bliss.

Through Christ Our Lord.


Versicle: May they rest in peace.

Response: Amen.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

The Proper Preparation For Holy Mass And Holy Communion. It's Not The Same As Going Down To Your Local Supermarket. (Part Three).

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Before Celebrating Holy Mass, the Priest, if he has time, says the following Prayers, which The Faithful may say, also, as an excellent preparation for Holy Mass or for Holy Communion, when, for some reason, this cannot be received at Mass.

Pope Leo XIII granted an Indulgence of one year to those who say these Prayers, up to the Prayers of Saint Ambrose and Saint Thomas Aquinas, inclusive.

Psalm lxxxv
(Appeal to the mercy of God).

Inclina, Domine, aurem tuam et exáudi me: quoniam inops, et pauper sum ego.

Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, and hear me: for I am poor and needy.

Custodi ánimam meam, quoniam sanctus sum: salvum fac servum tuum, Deus meus,
sperántem in te.

Preserve my Soul, for I am holy: O Thou my God, save Thy servant that trusteth in Thee.

Miserére mei, Domine, quoniam ad te clamávi tota die: lætifica ánimam servi tui, quoniam ad te, Domine, ánimam meam levávi.

Be merciful unto me, O Lord, for I cry unto Thee all the day long: rejoice the Soul of Thy servant, for unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my Soul.

Quoniam tu, Domine, suávis, et mitis: et multæ misericordiæ omnibus invocántibus te.

For Thou, Lord, art good and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon Thee.


Auribus pércipe, Domine, orationem meam: et inténde voci deprecationis meæ.

Give ear, O Lord, to my Prayer: and attend to the voice of my supplication.

In die tribulationis meae clamávi ad te:  quia exaudisti me.

In the day of my trouble, I called upon Thee, for Thou hast heard me.

Non est similis tui in diis, Domine: et non est secundum opera tua.

Among the gods, there is none like unto Thee, O Lord: neither are there any works like unto Thy works.

Omnes genntes quascumque fecisti, vénient, et adorábunt coram te, Domine: et glorificábunt nomen tuum.

All nations whom Thou hast made shall come and worship before Thee, O Lord: and shall glorify Thy name.

Quoniam magnus es tu, et fáciens mirabilia: tu es Deus solus.

For Thou art great and dost wondrous things: Thou art God alone.


Deduc me, Domine, in via tua, et ingrédiar in veritáte tua: laetétur cor meum ut timeat nomen tuum.

Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and I will walk in Thy truth: let mine heart be glad, that it may fear Thy name.

Confitébor tibi, Domine, Deus meus, in toto corde meo, et glorificábo nomen tuum in aetérnum:

I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all mine heart, and I will glorify Thy name for evermore.

Quia misericordia tua magna est super me: et eruisti ánimam meam ex inférno inferiori.

For great is Thy mercy toward me: and Thou hast delivered my Soul from the lowest Hell.

Deus, iniqui insurrexérunt super me, et synagoga poténtiam quaesiérunt ánimam meam: et non proposuérunt te in conspéctu suo.

O God, the wicked are risen up against me, and the assembly of violent men have sought my Soul, and have not set Thee before them.

Et tu, Domine, Deus miserátor et miséricors, pátiens, et multae misericordiae, et verax.

But Thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion and gracious, long-suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.

Illustration: PINTEREST

Réspice in me, et miserére mei, da impérium tuum puero tuo: et salvum fac filium ancillae tuae.

O look upon me, and have mercy on me: give Thy strength to Thy servant, and save the son of Thy handmaid !

Fac mecum signum in bonum, ut videant qui odérunt me, et confundántur: quoniam tu, Domine, adjuvisti me, et consolátus es me.

Show me a token for good, that they who hate me may see it and be ashamed: because Thou, O Lord, hast helped me, and comforted me.

Gloria Patri . . .

Glory be to The Father . . .

Monday 3 October 2016

The Proper Preparation For Holy Mass And Holy Communion. It's Not The Same As Going Down To Your Local Supermarket. (Part Two).

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Before Celebrating Holy Mass, the Priest, if he has time, says the following Prayers, which The Faithful may say, also, as an excellent preparation for Holy Mass or for Holy Communion, when, for some reason, this cannot be received at Mass.

Pope Leo XIII granted an Indulgence of one year to those who say these Prayers, up to the Prayers of Saint Ambrose and Saint Thomas Aquinas, inclusive.


Psalm lxxxiv
(God has taken back His people into His favour and continues to show them the treasures of His mercy.)

Benedixisti, Domine, terram tuam: avertisti captivitátem Jacob.

Lord, Thou hast been favourable unto Thy land: Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

Remisisti iniquitátem plebis tuæ: operuisti omnia peccáta eorum.

Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of Thy people: Thou hast covered all their sins.

Mitigásti omnem iram tuam; avertisti ab ira indignationis tuæ.

Thou hast taken away all Thy wrath: Thou hast turned Thyself from the fierceness of Thine anger.

Convérte nos, Deus, salutáris noster: et avérte iram tuam a nobis.

Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause Thine anger towards us to cease.


Numquid in aetérnum irascéris nobis ? aut exténdes iram tuam a generatione in generationem ?

Wilt Thou be angry with us for ever ? Wilt Thou draw out Thine anger to all generations ?

Deus, tu convérsus vivificábis nos: et plebs tua laetábitur in te.

O God, Thou shalt again quicken us: and Thy people shall rejoice in Thee.

Osténde nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam: et salutáre tuum da nobis.

Show us Thy mercy, O Lord, and grant us Thy salvation.

Audiam quid loquátur in me Dominus Deus: quoniam loquétur pacem in plebem suam.

I will hear what The Lord God will speak within me: for He will speak peace unto His people.

Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage.
October 2013.
Mass in The Vatican Basilica.
Celebrant Cardinal Hoyos.
Illustration: RORATE CAELI

Et super sanctos suos: et in eos, qui convertuntur ad cor.

And to His Saints, and unto them that are changed in heart.

Verumtamen prope timéntes eum salutáre ipsius: ut inhábitet gloria in terra nostra.

Surely His salvation is nigh them that fear Him, that Glory may dwell in our land.

Misericordia, et véritas obviavérunt sibi: justitia, et pax osculátae sunt.

Mercy and truth have met together: righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

Véritas de terra orta est: et justitia de caelo prospéxit.

Illustration: RORATE CAELI

Truth hath sprung out of the Earth: and righteousness hath looked down from Heaven.

Etenim Dominus dabit benignitátem: et terra nostra dabit fructum suum.

Yea, The Lord shall give that which is good: and our land shall yield her increase.

Justitia ante eum ambulábit: et ponet in via gressu suos.

Righteousness shall go before Him: and shall set His footsteps in the way.

Gloria Patri . . .

Glory be  to The Father . . .

Sunday 2 October 2016

The Proper Preparation For Holy Mass And Holy Communion. It's Not The Same As Going Down To Your Local Supermarket. (Part One).

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Before Celebrating Holy Mass, the Priest, if he has time, says several Prayers, which The Faithful may say, also, as an excellent preparation for Holy Mass or for Holy Communion, when, for some reason, this cannot be received at Mass. These Prayers can be found in The Saint Andrew Daily Missal. Some of the Prayers are reproduced, herewith.

Pope Leo XIII granted an Indulgence of one year to those who say these Prayers, up to the Prayers of Saint Ambrose and Saint Thomas Aquinas, inclusive. These last two Prayers will appear on Zephyrinus' Blog in due course.

Antiphon: Ne reminiscáris, Domine, delicta nostra, vel paréntum nostrorum, neque vindictam sumas de peccátis nostris. (T. P. Alleluia.)

Antiphon: Remember not, O Lord, our offences, nor those of our fathers; and take not vengeance on our sins. (In Paschaltide: Alleluia.)

Psalm lxxxiii
(Recited by the Israelites when they went up to the Temple for The Feast of The Passover.)

Quam dilécta tabernácula tua, Domine virtutem: concupiscit, et déficit anima mea in átria Domini.

How lovely are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts ! My Soul longeth and fainteth for The Courts of The Lord:

Cor meum, et caro mea exsultavérunt in Deum vivum.

My heart and my flesh rejoice for The Living God.

Illustration: CATHOLIC4LIFE

Etenim passer invénit sibi domum: et turtur nidum sibi, ubi ponat pullos suos.

Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the dove a nest for herself, where she may lay her young.

Altária tua, Domine virtutum: Rex meus, et Deus meus.

Even Thy altars, O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God.

Beáti, qui hábitant in domo tua, Domine: in saécula saeculorum laudábunt te.

Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house, O Lord; they will be ever praising Thee.

Illustration: CATHOLIC4LIFE

Beátus vir, cujus est auxilium abs te: ascensiones in corde suo disposuit, in valle lacrimárum, in loco quem posuit.

Blessed is the man whose strength is from Thee; who hath settled in his heart to go up (to Thy Sanctuary) through The Vale of Tears, to the place which he hath appointed.

Etenim benedictionem dabit legislátor, ibunt de virtute in virtutem: vidébitur Deus deorum in Sion.

He that hath given The Law will give His Blessing; they shall go from strength to strength; and shall appear before The God of gods in Sion.

Domine, Deus virtutum, exáudi orationem meam: áuribus pércipe, Deus Jacob.

O Lord, God of Hosts, hear my Prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob.

Illustration: CATHOLIC4LIFE

Protéctor noster, áspice, Deus: et  réspice in fáciem Christi tui:

Behold, O God, our shield: and look upon the face of Thine Anointed.

Quia mélior est dies una in átriis tuis, super millia.

For a day in Thy Courts is better than a thousand.

Elégi abjéctus esse in domo Dei mei: magis quam habitáre in tabernáculis peccatorum.

I had rather be an abject in the house of my God, than to dwell  in the tents of wickedness.


Quia misericordiam et veritátem diligit Deus: grátiam et gloriam dabit Dominus.

For God loveth mercy and truth: The Lord will give Grace and Glory.

Non privábit bonis eos, qui ámbulant in innocéntia: Domine virtutum,
   beátus homo, qui sperat in  te.

No good things will He withhold from them that walk uprightly: O Lord of Hosts, Blessed is the man that trusteth in Thee.

Gloria Patri . . .

Glory be The Father . . .

Saturday 1 October 2016

"Our Generation Can Stop ABORTION", Says Pro-Life Leader In Poland. Progress Of Bill In Polish Parliament, Banning ABORTION, Is A “Triple Victory".


This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, CATHOLIC NEWS AGENCY

Warsaw, Poland, 30 September 2016 / 06:02 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Magdalena Korzekwa-Kaliszuk, director of campaigns for CitizenGo in Poland, has pointed to last week's progress of a Bill in the Polish Parliament banning ABORTION as a “triple victory,” saying, “our generation can stop ABORTION.”

On 23 September 2016, with a 267-154 vote in favour, Polish lawmakers sent a Bill, that seeks the total ban of ABORTION in the Country, to Committee Stage for further consideration.

Perkins Fancies A New Motor !!!

Perkins suggests that it's time for a new Motor !!!
1932 Studebaker President.
Illustration: HEMMINGS DAILY

The current Zephyrinus Charabanc.
Chauffeur Perkins in front.
Illustration: PINTEREST

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