Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Saint Elizabeth Of Hungary. Heilige Elisabeth Von Thüringen. Árpád-Házi Szent Erzsébet. 1207-1231. Feast Day 19 November.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.
Feast Day 19 November.

White Vestments.

File:Szent Erzsebet-templom 03.jpg

English: Saint Elizabeth Church, Budapest, Hungary.
Magyar: Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet szobra a templommal.
English: The statue of Saint Elizabeth,
with the Church in the background.
Photo: 19 June 2008.
Source: Made by Pasztilla.
Author: User:Pasztilla aka Attila Terbócs.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A statue showing the Miracle of the Roses, 
in the Rose Garden, in front of the Neo-Gothic Church 
dedicated to Saint Elizabeth, 
at Roses' Square (Rózsák tere), 
Budapest, Hungary.

English: Flag of the Kingdom of Hungary
between 21 December 1867 - 12 November 1918.
Magyar: A Magyar Királyság
zászlaja 1867. december 21. és 1918. november 12. között.
Date: 6 August 2008.
Source: Own work, based on Flags of the World - Hungary - 
Angels are vectored from Hungary medium coa 1910.png.
Author: Thommy.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Elizabeth of Hungary, Third Order Of Saint Francis (T.O.S.F.), (German: Heilige Elisabeth von Thüringen, Hungarian: Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet), 7 July 1207 – 17 November 1231, was a Princess of the Kingdom of Hungary, Landgravine of ThuringiaGermany, and a greatly-venerated Catholic Saint.

Elizabeth was married at the age of fourteen, and widowed at twenty. After her husband's death, she sent her children away and regained her dowry, using the money to build a hospital, where she served the sick. She became a symbol of Christian Charity, after her death at the age of twenty-four, and was quickly Canonised.

Elizabeth was the daughter of King Andrew II of Hungary and Gertrude of Merania. Her mother's sister was Saint Hedwig of Andechs, wife of Duke Heinrich I of Silesia. Her ancestry included many notable figures of European Royalty, going back as far as Vladimir the Great of Kievan Rus.

Saint Elizabeth, spinning wool for the poor.
By Marianne Stokes (1895).
Current location: Private collection.
Source/Photographer: Own work, user:Rlbberlin.
(Wikimedia Commons)

According to tradition, she was born in the Castle of Sárospatak, Kingdom of Hungary, on 7 July 1207. According to a different tradition, she was born in PozsonyKingdom of Hungary (modern-day Bratislava, Slovakia), where she lived in the Castle of Posonium until the age of four.

A Sermon, printed in 1497 by the Franciscan Friar, Osvaldus de Lasco, a Church official in Hungary, is the first to name Sárospatak as the Saint's birthplace, perhaps building on local tradition. The veracity of this account is not without reproach: Osvaldus also transforms the Miracle of the Roses (see below) to Elizabeth's childhood in Sárospatak, and has her leave Hungary at the age of five.

Elizabeth was brought to the Court of the Rulers of Thuringia, in Central Germany, to become betrothed to Louis IV, Landgrave of Thuringia, a future bride who would reinforce political alliances between the families. She was raised by the Thuringian Court, so she would be familiar with the local language and culture.

Slovenčina: Svätá Alžbeta umýva žobráka, scéna z hlavného 
oltára Dómu svätej Alžbety v Košiciach, 2. polovica 15. storočia.
English: Saint Elizabeth washing a beggar. A 15th-Century scene 
from the High Altar of Saint Elisabeth's Cathedral in Košice, Slovakia.
Photo: 23 June 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Of.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In 1221, at the age of fourteen, Elizabeth married Louis; the same year he was enthroned as Landgrave Louis IV, and the marriage appears to have been happy. After her marriage, she continued her charitable practices, which included spinning wool for the clothing of the poor. In 1223, Franciscan Friars arrived, and the teenage Elizabeth not only learned about the ideals of Francis of Assisi, but started to live them. Louis was not upset by his wife's charitable efforts, believing that the distribution of his wealth to the poor would bring eternal reward; he is venerated in Thuringia as a Saint, though he was never Canonized by the Church.

It was also about this time that the Priest and, later, Inquisitor, Konrad von Marburg, gained considerable influence over Elizabeth when he was appointed as her Confessor. In the spring of 1226, when floods, famine, and plague wrought havoc in Thuringia, Louis, a staunch supporter of the Hohenstaufen Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, represented Frederick II at the Imperial Diet held in Cremona, Italy. Elizabeth assumed control of affairs at home and distributed alms in all parts of their territory, even giving away State Robes and ornaments to the poor. Below Wartburg Castle, she built a hospital with twenty-eight beds and visited the inmates, daily, to attend to them.

Elizabeth's life changed irrevocably on 11 September 1227, when Louis, en route to join the Sixth Crusade, died of a fever in Otranto, Italy. On hearing the news of her husband's death, Elizabeth is reported to have said, "He is dead. He is dead. It is to me as if the whole world died today." His remains were returned to Elizabeth in 1228 and entombed at the Abbey of Reinhardsbrunn.

Cathedral of St. Elizabeth in Košice.jpg

Saint Elizabeth Cathedral,
Košice, Slovakia.
Date: July 2009.
Source: Originally posted to 
Author: Ville Miettinen.
(Wikimedia Commons)

After her death, Elizabeth was commonly associated with the Third Order of St. Francis, the primarily Lay branch of the Franciscan Order, though it is not sure that she actually formally joined them. It must be kept in mind, though, that the Third Order was such a new development in the Franciscan movement, that no one official ritual had been established at that point. Elizabeth clearly had a ceremony of Consecration, in which she adopted a Franciscan Religious Habit in her new way of life.

Very soon after the death of Elizabeth, Miracles were reported that happened at her grave in the Church of the hospital, especially those of healing. On the suggestion of Konrad, and by Papal Command, examinations were held of those who had been healed between August 1232 and January 1235. The results of those examinations were supplemented by a brief vita of the Saint-to-be, and, together with the testimony of Elizabeth's handmaidens and companions (bound in a booklet called the Libellus de dictis quatuor ancillarum s. Elizabeth confectus), proved sufficient reason for the quick Canonisation of Elizabeth on 27 May 1235 in Perugia, Italy, — no doubt helped along by her family's power and influence. Very soon after her death, hagiographical texts of her life appeared all over Germany, the most famous being Dietrich of Apolda's Vita S. Elisabeth, which was written between 1289 and 1297.

File:Elisabeth of Hungary Moroder.jpg

English: The Saint Elisabeth Group. Sculpture in wood by Rudolf Moroder
polychromed by Christian Delago, in the Parish Church of Urtijëi
South Tyrol, Italy. Date: 1900.
Deutsch: Hl. Elisabeth-Gruppe in Holz geschnitzt, 
gefasst von Christian Delago in der Pfarrkirche von St. Ulrich in Gröden 
des Rudolf Moroder entstanden 1900.
Italiano: Gruppo scultoreo di Santa Elisabetta di Ungheria 
scolpito nel legno da Rudolf Moroder, 
policromia di Christian Delago del 1900.
Photo: 20 February 2009.
Source: This Photo was taken by Wolfgang Moroder.
Author: Rudolf Moroder Lenert †1914.
(Wikimedia Commons)

She was Canonised by Pope Gregory IX. The Papal Bull declaring her a Saint is on display in the Schatzkammer of the Deutschordenskirche in Vienna, Austria. Her body was laid in a magnificent golden shrine — still to be seen today — in the Elisabeth Church (Marburg). Her remains were removed and scattered by her own descendant, the Landgrave Philip I "the Magnanimous" of Hesse, at the time of the Reformation. It is now a Protestant Church, but has spaces set aside for Catholic worship. Marburg became a centre of the Teutonic Order, which adopted Saint Elizabeth as its Secondary Patroness. The Order remained in Marburg until its official dissolution by Napoleon I of France in 1803.

Elizabeth is perhaps best known for her Miracle of the Roses, which says that, whilst she was taking bread to the poor, in secret, she met her husband, Ludwig, on a hunting party, who, in order to quell suspicions of the gentry that she was stealing treasure from the Castle, asked her to reveal what was hidden under her cloak. In that moment, her cloak fell open and a vision of White and Red Roses could be seen, which proved to Ludwig that God's protecting hand was at work.

The following Text is taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew, King of Hungary, was given in marriage to Louis IV, Landgrave of Thuringia. She had three children, Herman, Sophia, and Gertrude. Her husband, who was a Saint, gave her the most entire liberty for her pious exercises and her Charity.

Like the strong women mentioned in the Epistle, she rose in the night to Pray, lavished Alms on the poor, and spun wool herself to make warm garments for them. What most characterised her was her love for the sick and the lepers, whom she cared for with maternal tenderness.

At her husband's death, wishing to renounce everything to acquire at this price the pearl of Eternal Life (Gospel), she put on a dress of course material and entered the Third Order Of Penance of Saint Francis, where she was noted for her patience and humility.

Her brother-in-law, having succeeded to the title of Landgrave, expelled her with her children from the princely Castle of the Wartburg and she, who was called the mother of the poor, could not find a hospitable roof as a shelter. She died at the age of twenty-four in 1231.

Mass: Cognovi.

The Tridentine Mass. Usus Antiquior.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

File:Missa tridentina 002.jpg

English: Elevation of the Chalice
after the Consecration 
during a Solemn Mass.
Čeština: Tridentská mše – pozdvihování.
Esperanto: Tridentina meso – hostilevado.
Latina: Missa tridentina – elevatio.
Polski: Msza trydencka - podniesienie.
This File: 13 August 2012.
User: Krepideia.
Attribution: Required attribution text: 
by the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, 
available from
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Tridentine Mass is the form of the Roman Rite Mass contained in the Typical Editions of the Roman Missal that were published from 1570 to 1962. It was the most widely celebrated Mass Liturgy in the world until the introduction of the Mass of Paul VI in December 1969.

In nearly every country, it was celebrated exclusively in Latin, but the use of many other languages was authorised both before the Council of Trent and in the course of the succeeding centuries leading to the Second Vatican Council.

File:Missale Romanum Glagolitice.jpg

The first Croatian printed book.
Printed in 1483.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The term "Tridentine" is derived from the Latin word Tridentinus, which means "related to the city of Tridentum (modern-day Trent, Italy)". It was in response to a decision of the Council of Trent that Pope Pius V promulgated the 1570 Roman Missal, making it mandatory throughout the Western Church, excepting those regions and Religious Orders whose existing Missals dated from before 1370.

File:Missa tridentina 002.jpg

Image: Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, 
available from

[These regions included those in which a variant of the Roman Rite, called the Sarum Rite, was in use for more than the minimum required time. On a few recent occasions, Roman Catholic Prelates have used this variant as an Extraordinary Form of celebrating Mass. But, like most of the other regions and the Orders concerned, the Sarum Rite areas have adopted the Standard Roman Missal. The most important non-Roman Liturgies that continue in use are the Ambrosian Rite, the Mozarabic Rite and the Carthusian Rite.]

File:Missa tridentina 002.jpg

Image: Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, 
available from

In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI issued a motu proprio, entitled Summorum Pontificum, accompanied by a Letter to the world's Bishops. The Pope stated that the 1962 Edition of the Roman Missal is to be considered as an "Extraordinary Form" (forma extraordinaria) of the Roman Rite, of which the Missal, as revised by Pope Paul VI in 1970, is the Ordinary, Normal or Standard Form. 

As a result, some refer to the 1962 Tridentine Mass as "the Extraordinary Form" of the Mass The 1962 Tridentine Mass is sometimes referred to as the "usus antiquior" (older use) or "forma antiquior" (older form), to differentiate it from the newer form of the Roman Rite in use since 1970.

File:Nuptial Mass Missa Nuptialis.jpg

(Traditional Mass Wedding).
Date: 30 November 2006 (original upload date).
Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia
transferred to Commons by User:Yoda1893 using CommonsHelper.
Author: Original uploader was Smith2006 at en.wikipedia.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Other names used include Traditional Mass and Latin Mass - though the revised form of the Mass that replaced it has its official text in Latin, and is sometimes celebrated in that language.

In Masses celebrated without the people, Latin Rite Catholic Priests are free to use either the 1962 version of the Tridentine Liturgy, or what is now the "Ordinary" (Normal) Form of the Liturgy. These Masses "may - observing all the norms of Law - also be attended by Faithful who, of their own free will, ask to be admitted." Permission to use the Tridentine Form in Parish Masses may be given by the Pastor or Rector.

Monday, 18 November 2013

The Dedication Of The Basilicas Of The Holy Apostles Peter And Paul. 18 November.

Text and Illustrations taken from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,

unless otherwise stated.

The Saint Andrew Daily Missal is obtainable from CARMEL BOOKS

The Traditional Catholic Book Store, Blackford House, Andover Road, Highclere, 
Newbury, Berkshire, England RG20 9PF. Tel: (01635 255340).

Illustrations and captions, within The Saint Andrew Daily Missal, 1952 Edition, 

are taken from UNA VOCE OF ORANGE COUNTY which reproduces them with the kind permission of ST. BONAVENTURE PRESS


White Vestments.

Interior of Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome,
Current location: Saint Louis Art Museum.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Italiano: Statua di San Paolo di fronte alla facciata della 
Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura a Roma.
English: Basilica of Saint Paul's-without-the-Walls, Rome.
Photo: May 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Berthold Werner.
 (Wikimedia Commons)

After having celebrated, on 5 August, the Dedication of Saint Mary of the Snow (better known under the name of Saint Mary Major) at Rome, and that of Saint Michael on 29 September, and that of Saint John Lateran on 9 November, and, in some Dioceses, a common Dedication Feast of all the consecrated Churches, the Church today celebrates that of the Basilicas of Saint Peter and Saint Paul at Rome.

Thus, are all these anniversaries solemnised in the season after Pentecost, a time when we give all our thoughts to the Church and to the Saints, of whom our Temples are the living image.

The Basilica of Saint Peter, on the Vatican, and that of Saint Paul-without-the-Walls, both erected by Emperor Constantine on the sites of their martyrdom, are hardly inferior, owing to their origin and importance, to the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. They were also consecrated by Saint Sylvester on 18 November.

English: Saint Peter's Basilica,
seen from the River Tiber. 
Magyar: Vatikánváros látképe.
Italiano: Veduta del Vaticano dal Tevere.
Photo: January 2005.
Source: Flickr
Reviewer: Andre Engels.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church of Saint Peter is on the site of the Circus of Nero, and, under its High Altar, lie the sacred remains of the Head of the Apostles, making it, with Saint John Lateran, the centre of the whole Christian world.

Here is always held the Station of the Saturday in Ember Week, when Holy Orders are conferred; here, also, are held the Stations of the Third Sunday in Advent, and of The Epiphany, and of Passion Sunday, and of Easter Monday, and of Ascension Day, and of Pentecost, and of the Litanies of Saint Mark, and of Rogation Wednesday.

Lastly, it is here that Mass is solemnly sung on the Feast of The Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, on 29 June, and on the Feasts of the Chair of Saint Peter at Rome, 18 January, and of the Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch, 22 February.

English: Basilica of Saint Paul-without-the-Walls, Vatican, Italy. 
With its length of 432 feet, this Basilica ranks 11th among the largest Churches in the world.
Français: Basilique Saint-Paul-hors-les-Murs, Vatican, située à Rome, Latium, Italie. 
Avec sa longueur de 131,66 mètres, cette Basilique se classe au 11è rang 
parmi les plus grandes églises au monde.
Photo: September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174.
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Church, already remarkable in the 4th-Century, was enlarged at a later date and completely rebuilt in the 16th-Century, when it was falling into decay. Pope Julian II and Pope Leo X had recourse to the greatest artists of the age and the combined plans of Bramante and Michael Angelo (sic) raised over the tomb of Saint Peter the greatest and richest Church in the world, which Pope Urban VIII consecrated on 18 November 1626.

The Basilica of Saint Paul, situated on the other side of Rome, was also built in the 4th-Century over the tomb of the Apostle of the Gentiles. On account of the distance, it was only used for the Station four times a year: On the Feast of Holy Innocents; on Sexagesima Sunday; on the Wednesday of the fourth week in Lent or day of the greatest scrutiny; and on Easter Tuesday. Mass is solemnly celebrated there on the day of the Commemoration of Saint Paul, 30 June, and on the day of his Conversion, 25 January.

Having been destroyed by fire in 1823, the Church was rebuilt by Pope Gregory XVI and Pope Pius IX, and consecrated by the latter on 10 December 1854. He maintained, however, today's Feast, joining the anniversary of the two Dedications under the original date of 18 November.

MassTerribilis. Page 1704. The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Sacred Baroque Music. Royal Chapel Of Spain. Baroque Churches in Austria, Germany, Poland, Spain.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

File:Palacio Real de Madrid.jpg

The Royal Palace,
Madrid, Spain.
which contains
The Royal Chapel.
Photo: 24 April 2010.
Source: Palacio Real.
Author: bepo2.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sacred Baroque Music from 
The Royal Chapel of Spain.
Available on YouTube at

File:Ebenthal Gurnitz Pfarrkirche Innenraum 15052008 41.jpg

English: Baroque Interior of the 
Parish Church of Saint Martin, 
at Gurnitz, Klagenfurt, Austria.
Deutsch: Inneres der Pfarrkirche Sankt Martin in Gurnitz, 
Marktgemeinde Ebenthal in Kärnten, Bezirk 
Klagenfurt Land, Kärnten / Österreich.
Photo: 15 May 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Johann Jaritz.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: Baroque Interior of the Basilica of Vierzehnheiligen, 
(Basilica of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints), 
near Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany.
Deutsch: Innenansicht Basilika Vierzehnheiligen (Germany).
Source: Own work.
Date: 5 September 2005.
Author: Asio otus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Basilica of Vierzehnheiligen, 
Bamberg, Germany.
Español: Basílica de Vierzehnheiligen.
Photo: 4 September 2005.
Source: Own work.
Author: Schubbay.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:St Anne Church Krakow 8.JPG

Church of Saint Anne,
Kraków, Poland.
Photo: 14 July 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Gryffindor.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Haigerloch St Anna3512.jpg

English: The Pilgrimage Church of Saint Anne, 
Haigerloch, Germany.
DeutschHaigerloch Wallfahrtskirche Sankt Anna.
Photo: 3 August 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Rainer Halama.
Permission: Own work, attribution required
(Multi-license with GFDL and Creative Commons CC-BY 2.5).
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Steinhausen pilgrimage church of our lady 102.JPG

The High Altar at 
Wallfahrtskirche Steinhausen, 
in the village of Steinhausen,
near Bad Schussenried, Germany.
Photo: 22 October 2012.
Source: Own work (Selbst fotografiert).
Author: Mattana.
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Toledo Cathedral, from Plaza del Ayuntamiento.jpg

Toledo Cathedral
Toledo, Spain.
Photo: 5 August 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Nikthestoned.
(Wikimedia Commons)

For The Anzacs And All The Fallen At Gallipoli.


The Band Played Waltzing Matilda.
Available on YouTube


No-Man's Land (Flowers Of The Forest).


No-Man's Land
(Flowers of the Forest)
Available on YouTube


Sunday, 17 November 2013

William Durandus (1230 – 1296). Mediaeval French Canonist And Liturgical Writer.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

Guillaume Durand (1230 – 1296),
also known as Durandus, Duranti or Durantis,
was a French Canonist and Liturgical Writer,
and Bishop of Mende, France.
Date: 17th-Century.
Source: Originally published in Boissard, Jean-Jacques: Bibliotheca chalcographica, 1652-1669.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Guillaume Durand, or William Durand (1230 – 1296), also known as Durandus, Duranti or Durantis, from the Italian form of Durandi filius, as he sometimes signed himself, was a French Canonist and Liturgical Writer, and Bishop of Mende, France.

He was born at Puimisson, near Béziers, France, of a noble family of Languedoc. He studied Law at Bologna, with Bernardus of Parma, and by about 1264 was teaching Canon Law, with success, at Modena, Italy.

Pope Clement IV, another Frenchman, called him to the Pontifical Court as a Chaplain and Auditor of the Palace, and in 1274 he accompanied Clement's successor, Pope Gregory X, to the Second Council of Lyons, the Constitutions of which he helped draw up. As spiritual and temporal Legate of the patrimony of Saint Peter, he received in 1278, in the name of the Pope, the homage of Bologna and of the other cities of Romagna.

File:Roma-Santa Maria sopra Minerva.jpg

Italiano: Basilica di Santa Maria sopra Minerva.
English: Basilica of Saint Mary above Minerva, Rome, Italy.
William Durandus's tomb is within this Basilica.
Façade by Carlo Maderno.
Latin: Basilica Sanctae Mariae supra Minervam.
Photo: 10 April 2005.
Source: [1].
Author: sonofgroucho.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Martin IV made him Vicar Spiritual in 1281, then Governor of Romagna and of the March of Ancona (1283). In the midst of the struggles between Guelfs and Ghibellines, Durandus successfully defended the Papal Territories, both by diplomacy and by arms. Pope Honorius IV retained him in his Offices and, although elected Bishop of Mende in 1286, he remained in Italy until 1291. In 1295, he refused the Archbishopric of Ravenna, which was offered him by Pope Boniface VIII, but accepted the task of pacifying his former Provinces of Romagna and the March of Ancona. In 1296 he withdrew to Rome, where he died. His tomb is in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva.

File:Blason évêque fr Guillaume Durand.svg

English: Coat-of-Arms of unspecified.
Drawn by Sanguinez, 17 October 2009, 
for Blazon Project of French-speaking Wikipedia, with Inkscape.
Source: unspecified.
Blazon: unspecified.
Français: Blason de les 2 évêques Guillaume Durand (oncle et neveu) dessiné par Sanguinez (talk) 12:15, 17 October 2009 (UTC) pour le Projet Blasons du Wikipédia francophone, avec Inkscape.
Source : œuvre personnelle d'après blasonnement - Blasonnement : De gueules à trois bandes d’argent, et un chef d’argent chargé d’un lion naissant d’azur, soutenu d’une devise cousue d’azur chargée de trois fleurs de lys d’or.
Date: 17 October 2009.
Source: œuvre personnelle d'après blasonnement, using Inkscape.
Author: Sanguinez (talk) 14:41, 17 October 2009 (UTC).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Durandus' principal work is the Speculum iudiciale, which was compiled in 1271, and revised in 1286 and 1291. It is a general explanation of civil, criminal and canonical procedure, and also includes a survey of the subject of contracts. It is a remarkable encyclopedical synthesis of Roman and Ecclesiastical Law, distinguished by its clarity, its method, and especially its practical sense, and its repute was as great and lasting in the courts as in the schools.

It won Durandus the nickname of Doctor Speculator. It was commented upon by Giovanni Andrea (in 1346), and by Baldus. In 1306, Cardinal Béranger drew up an alphabetical table of its contents (Inventorium). There are many manuscripts of the Speculum, and several editions, of which the most usual is that of Turin, in 1578, in 2 volumes, containing all additions - among them those by Giovanni d'Andrea, and tables. This edition was reproduced at Frankfurt in 1612 and 1668.

Another important work by Durandus was the Rationale divinorum officiorum, a Liturgical treatise written in Italy before 1286, on the origin and symbolic sense of the Christian Ritual. It presents a picture of the Liturgy of the 13th-Century in the West, studied in its various forms, its Traditional sources, and its relation to the Church buildings and furniture. With Martène's De antiquis Ecclesiae ritibus, it is the main authority on the Mediaeval Western Liturgies. It has run through various editions since its first publication in 1459.

Mende Cathedral, France.
William Durandus was Bishop of Mende.
Photo: 26 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Szeder László.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The other important works of Durandus comprise:

Repertorium iuris canonici (Breviarium aureum), a collection of citations from Canonists on questions of controversy, often published along with the Speculum;

Commentarius in sacrosanctum Lugdunense concilium (ed. Fano, 1569), of especial value owing to the share of Durandus in the elaboration of the Constitutions of this Council (1274), and inserted by Pope Boniface VIII in the Sextus.

His nephew, also called Guillaume Durand, was also a Canonist. Guillaume Durand the Younger, a later Bishop of Mende, was an advocate of ecclesiastical reform at the Council of Vienne, France.

For The Anzacs And All The Fallen At Gallipoli.


The Band Played Waltzing Matilda.
Available on YouTube


No-Man's Land (Flowers Of The Forest).


No-Man's Land
(Flowers of the Forest)
Available on YouTube


Saturday, 16 November 2013

For The Anzacs And All The Fallen At Gallipoli.


The Band Played Waltzing Matilda.
Available on YouTube


No-Man's Land (Flowers Of The Forest).


No-Man's Land
(Flowers of the Forest)
Available on YouTube


Stabat Mater. By Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710 - 1736) & Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741).

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.


Purported portrait of Pergolesi.
Presented by his biographer, Florimo,
to the Naples Conservatory.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Stabat Mater.
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi (1710 - 1736).
Antonio Vivaldi (1678 - 1741).
Available on YouTube at

Besides secular music, Pergolesi also wrote sacred music, including a Mass in F and his Magnificat in C Major. It is his Stabat Mater (1736), however, for soprano, alto, string orchestra and basso continuo, which is his best known sacred work.

It was commissioned by the Confraternità dei Cavalieri di San Luigi di Palazzo, who presented an annual Good Friday Meditation in honour of The Virgin Mary. Pergolesi's work replaced one composed by Alessandro Scarlatti, only nine years before, but which was already perceived as "old-fashioned," so rapidly had public tastes changed.

File:Antonio Vivaldi.jpg

Artist: François Morellon la Cave.
Engraved portrait of Antonio Vivaldi.
Italiano: François Morellon la Cave: Antonio Vivaldi – 
Effigies Antonii Vivaldi per l’edizione Le Cène dell’op. 8 del 1725.
Deutsch: Antonio Vivaldi (Kupferstich von François Morellon la Cave; 1725).
English: Antonio Vivaldi by François Morellon la Cave; 1725.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741), nicknamed il Prete Rosso ("The Red Priest") because of his red hair, was an Italian Baroque composer, Catholic Priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in Venice.

Recognised as one of the greatest Baroque composers, his influence during his lifetime was widespread over Europe. Vivaldi is known mainly for composing instrumental concertos, especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over forty operas. His best known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons.

Many of his compositions were written for the female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pietà, a home for abandoned children, where Vivaldi had been employed from 1703 to 1715 and from 1723 to 1740. Vivaldi also had some success with stagings of his operas in VeniceMantua and Vienna. After meeting the Emperor Charles VI, Vivaldi moved to Vienna, hoping for preferment. However, the Emperor died soon after Vivaldi's arrival and Vivaldi died less than a year later.

Though Vivaldi's music was well received during his lifetime, it later declined in popularity until its vigorous revival in the first half of the 20th-Century. Today, Vivaldi ranks among the most popular and widely recorded of Baroque composers.

Friday, 15 November 2013

The Ghent Altarpiece. Saint Bavo Cathedral. Jan Van Eyck.

Text and Illustrations from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia,
unless otherwise stated.

English: Ghent Altarpiece.
Français: Retable de L'Agneau mystique.
日本語: ヘントの祭壇画
Source: en.wikipedia.
Author: Copyright Pol Mayer / 
Paul M.R. Maeyaert (en.wikipedia).
(Wikimedia Commons)

File:Kooromgang gent.JPG

Saint Bavo Cathedral,
Ghent, Belgium.
Photo: 9 November 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Carolus.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Jan and Hubert van Eyck: 
The Ghent Altarpiece.
Cathedral of Saint Bavo.
Music by Pergolesi.
Available on YouTube at

The Ghent Altarpiece (also called the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb or The Lamb of God (Dutch: Het Lam Gods) is a very large and complex Early-15th-Century Early Flemish polyptych panel painting. It comprises an Altarpiece of 12 panels, eight of which are hinged shutters. These wings are painted on both sides, giving two very distinct views depending on whether they are open or closed.

Outside of Sundays and festive holidays, the work was displayed with the outer wings closed, and was often covered with a cloth. The work was commissioned from Hubert van Eyck, about whom little is known. Hubert was most likely responsible for the overall design, but died in 1426. It seems to have been principally executed and completed by his younger and better known brother, Jan van Eyck, between 1430 – 1432.

Although there have been extensive attempts over the centuries to isolate the passages attributable to either brother, no separation has been convincingly established. Today, most accept that the work was probably designed and constructed by Hubert, and that the individual panels were painted by Jan, after his return from diplomatic duties in Spain.

The closed view. Back Panels.
English: Ghent Altarpiece.
日本語: ヘントの祭壇画.
Source: en.wikipedia.
Author: User:Copyright Pol Mayer / 
Paul M.R. Maeyaert (en.wikipedia).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Altarpiece was commissioned by the merchant, financier and politician, Joost Vijdt, then holding a position in Ghent similar to City Mayor. It was designed for the Chapel for whom he and his wife acted as benefactors, today's Saint Bavo Cathedral, at the time the Parochial Church of John the Baptist, Patron Saint of the city.

It was officially installed on 6 May 1432 to coincide with an official ceremony for Philip the Good. It was later moved for security reasons to the principal Cathedral Chapel, where it remains. While indebted to the International Gothic as well as both Byzantine and Romanic traditions, the Altarpiece represented a "new conception of art", in which the idealisation of the Mediaeval tradition gave way to an exacting observation of nature and un-idealised human representation.

File:Retable de l'Agneau mystique (3).jpg

The Virgin Mary.
Jan van Eyck (1390 -1441.
Retable de l'Agneau mystique.
This File: 14 April 2005.
User: Petrusbarbygere.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A now lost inscription on the frame stated that Hubert van Eyck, maior quo nemo repertus (greater than anyone), started the Altarpiece, but that Jan van Eyck – calling himself arte secundus (second best in the art) – completed it in 1432.

The original, very ornate, carved outer frame and surround, presumably harmonising with the painted tracery, was destroyed during the Reformation; there has been speculation that it may have included clockwork mechanisms for moving the shutters and even playing music.

File:Retable de l'Agneau mystique (2).jpg

The central figure, 
usually referred to as
"The Almighty".
Jan van Eyck (1390 -1441.
Retable de l'Agneau mystique.
This File: 14 April 2005.
User: Petrusbarbygere.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The outer panels contain two vertically-stacked registers (rows). The upper rows show scenes from the Annunciation of Mary. The four lower-register panels are divided into two pairs; sculptural grisaille paintings of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, and on the two outer panels, donor portraits of Joost Vijdt and his wife, Lysbette Borluut.

The upper register of the opened view shows a Deësis of Christ the King, Virgin Mary and John the Baptist. They are flanked by images of Angels singing and playing music, and, on the outermost panels, Adam and Eve. The lower register of the central panel shows the adoration of the Lamb of God, with several groups in attendance or streaming in to worship, overseen by the dove of the Holy Spirit.

File:Retable de l'Agneau mystique (4).jpg

Saint John The Baptist.
Jan van Eyck (1390 -1441.
Retable de l'Agneau mystique.
This File: 14 April 2005.
User: Petrusbarbygere.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Since its creation, the Altarpiece has been considered one of Northern European art's masterpieces and one of the world's treasures. Over the centuries, the panels have come close to being destroyed during outbreaks of iconoclasm, been moved and damaged by fire, while some have been sold, and others taken during wars.

After all the panels were again returned to Saint Bavo Cathedral, following World War I, in 1934, the lower left panel, The Just Judges, was stolen. The panel has not been recovered. In 1945, after the Altarpiece was returned from Germany, having spent much of World War II hidden in a salt mine, which greatly damaged the paint and varnishes, Jef Van der Veken produced a copy of the stolen panel, as part of an overall restoration effort.

For The Anzacs And All The Fallen At Gallipoli.


The Band Played Waltzing Matilda.
Available on YouTube


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