Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 24 February 2017

Weekly Traditional Latin Masses In Kent: Maidstone; Ashford; Tenterden; Headcorn; Ramsgate; Margate; Tunbridge Wells; Chislehurst.

Illustration by

Zephyrinus is delighted to publicise
the Traditional Latin Masses,
which are Celebrated in Kent
on a regular Weekly basis on Sundays.

In addition, Traditional Latin Masses
are Celebrated during the Week,
on Feast Days and Holy Days of Obligation.

Illustration by

There is a vibrant and happy group
who attend these Masses
and meet, after Mass, for a lovely Lunch
in various hostelries and locations.

Do come and join them. You will all be most welcome.

Illustration by

Besides Glorifying God in an edifying,
Holy and Traditional manner,
you will see the wonderful Kent countryside
changing throughout the Seasons,
which, in itself, Glorifies God.




Church of Saint Francis,
Maidstone, Kent.
Photo: © Copyright Chris Whippet
and licensed for reuse under this

Traditional Latin Masses are Celebrated

at the

Church of Saint Francis,
126, Week Street,
Maidstone, Kent ME14 1RH,
(next to Maidstone East Railway Station)

at 1230 hrs,




Church of Saint Simon Stock,
Ashford, Kent.

Traditional Latin Masses are Celebrated

at the

Church of Saint Simon Stock,
Brookfield Road,
Ashford, Kent TN23 4EU,

at 1215 hrs,




Traditional Latin Masses are Celebrated

at the

Church of Saint Andrew,
47, Ashford Road,
Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LL,

at 1200 hrs,




Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury,
Headcorn, Kent.
Photo © Copyright David Anstiss
and licensed for reuse

Traditional Latin Masses are Celebrated

at the

Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury,
Becket Court, 15, Station Road,
Headcorn, Kent TN27 9SB,
(near to Headcorn Railway Station)

at 1200 hrs,





Saint Simon Stock Church,
Ashford, Kent.

Traditional Latin Masses are Celebrated

at the

Church of Saint Simon Stock,
Brookfield Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 4EU,

at 1215 hrs,


Zephyrinus is grateful to Tony V at PRAY TELL UNCHAINED
for providing information on Usus Antiquior Masses in Ramsgate, Kent.

Traditional Latin Mass at Saint Augustine's,
Ramsgate, Kent.

Saint Augustine's Shrine,
Ramsgate, Kent.

Times of Latin
Usus Antiquior Masses.


Saint Augustine’s Church,
Saint Augustine’s Road,
Kent CT11 9PA.

Telephone: 01843 592 071.

Traditional Latin Masses at

1200 hrs. Sunday.


0930 hrs. Friday.

Saint Ethelbert and Saint Gertrude Church,
Ramsgate, Kent.


Saint Ethelbert and Saint Gertrude Church,
72, Hereson Road,
Kent CT11 7DS.

Traditional Latin Mass at

0930 hrs.
on Wednesdays.

Saint Augustine's Church,
Tunbridge Wells, Kent.


Saint Augustine’s Church,
Crescent Road,
Royal Tunbridge Wells,
Kent TN1 2LY.

Telephone: 01892 522525.

Traditional Latin Mass at

1900 hrs.
on Wednesdays.

Saint Mary's Church,
Chislehurst, Kent.


Saint Mary's Church
28 Crown Lane,
Kent BR7 5PL.


Telephone: 020 8467 3215.

Traditional Latin Mass at

1100 hrs.
Every Sunday.


1930 hrs.
on Fridays.

Saint Austin and Saint Gregory Church,
Margate, Kent.


Saint Austin and Saint Gregory Church,
38 Charlotte Place,
Kent CT9 1LP.

Telephone: 01843 220825.


Traditional Latin Mass at

1130 hrs.
on Sundays


1930 hrs.
on Mondays.



Available (in U.K.) from

Available (in U.S.A.) from

Thursday 23 February 2017

Vigil Of Saint Matthias. Apostle. 23 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Vigil Of Saint Matthias.
23 February.


Violet Vestments.

Saint Matthias.PNG

Saint Matthias.
Date: Circa 1317–1319.
Author: Workshop of Simone Martini,
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church attaches great importance to The Feasts of The Apostles, which are preceded by a Vigil (Collect).

Saint Matthias, elected by The Will of God (Gospel), received Judas' share in the inheritance of The Church which was figured by The Promised Land divided into twelve tribes (Epistle).

Called "to give his life" (Gospel), like Jesus, to crown his Apostolic career, he suffered Martyrdom and was "clothed by God in resplendent glory" (Communion).

Let us ask God to prepare us to Celebrate piously The Feast of His Apostle, Saint Matthias.

Mass: Ego autem.

English: Stained-Glass Window, depicting Saint Matthias (Left)
in the Cathedral of Saint Marie d'Auch, France.
Français : Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d'Auch - Vitrail de la chapelle de la Passion (saint Mathias, Esdras, Habacuc, sibylle Tiburtine).
Date: July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: MOSSOT.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Peter Damian. Bishop. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 23 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Peter Damian.
Bishop. Confessor.
   Doctor Of The Church.
Feast Day 23 February.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Peter Damian (Right), depicted with Saints Augustine, Anne, and Elizabeth.
Deutsch: Portuense-Altar, Szene: Thronende Madonna und Heilige:
Hl. Augustinus, Hl. Anna, Hl. Elisabeth, Hl. Petrus Damiani.
Date: 1481.
Current location: Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan, Italy.
Source/Photographer: The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei.
DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Peter Damian showed remarkable piety from his childhood. Having, by chance, picked up a coin, he gave it to a Priest, requesting him to offer up The Divine Sacrifice for the Soul of his father. He added to his father's name, that of Damian, his brother, out of gratitude, because it was by his brother's generosity that he was able to pursue his studies.

"Despising Earthly riches" (Collect), he enterered a Monastery of Camaldolese of The Benedictine Observance and soon became its Abbot (Communion).

"As a light of Souls, he was to be placed on the candlestick" (Gospel), and became Bishop of Ostia and Cardinal. He rendered immense services to The Sovereign Pontiffs by his learning, his commissions as Legate and many other works.

Taking his share in the Apostolic life of Jesus, he combatted the heresy of The Simonists and died at Faenza in 1072. Pope Leo XII gave him the Title of Doctor of The Church.

Let us imitate in his ardour for Penance, Saint Peter Damian, who contributed so much, by his example and counsel, to spread the penitential practice of the discipline as an atonement for sin.

Mass: In médio.
Commemoration and Last Gospel of The Feria in Lent.
Commemoration of The Vigil of Saint Matthias the Apostle, if it be not Leap Year when The Vigil is on the 24th.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Juventutem London. Missa Cantata And Social At Saint Mary Moorfields, Moorgate, London, On Friday, 24 February 2017, 1930 hrs.

Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN

The Chair Of Saint Peter At Antioch. Feast Day, Today, 22 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
Feast Day 22 February.


White Vestments.

English: Saint Peter as Pope — here shown with The Pallium
Magyar: Szent Péter, portréfestménye a szentről, mint pápáról –
a festményen pápai köntösben a mennyország kulcsaival látható.
Français: Saint Pierre. Elle représente le saint en tant que Pape -
vu ici avec le pallium et les clés du Paradis.
Artist: Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640).
Date: 1610-1612.
Current location: Prado, Madrid, Spain.
Source/Photographer: Originally from en.wikipedia
description page is (was) here.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"Tu Es Petrus"
[Thou Art Peter].
By Robert Pearsall (1795 - 1856).
Sung on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville,
Ohio, United States of America.
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung
Available on YouTube at

"Asperges Me".
on The Feast Day of The Chair of Saint Peter at Antioch.
At The Church of Saint Peter, Steubenville,
Ohio, United States of America.
Sung by Schola Cantorum Sanctorum Angelorum
and Students from The Franciscan University.
Conductor: Andrew Leung.
Cantor: John Brodeur.
Available on YouTube at

To honour the dignity of "The Prince" (Introit), to whom Jesus committed The Power of The Keys (Collect), The Church instituted The Feast of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which is found in The Roman Calendar on this date since 354 A.D.

[The Cathedra (Chair) is The Throne established where the Bishop resides, hence the name Cathedral, given to the Church where the Bishop's Seat is placed. Metaphorically, it represents the Episcopal authority itself. "The Chair of Saint Peter" means, therefore, a memory of Saint Peter's Episcopate, and his Primacy as Head of The Whole Church.]

As it often falls in Lent, certain Churches Celebrated it at an earlier date, in January. Hence, the two Feasts of "The Chair of Saint Peter", which The Church distinguished by connecting the more ancient Feast [Rome, until the 16th-Century, only Celebrated this Feast and not the other Feast] on 22 February, with "The Chair at Antioch", and the other Feast, on 18 January, with "The Chair of Rome". Saint Peter resided, indeed for some time, at Antioch about the years 51-52 A.D.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
A Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately
follows The Collects of The Feast, today,
The Liturgy does not separate those
who have so justly been called
"The Two Pillars of The Church".
Artist: Rene de Cramer.
“Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium”.
Used with Permission.

It is to Saint Peter, who proclaimed that Jesus was "The Christ, Son of The Living God" (Gospel), when all Palestine rejected Him, that The Master commits The Power to Bind Satan by Closing The Gates of Hell, to Open for us The Gates of Heaven (Gospel). And The Head of The Church teaches us in his first Epistle that it is "by Faith, in the sprinkling of The Blood of Jesus Christ, that The Holy Ghost Sanctifies us and reconciles us to The Father."

The Commemoration of Saint Paul immediately follows The Collect of The Feast, for The Liturgy does not separate those who have so justly been called "The Two Pillars of The Church".

Let us today honour The Head of The Church, who continues here below the redeeming work of Jesus.

Mass: Státuit ei Dóminus.
Commemoration: Of Saint Paul.
Commemoration: Of The Feria (with Last Gospel), in Lent.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Don't Forget To Prepare For Lent.

Wow !!! Time For Some Great Music !!! And, Then, Surf's Up. Get The Woody Ready !!!

"Help Me, Rhonda".
The Beach Boys.
Available on YouTube at

"Surfin' USA".
The Beach Boys.
Available on YouTube at

"I got a '34 Wagon and we call it a Woody".
The opening words
(written by Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys)
in the classic Jan and Dean song of the '60s,
"Surf City" (see, below).

A '34 Woody.
1934 Ford Model 40 Station Wagon.

"Surf City",
Jan and Dean
Available on YouTube at

Another '34 Woody.
1934 Ford Station Wagon.

1934 Ford Custom Woody Wagon.

"Surfin' Safari".
The Beach Boys.
Available on YouTube at

Monday 20 February 2017

For The Sanctification Of The Clergy. Available From Silverstream Priory's "Cenacle Press".

Illustration: VULTUS CHRISTI

"The Way of The Cross for Priests" is available from
Silverstream Priory’s own "Cenacle Press".

The beautifully-designed twenty-two-page booklet is suitable for
 The Stations of The Cross, Prayed privately or publicly.

Order it from our ONLINE SHOP.

It is NOT, as the Title suggests to some,
a Way of The Cross to be Prayed only by Priests.

It is, rather, a Way of The Cross that anyone can Pray
for The Sanctification of The Clergy.

All Aboard. The Train Is Now About To Leave. The Next Stop Is Miami, Florida !!!


Saved from:
Illustration: PINTEREST

Sunday 19 February 2017

Zephyrinus Just Bought This Wonderful Book. Do Consider Doing The Same.

Sexagesima Sunday.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Sexagesima Sunday.

Station at Saint Paul-without-the-Walls.


Privilege of The Second Class.

Violet Vestments.

The Seed is The Word of God.
Artist: Rene de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

As on Septuagesima Sunday, and on those which follow until Passion Sunday, The Church teaches us "to Celebrate The Paschal Sacrament" by "The Scriptures of both Testaments" (Prayer of Holy Saturday after The Seventh Prophecy).

Through the whole of this week, The Divine Office is full of the thought of Noah. God, seeing man's wickedness was great upon the Earth, said: "I will destroy man, whom I have created"; and He told Noah: "I will establish my Covenant with thee and thou shalt enter into The Ark."

For forty days and forty nights, rain fell on the Earth, while the Ark floated on the waters which rose above the mountain tops and covered them; and, in this whirlpool, all men were carried away "like stubble" (Gradual); only Noah and his companions in The Ark remaining alive.

Then, God remembered them, and, at length, the rain ceased. After some time, Noah opened the window of The Ark and set free a dove, which returned with a fresh olive leaf, and Noah understood that the waters no longer covered the Earth.

Exsurge, quare obdormis, Domine ?
The Introit for Sexagesima Sunday.
Available on YouTube at

And God told him: "Go out of The Ark, thou and thy wife, thy sons and the wives of thy sons, with thee" (Communion). And the rainbow appeared as a sign of reconciliation between God and men.

That Noah's story is related to The Paschal Mystery is shown by the fact that The Church reads it on Holy Saturday [Second Prophecy); and this is how she, herself, applies it, in the Liturgy, to Our Lord and His Church. "The just wrath of The Creator drowned the guilty World in the vengeful waters of The Flood, only Noah being saved in The Ark.

But then the admirable power of love lavéd (washed) the World in blood" [Hymns for The Feast of The Precious Blood]. It was The Wood of The Ark, which saved the human race, and it is that of The Cross, which, in its turn, saves the World.

"Thou, alone," says The Church, speaking of The Cross, "hast been found worthy to be, for this shipwrecked World, The Ark which brings safely into port" [Hymn at Lauds in Passiontide]. "The open door in the side of The Ark, by which those enter who are to escape from The Flood, and who represent The Church, are, as is explained in the Liturgy, a type of The Mystery of Redemption; for, on The Cross, Our Lord had His Sacred Side open and, from this Gate of Life, went forth The Sacraments, giving true life to Souls. Indeed, The Blood and Water, which flow from thence, are symbols of The Eucharist and of Holy Baptism" [Lessons from Saint Chrysostom and Saint Augustine, Matins of The Feast of The Precious Blood].

Sexagesima Sunday.
Sacred Heart Church,
United States of America.
Available on YouTube at

"O God, Who by water didst wash away the crimes of the guilty World, and, by the overflowing of the deluge didst give a figure of regeneration, that one and the same element might, in a Mystery, be the end of vice and the origin of virtue: Look, O Lord, on the face of Thy Church and multiply in her Thy regenerations, opening the fonts of Baptism all over the World for the renovation of the Gentiles" [Blessing of the Baptismal Font on Holy Saturday].

"In the days of Noah," says Saint Peter, "eight Souls were saved by water, whereunto Baptism, being of the like form, now saveth you also."

On Maundy Thursday, when the Bishop Blesses The Holy Oil from the olive tree, which is to be used for The Sacraments, he says: "When of old, the crimes of the World were atoned for by the waters of The Flood, a dove, foreshadowing the gift to come, announced by an olive branch, the return of peace to the Earth.

And this indeed is made clear by its effects in latter times: When the waters of Baptism, having washed away all guilt of sin, the unction of the oil makes us joyous and serene." The Blood of Christ is The blood of The New Covenant, which Almighty God has made with man, through His Son. "Thou," cries The Church, "Who, by an olive branch, didst command the dove to proclaim peace to the World."

"Commovisti, Domine, terram . . ."
The Tract for Sexagesima Sunday.
Gregorian Chant notation from The Liber Usualis (1961).
Latin lyrics sung by The Benedictine Nuns
of Notre-Dame de l'Annonciation,
Le Barroux, France.
Available on YouTube at

Peace is often mentioned in The Mass, which is The Memorial of The Passion: "Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum." And we shall find the Collect for Easter Friday, speaking of The Paschal Sacrament, as The Seal of Reconciliation between God and man.

Above all, however, in his Divinely-Appointed Mission as father of all succeeding generations, Noah is a figure of Christ [Sixth Lesson of Septuagesima Sunday]; he was truly the second father of the human race and he remains the type of life continually renewed. We are told in the Liturgy that the olive branch, by means of its foliage, is a symbol of the prosperous fertility bestowed by Almighty God upon Noah when he came forth from The Ark, and The Ark, itself, is called by Saint Ambrose, in today's Office, the "seminarium," or nursery, that is, the place containing the seed of life which is to fill the World.

Now, Christ, much more than Noah, was the second Adam, peopling the World with a race of believing Souls, faithful to God. On Holy Saturday, in The Prayer following The Second Prophecy, which is concerned with Noah, The Church humbly asks Almighty God to "peacefully effect," by His Eternal Decree, "the work of human Salvation," and to "let the whole World experience and see that, what was fallen, is raised up; what was old, is made new," and that "all things are re-established, through Him from Whom they received their first being, Our Lord Jesus Christ".

It was through The Word that God made the World in the beginning (Last Gospel), and it is by the Preaching of His Gospel that Our Lord came to bring men to a new birth. "Being born again," says Saint Peter, "not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, by The Word of God, Who liveth and reigneth for ever . . . And this is The Word, which, by the Gospel, hath been preached unto you".

Benediction after Mass.
Sexagesima Sunday,
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Available on YouTube at

From this, we can see why today's Gospel is taken from The Parable of The Sower, for "the seed is The Word of God". If, in Noah's days, men perished, Saint Paul tells us, it was because of their unbelief, while, at the same time, it was by Faith that Noah "framed The Ark . . . by the which he condemned the World, and was instituted heir of the justice which is by Faith".

In the same way, those who believe in Our Lord's words will be saved.

According to Saint Augustine's exposition, "as there were three floors in The Ark, so there are three different Spiritual Harvests". In today's Epistle, Saint Paul recounts all that he did and suffered in the course of preaching The Faith to the Gentiles and, indeed, he, The Apostle to the Gentiles, was the outstanding preacher of the World.

He is the "Minister of Christ", that is, the one whom God had chosen to unfold to all Nations the good news of The Incarnate Word. "Who will grant me", cries Saint John Chrysostom, "to walk around Saint Paul's body, to embrace his tomb, to behold the dust of that body which filled up what was lacking in Christ's sufferings, which bore the marks of his wounds, which everywhere spread abroad, like good seed, the preaching of the Gospel ? [In The Office for The Octave of Saint Peter and Saint Paul].

The Roman Church has fulfilled this desire, in the case of her own children, by making a Station on this day to the Basilica of Saint Paul-without-the-Walls. "Through the Church's Neophytes", we read in the Liturgy, "the Earth is renewed, and thus renewed, she brings forth fruit, as it were, from the dead ! [Easter Monday at Matins].

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Exsurge, quare obdormis.
Collects: As on Septuagesima Sunday.
Preface: Of The Holy Trinity. On weekdays, The Common Preface.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Saint Simeon. Bishop And Martyr. Feast Day, Today, 18 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Simeon.
Bishop And Martyr.
Feast Day 18 February.


Red Vestments.

Icon of Saint Simeon of Jerusalem.
Date: Unknown.
Source: The picture originates
from the open catalogue ([1]
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Simeon, son of Cleophas and of Mary, who was so closly related to The Blessed Virgin Mary as to be called her sister, "was Anointed with Holy Oil" (Gradual) and became Bishop of Jerusalem after Saint James the Less.

A Disciple of Christ, Whom he had known, he was for this reason arrested and crucified (Gospel). Although he was 120 years of age, the Venerable old man "suffered this cruel punishment with constancy and received The Crown of Life, which God prepares for those who love Him" (Epistle). His Martyrdom took place in 106 A.D.

Like Saint Simeon, let us unite ourselves to Jesus by dying to sin at this Holy Season of Penance.

Mass: Státuit. Of a Martyr Bishop.

Saint Mary Bernard Soubirous. Virgin. Feast Day, Today, 18 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Mary Bernard Soubirous.
Feast Day 18 February.


White Vestments.

Saint Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes.
Date: Circa 1858.
Source: Weltwoche 8/08.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Bernadette Soubirous was born at Lourdes in 1844. Our Blessed Lady appeared eighteen times to her in The Grotto of Massabielle at the beginning of 1858 (Collect).

On 25 March 1858, The Blessed Virgin Mary said to her: "I am The Immaculate Conception", thereby confirming The Dogma officially proclaimed by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1854.

Leaving everything to purchase at such a price The Kingdom of Heaven (Gospel), she entered the Convent of The Sisters of Charity, at Nevers, France, in 1868. Here, she was given the name of Sister Mary Bernard, and died on 16 April 1879, after a hidden life of Prayer and Penance (Secret).

She was Canonised by Pope Pius XI on 8 December 1933 [Editor: The Feast Day of The Immaculate Conception]; in 1936, her Feast Day was ordered to be Celebrated by The Universal Church eight days after The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Mass: Vultum tuum.
Commemoration: In Lent of The Feria and of Saint Simeon.

Friday 17 February 2017

The First Traditional Latin Mass In Waterford Cathedral, Ireland, In Fifty Years. Deo Gratias.


This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, NEW LITURGICAL MOVEMENT

From The Latin Mass Society of Ireland comes this report of the first Traditional Latin Mass held in the Cathedral of Waterford in fifty years. The next Traditional Latin Mass in Waterford Cathedral is scheduled for 26 February 2017, Quinquagesima Sunday, at 10 a.m.

After a fifty-year absence, The Traditional Latin Mass returned to the oldest Cathedral Seat of the oldest City in Ireland. With the kind permission of Very Rev. Canon Edmund Cullinan, Administrator., The Traditional Roman Catholic Mass was offered in Waterford Cathedral on Sunday, 22 January 2017, at 10 a.m.

The Celebrant, Polish Priest Fr Andrzej Komorowski, processed in a rather fitting Green Cope through a respectably-filled Cathedral of over 250 people, all eagerly awaiting The Traditional Mass.

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Waterford, Ireland.
The Waterford Architect, John Roberts, 
was invited to build
Holy Trinity Cathedral for Waterford’s Roman Catholic community.
Founded in 1793, it was the first post-Reformation Catholic Cathedral
to be built in Ireland. Roberts was still working on it when he died
on 23 May 1796 at the age of eighty-two.

Prayer. It's A Wonderful Thing.

Illustration: PINTEREST

All Aboard, Please. The Union Pacific Railroad's Streamliner, "City Of Los Angeles", Is About To Leave.

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