Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 2 March 2017

Thursday After Ash Wednesday. Lenten Station At San Giorgio-in-Velabro.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Thursday after Ash Wednesday.

Station at St. George's.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

San Giorgio-in-Velabro
is a Minor Basilica Church
in Rome, Italy, dedicated to Saint George.
Photo: April 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: User: Zello
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Station is, since the time of Pope Gregory II (7th-Century A.D.), at Saint George's-in-Velabro. This Church is in the district called The Velabrum, or Velum aureum, on account of a Relic kept in a Golden Veil. Saint George's is one of the twenty-five Parishes of Rome in the 5th-Century A.D., where, under The High Altar, is kept the Head of this Christian warrior, a victim of The Persecution of The Emperor Diocletian, and called by the Greeks "The Great Martyr".

The Liturgy of today inculcates in us the spirit of Prayer, which forms part of The Forty Days' Penance. It was by Prayer that Ezechias obtained a prolongation of his life (Epistle of today) and the Centurion the healing of his servant (Gospel), and it is by Prayer that we shall obtain from God the strength to mortify ourselves, in order that we may gain the pardon of our sins, and, with it, the healing of our Souls and Life Eternal.

Interior of San Giorgio-in-Velabro.
Photo: August 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Luc.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Gospel, in former times, reminded the Catechumens that, through Baptism, they were about to enter The Kingdom of Heaven.

Remember that, if sin offends God and draws upon us the scourge of His Righteous Anger, Penance, on the contrary, appeases Him and procures for us the effects of His Mercy (Collects).

Mass: Dum clamárem.
Preface: For Lent.

Interior of San Giorgio-in-Velabro.
Photo: March 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: sailko.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

San Giorgio-in-Velabro is a Minor Basilica Church in Rome, Italy, devoted to Saint George.

The Church is located in the ancient Roman Velabrum, near the Arch of Janus, in the rione of Ripa. Sited near the River Tiber, it is within a complex of Republican-era pagan temples associated with the port of Rome. The ancient Arcus Argentariorum is attached to the side of the Church's façade.

San Giorgio-in-Velabro is The Station Church for The First Thursday in Lent.

The first religious building attested, in the place of the current Basilica, is a Diaconia, funded by Pope Gregory the Great.

The High Altar at San Giorgio-in-Velabro.
Photo: March 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: sailko.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The current Basilica was built during the 7th-Century A.D., possibly by Pope Leo II, who Dedicated it to Saint Sebastian. A 482 word-inscription in the catacombs of Saint Callixtus probably refers to a Church in the same zone. Its plan is irregular, indeed slightly trapezoidal, as a result of the frequent additions to the building. The Interior Columns are almost randomly arranged, having been taken from sundry Roman temples.

The Basilica was inside the Greek Quarter of Rome, where Greek-speaking merchants, civil and military officers, and Monks, of The Byzantine Empire lived — the nearby Santa Maria-in-Cosmedin, for example, was known as Schola Graeca at the time. Pope Zachary (741 A.D. - 752 A.D.), who was of Greek origin, moved the Relic of Saint George to this Basilica from Cappadocia, so that this Saint had a Basilica Dedicated in The West, well before the spreading of his Devotion associated with the return of The Crusaders from The East.

After a restoration by Pope Gregory IV (9th-Century A.D.), the Basilica received the addition of the Portico and of the Bell-Tower in the first half of the 13th-Century. The Apsis was decorated with frescoes by Pietro Cavallini in the 13th-Century.

Photo: April 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Between 1923 and 1926, the Superintendent of Monuments of Rome, Antonio Muñoz, completed a more radical restoration programme, with the aim of restoring the building's "Mediaeval character" and freeing it from later additions. This was done by returning the floor to its original level (and so exposing the Column bases), reopening the ancient windows that gave light to the Central Nave, restoring the Apsis, and generally removing numerous accretions from the other most recent restorations. During this process, fragments (now displayed on the Basilica's Internal walls) were found, indicating a schola cantorum on the site, attributed to the period of Pope Gregory IV.

The building, as we see it today, is largely a product of the 1920s restoration. However, five years' further restoration followed the explosion of a car bomb, parked close to the Basilica's facade, at midnight on 27 July 1993. That explosion caused no fatalities but left the 12th-Century Portico almost totally collapsed and blew a large opening into the wall of the main Basilica, as well as doing serious damage to the residence of The Generalate of The Crosiers (Canons Regular of The Order of The Holy Cross), next door. The Ministry of Cultural Heritage researched and catalogued what was damaged or destroyed, placing the fragments in 1050 crates, with dates and locational references, before restoring the building with them, although some details, particularly in the Portico, were deliberately left un-restored as a memorial to the bombing.

Gianfranco Ravasi is, since November 2010, Cardinal-Deacon of the Church. Among the previous Titulars are: Oddone Colonna, who later became Pope Martin V; Raffaele Riario; Giacomo Stefaneschi; and John Henry Newman. Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler was Titular of San Giorgio, as a Cardinal Priest, until his death in 2007.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Hapus Dydd Gwyl Dewi. Happy Saint David's Day. Feast Day 1 March.

The Welsh National Anthem.
Available on YouTube at

The Welsh Dragon.
Flag of Wales.
Illustration: DINO

In Wales, the Daffodil is a symbol of the Patron Saint, David (Welsh: Dewi Sant), and
of rebirth and faithfulness, because they bloom every year, even after the harshest Winters.
Illustration: PINTEREST

The Welsh National Anthem,
just before Wales beat England 30-3,
Saturday, 16 March 2013.
Available on YouTube at

"Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" is The Welsh National Anthem.
The tune and words were the work of the father and son team of
Evan James (1809 - 1878) and James James (1833 - 1902).


Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi

Gwlad beirdd a chantorion enwogion o fri

Ei gwrol ryfelwr, gwlad garwyr tra mad

Tros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.

Gwlad Gwlad,

Pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad,

Tra mor yn fur i'r bur hoff bau

O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau.


Land of my Fathers, O Land of The Free,

A land of poets and minstrels, famed men.

Her brave Warriors, Patriots much Blessed,

It was for freedom that they lost their blood.

Wales ! Wales !,

I am devoted to my Country.

So long as the sea is a wall to this fair beautiful land,

May the ancient language remain.

The Welsh National Anthem.
Available on YouTube at

Cymraeg (Welsh): Baner Dewi Sant.
Image: August 2006.
Source: Altered from Image:Flag of Cornwall.svg.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint David's Day.
Available on YouTube at

Saint David's Day is on 1 March.
He brought Christianity to Wales in the 6th-Century A.D.
Saint David (Dewi Sant) is The Patron Saint of Wales
and 1 March is The Welsh National Day.
This is an edited version of 'Songs of Praise' 24/02/2013.
The final song is sung by Rhys Meirion, in Welsh,
accompanied by a Traditional Welsh Harp.
The Welsh name for the City of Saint David is Tyddewi.

Cymraeg (Welsh): Darlun o Ddewi Sant ar ffenestr lliw yng
yr Iesu, Rhydychen. 19eg ganrif hwyr.
English: Late-19th-Century Stained-Glass Window
Jesus College Chapel, Oxford, England,
depicting Saint David.
Photo: June 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Casper Gutman.
(Wikimedia Commons)



The Welsh Flag.
Illustration: WALES ONLINE

The Treorchy Male Voice Choir
singing "Sanctus",
Saint David's Day, 1989.
Available on YouTube at

And, as a Saint David's Day Bonus to all Welshmen,
watch "The Greatest Rugby Try Ever Scored"
(The Barbarians versus The All Blacks).
Scored, naturally, by a Welshman.
Watch, below.

"The Greatest Rugby Try Ever Scored".
Available on YouTube at

Ash Wednesday. Lenten Station At The Basilica Of Saint Sabina.

Artist: Rene de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Ash Wednesday.

Station at Saint Sabina.

Indulgence of 15 years and 15 Quarantines.

Privileged Feria.

Violet Vestments.

English: Santa Sabina, Rome.
Česky: Interiér baziliky Santa Sabina, Řím.
Photo: February 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Rumburak
(Wikimedia Commons)

Today's Station at Rome is at Saint Sabina, on The Aventine, in a Sanctuary built on the former site of the Holy Martyr's house. Having been converted by her maid-servant, she was beheaded for The Faith and secretly buried. It is to this Church that, in former times, the Pope used to go barefoot "to begin, with Holy Fasts, the exercises of Christian warfare, that as we do battle with The Spirits of Evil, we may be protected by the help of self-denial" [The Prayer at The Blessing of The Ashes]. In the 5th-Century A.D., this Church was one of the twenty-five Parishes of Rome.

Following the example of The Ninivites, who did Penance in sackcloth and ashes, The Church today, to humble our pride and remind us of the sentence of death, which, as a consequence of our sins we are bound to undergo, sprinkles ashes on our heads with the words: "Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return". [Ashes are a symbol of Penance and, having become a Sacramental by The Church's Blessing, help to develop within us the spirit of humility and sacrifice.] We come from dust and unto dust we shall return ! Here, indeed, is a thought that should humble our pride.

In this custom, we have the remains of an ancient ceremony referred to in The Roman Pontifical. Those Christians who were guilty of grave faults had to undergo public Penance. Accordingly, on Ash Wednesday, the Bishop used to Bless the sackcloth, which was to be worn by the penitents during The Holy Forty Days, and place upon their heads ashes made from palms used the previous year in The Palm Sunday Procession. Then, while The Faithful were singing The Seven Penitential Psalms, "the penitents were expelled from The Holy Place on account of their sins, just as Adam was driven out of Paradise because of his disobedience". [Roman Pontifical.] They were not allowed to put off their penitential garb or to re-enter the Church before Holy Thursday, after they had gained their reconciliation by toil and Penance, and by Sacramental Confession and Absolution.

English: Interior of Santa Sabina, Aventine, Rome.
Français: Interieur de l'église de Santa Sabina, Aventin, Rome.
Photo: 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Ursus
(Wikimedia Commons)

At The Council of Beneventum (1091), Pope Urban VI commanded that the ashes should be received by all The Faithful, indiscriminately. Let us receive them in a spirit of humility and Penance, that, by this powerful Sacramental, we may obtain from Almighty God the Blessings which The Church implores in the act of Blessing them.

For, truly, "God overlooks the sins of men for the sake of repentance" (Introit). He is "rich in mercy" to those who are "converted to Him with all their heart in Fasting and in weeping and in mourning" (Epistle). We must not, indeed, like the Pharisees, rend our garments as a sign of grief, but, rather, our hearts" (ibid.), for it is not men who are to testify to our Fasting, but Our Father, Who sees our innermost Souls and will repay us (Gospel), as Our Lord, Himself, tells us in The Sermon on The Mount. [According to Tradition, this Mount is Kurn Hattin.] Let us, then, draw from The Eucharist the help which we need (Postcommunion), so that, celebrating today the institution of this Sacred Fast (Secret), we may "perform it with a devotion which nothing can disturb" (Collect).


Before Mass, Ashes are Blessed. These Ashes are made from the Palms which were Blessed in the previous year's Palm Sunday Procession. The formula used in the Blessing dates from about the 8th-Century A.D.

After The Office of None, the Priest, Vested in Alb and Violet Stole, with or without a Violet Cope, with Deacon and Sub-Deacon in Vestments of the same colour, goes up to The Altar and The Choir begins singing.

After the appropriate Prayers have been said by the Priest, he sprinkles Holy Water on The Ashes and then Incenses them, three times. The Faithful then receive The Ashes on their foreheads.

Mass then commences.

Mass: Miseréris omnium.
Collect: Praesta Domine.
Other Collects, until Passion Sunday: A cunctis and Omnipotens.
Preface: For Lent.
The Dismissal: Benedicamus Domino, likee at any Mass without The Gloria.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Latin Mass Society Pilgrimage To Our Lady Of Caversham, Reading, On Ember Saturday Of Lent. Saturday, 11 March 2017, 1130 hrs.

Illustration: LMS CHAIRMAN

The Parish Of Blessed Titus Brandsma Gets Its Own Minor Basilica.

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, IN CAELO ET IN TERRA


The Church of Saint Francis-in-Bolsward,
Diocese of Groningen-Leeuwarden, Netherlands.
Soon to become a Minor Basilica.
Illustration: IN CAELO ET IN TERRA

It may still not have a Bishop, but, as of today, the Diocese of Groningen-Leeuwarden does have a Minor Basilica. Well, at least when The Proclamation is officially made on an as-yet-unspecified date.

The Church of Saint Francis-in-Bolsward is elevated to the Dignity of a Minor Basilica per a Papal Bull, dated on 26 November 2016. Signed by Cardinal Robert Sarah, it is nonetheless a decision from the Pope.

There are several reasons for the elevation of this particular Church, which was built in 1932. It is a pilgrimage site to Our Lady of Sevenwouden, a statue of whom was the focal point of a Procession, the first in four Centuries, through the heart of Bolsward in 2015; it is also the centre of a Devotion to Blessed Titus Brandsma, the Martyr to the Nazis, who was born in Bolsward.


Bishop Gerard de Korte, at that time still Bishop of Groningen-Leeuwarden, made the official request to Rome in 2015, supported by the rest of the Bishops’ Conference. The Congregation for Divine Worship then conducted an investigation, looking at the quality of the Liturgy, Catechesis and Charity. The elevation of the Church is therefore not just a honour for the building, but also for the Faith Community it houses.

As a sign of it being a Basilica, the Church will be allowed to use the Papal Insignia of The Two Keys, and it will house a Conopeum and a Tintinnabulum, a Canopy and Bell to signify the close bond with the Pope. The local community will also be Celebrating a number of extra Feasts, including the Anniversary of The Election of the Pope, and it will be obliged to maintain the vitality and meaning of its activities and life.

The future Basilica of Saint Francis is the first for Groningen-Leeuwarden, the twenty-seventh for The Netherlands and the most Northern. Like the vast majority of Basilicas in the World, it is a Minor Basilica. There are only four Major Basilicas, all in Rome [Editor: They are; Saint Peter's; Saint Mary Major; Saint John Lateran; Saint Paul-without-the-Walls]. The Basilica is located in Bolsward, in West Friesland, and is one Church location in the Parish of Blessed Titus Brandsma. Parish Priest is Fr. Arjen Bultsma, Episcopal Vicar for Friesland and The Noordoostpolder. under Bishop de Korte.


Monday 27 February 2017

The Church Of Santa Maria Immacolata all’Esquilino. Possibly, The SSPX's New Headquarters In Rome ?

English: The 
Church of Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino,
Rome, Italy.
Italiano: Chiesa di Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino, a Roma,
nel rione Esquilino, in via Emanuele Filiberto.
Photo: 9 December 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Croberto68.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from FR. Z's BLOG

IL FOGLIO has a story about how Pope Francis was a decisive factor in handing over a neo-Gothic Church in the centre of Rome, Santa Maria Immacolata all’Esquilino, to The SSPX.

It is going to be a Centre for Studies and, perhaps, their HQ. It is a pretty large complex.

The Nave.
Church of Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino,
Rome, Italy.
Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino is one of the Churches of Rome , in the Esquilino district , on Via Emanuele Filiberto.

The Church was built between 1896 and 1914, for The Friars of Charity , and was Consecrated by Cardinal Luigi Traglia on 21 April 1942.

The Church's Architectural Style is Neo-Gothic and has a facade flanked by two low Bell Towers; above the entrance Portal there is a mosaic of The Immaculate, wrapped in a cloak decorated with stars. The Interior has three Naves divided by columns, with windows .

The Congregation of The Grey Fathers broke up in 1973 . Today, the Church is a subsidiary place of worship in the Parish of Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter to the Lateran.

Church of Santa Maria Immacolata all'Esquilino,
and adjoining complex of buildings,
Rome, Italy.
Illustration: FR. Z's BLOG

Sunday 26 February 2017

Quinquagesima Sunday.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Quinquagesima Sunday.

Station at Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome.


Privilege of The Second Class.

Violet Vestments.

Jesus said to him: "Receive thy sight, thy faith hath made thee whole".

In the same way that the first three Prophecies of Holy Saturday, with their accompanying Prayers, are concerned with Adam, Noah and Abraham, so, during The Septuagesima Season, our attention is called in Missal and Breviary to these same Patriarchs, known respectively by The Church as The Father of The Human Race, The Father of Future Generations and The Father of Those Who Believe.

Adam, Noah and Abraham were types of Christ in The Paschal Mystery, a fact which we have already shown to be true in the case of the first two, in our notes on Septuagesima Sunday and Sexagesima Sunday. That it is true of Abraham, also, we shall see today.

In The Ambrosian Liturgy, Passion Sunday was called "Abraham's Sunday" and the "Response of Abraham" was read in The Office for that day; in The Roman Liturgy, also, he is still the subject of the Gospel for Passion Sunday.

The Introit
for Quinquagesima Sunday.
Available on YouTube at

Esto mihi in Deum protectorem, et in locum refugii,
ut salvum me facias: quoniam firmamentum meum,
et refugium meum es tu: et propter nomen
tuum dux mihi eris,
et enutries me.

Ps. In te, Domine, speravi, non confundar in aeternum:
in iustitia tua libera me, et eripe me.

V. Gloria Patri.

"Abraham, your father", says Our Lord, "rejoiced that he might see My Day, he saw it and was glad

. . . Amen, Amen, I say to you, before Abraham was made, I AM". God had indeed promised Abraham that The Messias should descend from him, and he was overwhelmed with great joy, when, by Faith, he contemplated beforehand The Day of The Redeemer's Coming.

Again, when this was fulfilled, he still contemplated it with a fresh joy in Limbo, where he was waiting, with the Just Men of The Old Law, for Jesus to come and deliver them after His Passion. When The Three Weeks of The Septuagesima Season were added to Lent, Quinquagesima became the Sunday on which the Liturgy is devoted to Abraham, so that, in the Lessons and Responses for today, the whole history of the Patriarch is described.

The Offertory
for Quinquagesima Sunday.
Available on YouTube at

Psalm CXVIII.12-13.

Bendictus es, Domine,
doce me iustificationes tuas:
in labiis meis pronuntiavi 
omnia iudicia oris tui.

With the desire of forming a people, who should be specially His own in the midst of the idolatrous Nations of the World (Gradual and Tract), Almighty God chose Abraham as its Head and gave him his name, which means Father of Many Nations. "And He took him from Ur, in Chaldee, and kept him from harm in all his wanderings" [Prayers taken from The Rituale Romanum for the Recommendation of a Soul, and before a journey].

The Communion
for Quinquagesima Sunday.
Available on YouTube at

Psalm LXXVII. 29-30.

Manducaverunt, et saturati sunt nimis,
et desiderium eorum attulit eis Dominus:
non sunt fraudati a desidero suo.

A man is not saved by being a son of Abraham, according to the flesh, but by being Abraham's son by means of a Faith like his. So, Saint Paul writes: "In Christ Jesus, neither circumcision (to be a Jew) availeth anything, nor uncircumcision (to be a Gentile), but a new creature". "Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath delivered Himself for us, an oblation and a sacrifice to God for an odour of sweetness".

If the custom of allowing ourselves a little relaxation of spirit, before undertaking The Lenten Penance which binds us all, is of Liturgical origin, let us not forget that The Church condemns all excess. To atone, therefore, for those sins that are committed, let us make a Solemn Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament, besides saying this Prayer of Reconciliation, known as The Forty Hours' Prayer, which was instituted, either, by Saint Anthony-Mary Zaccaria († 1539), or by the Capuchin Father, Joseph Piantanida da Fermo (about 1636), a Prayer richly Indulgenced by Pope Clement XIII (1765).

The Forty Hours' Devotion originated from The Forty Hours that Jesus passed in the tomb. Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament was included, but at a later date, and regulated by Pope Clement XI, in 1705.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Esto mihi.
Preface: Of The Most Holy Trinity. On weekdays, The Common Preface.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Don't Forget To Prepare For Lent.

" Will You Still Love Me Tomorow ? " Sung By The Shirelles.

" Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow ? "
The Shirelles.
Available on YouTube at

The Shirelles.
Publicity photo of The Shirelles.
Clockwise from left: Shirley Owens, Beverly Lee (top), Addie "Micki" Harris, and Doris Jackson.
Date: 24 November 1962.
Source: Billboard page 17.
Author: Scepter Records-from Scepter Records'
advertisement which has no Copyright Marks.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopaedia.

The Shirelles were an American girl group that achieved popularity in the Early-1960s. They consisted of schoolmates Shirley Owens (later Shirley Alston Reeves), Doris Coley (later Doris Kenner-Jackson), Addie "Micki" Harris (later Addie Harris McFadden), and Beverly Lee.

Founded in 1957 for a talent show at their High School, they were signed by Florence Greenberg of Tiara Records. Their first single, "I Met Him on a Sunday", was released by Tiara and licensed by Decca Records in 1958. After a brief and unsuccessful period with Decca, they went with Greenberg to her newly-formed company, Scepter Records. Working with Luther Dixon, the group rose to fame with "Tonight's the Night". After a successful period of collaboration with Dixon and promotion by Scepter, with seven Top-20 hits, The Shirelles left Scepter in 1966. Afterwards, they were unable to maintain their previous popularity.

The Shirelles have been described as having a "naive schoolgirl sound" that contrasted with the sexual themes of many of their songs. Several of their hits used strings and baião-style music. They have been credited with launching The Girl Group genre, with much of their music reflecting the genre's essence.

Their acceptance by both white and black audiences, predating that of The Motown Acts, has been noted as reflecting the early success of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. They have received numerous honours, including the Pioneer Award from the Rhythm and Blues Foundation, as well as being accepted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996, and named one of the 100 best acts of all time by Rolling Stone in 2004. Two of their songs, "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" and "Tonight's the Night", were selected by Rolling Stone on its list of the greatest songs of all time.

Friday 24 February 2017

Saint Matthias. Apostle. Feast Day 24 February.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Matthias.
Feast Day 24 February.

Double of The Second-Class.

Red Vestments.

Saint Matthias.
Date: Circa 1317–1319.
Author: Workshop of Simone Martini,
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Peter, in The Acts of The Apostles, (Epistle), says that the Prophet had Judas in view when he declares: "That his Episcopate would pass into other hands" [Psalm cviii 8]. It is The Lord, Himself, Who showed the one He had chosen to be associated with The Eleven Apostles (Epistle).

It is to Saint Matthias that He confided the secrets made known to Him in the bosom of His Father (Gospel). Wherefore, this Holy Apostle shares the glory "of the Princes whom God has established over Souls" (Offertory) and "He shall judge The Twelve Tribes of Israel" (Communion).

Since their infidelity, indeed, "their house has become deserted" (Epistle) and The Kingdom of Heaven is transferred to the Gentiles who do Penance. Saint Matthias' name figures in The Canon of The Mass (Second List).

Let us ask "God, Who has included Blessed Saint Matthias in The College of The Apostles, to grant us through his intercession" (Collect) that we may "atone for our sins" (Secret), so as to obtain "peace and pardon" (Postcommunion).

Every  Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Mihi autem.
Commemoration and Last Gospel: Of The Feria, in Lent.
The Creed: Is said.
Preface: Of The Apostles.

English: Stained-Glass Window, depicting Saint Matthias (Left)
in the Cathedral of Saint Marie d'Auch, France.
Français : Cathédrale Sainte-Marie d'Auch - Vitrail de la chapelle de la Passion (saint Mathias, Esdras, Habacuc, sibylle Tiburtine).
Date: July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: MOSSOT.
(Wikimedia Commons)
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