Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 17 April 2020

Easter Friday. The Station Is At The Basilica Of Saint Mary-Of-The-Martyrs (The Pantheon).

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Easter Friday.

Station at Saint Mary-of-The-Martyrs (The Pantheon).

Indulgence of 30 Years and 30 Quarantines.


White Vestments.

The Pantheon is a Roman Catholic Church,
Dedicated to “Saint Mary of The Martyrs”,
but informally known as “Santa Maria della Rotonda”.
Photo: January 2007.
Vatican Museum photo by: Roberta Dragan.
User: Droberta
(Wikimedia Commons)

After bringing her Neophytes together on successive days at Saint John Lateran, Saint Mary Major, Saint Peter's, Saint Paul's, Saint Laurence's, and The Twelve Apostles, The Church, today, made a Lenten Station at the Basilica Dedicated to all The Martyrs and to their Queen, where was made most manifest The Triumph of Christ over paganism.

For the Pantheon, the temple consecrated to the worship of all the gods, was, in the 7th-Century A.D., Dedicated to Mary and to The Martyrs of The Catacombs, a large number of whose bones Pope Boniface IV caused to be Transferred to this Basilica.

The High Altar,
Saint Mary-Of-The-Martyrs, Rome.
Photo: February 2013.
Source: Flickr: DSC_0931
Author: Bengt Nyman
(Wikimedia Commons)

English: The Pantheon and the Piazza della Rotunda, Rome. An 1835 view of the Pantheon by Rudolf von Alt, showing The Bell Towers, often incorrectly attributed to Bernini.
Deutsch: Das Pantheon und die Piazza della Rotonda in Rom.
Artist: Rudolf von Alt (1812–1905).
Current location: Albertina, Vienna, Austria.
Source: Repro from artbook.
This File: April 2010.
User: Mefusbren69
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Basilica of Saint Mary-of-The-Martyrs, Rome.
Photo: October 2008.
Source: Own work.
Author: Maros M r a z (Maros)
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Feast of The Dedication of this Church soon afterwards became known as The Feast of All Saints. (Feast Day 1 November.)

The Introit, the Collect and the Epistle remind us that the Covenant established by God with Noe and his seed, after their escape from The Flood, and later renewed with Moses and his people after their Passage through The Red Sea, is a figure of The New Covenant, under which The Neophytes were brought from The Baptismal Font unto the adoption of Children of God.

Jesus on The Cross virtually killed sin (Alleluia, Epistle), and, by His Resurrection, of which The Apostles were Witnesses, (Gospel), He gave us The Life of Grace. Baptism brought home to our Souls this twofold effect of Life and Death. Let us ever remain faithful to it.

Mass: Edúxit eos.
Sequence: Victimæ paschali laudes.
Creed: Is Said.
Preface: For Easter.
Communicantes: For Easter.
Hanc igitur: For Easter.

Thursday 16 April 2020

A Little Levity To Lighten Your Day.


Vauxhall Insignia Police Demonstrator, VX18 XJA, Birmingha… | Flickr

A thief has removed all Motorway Signs in Yorkshire.

Police are currently looking for Leeds.

Easter Thursday. The Station Is At The Basilica Of The Twelve Apostles.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Easter Thursday.

Station at the Basilica of The Twelve Apostles.

Indulgence of 30 Years and 30 Quarantines.


White Vestments.

The Apse.
Basilica of The Twelve Apostles, Rome.
Photo: August 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Luc
(Wikimedia Commons)

On this day, The Church used to gather together in the Church of The Twelve Apostles, witnesses of The Risen Christ, her New-Born Children, in order that they might Sing The Praises of The Lord, Who had associated them with His Triumph (Introit, Communion). In this Lenten Stational Basilica, are the bodies of Saint Philip and Saint James.

The Gospel tells of the appearance of Jesus to Magdalen, who was the first to inform The Apostles of the disappearance of Our Lord's Body, and who, after seeing The Risen Christ, was deputed by Him to proclaim to them The Double Mystery of The Resurrection and The Ascension.

The Epistle tells of one of the first seven Deacons, called Philip. [This Deacon must not be confused with Saint Philip, the Apostle.] He Baptises a heathen eunuch, who, in a transport of joy, Preaches everywhere the Gospel of Jesus.

The Baroque Ceiling.
Basilica Church of The Twelve Apostles, Rome.
Photo: August 2005.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Basilica of The Twelve Apostles, Rome.
Photo: January 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa
(Wikimedia Commons)

This is what The Church has done for The Catechumens, "who have just been born again in The Font of Baptism" (Collect). "God hath made the tongues of those infants eloquent" (Introit), and, by their Faith and their good actions (Collect), they sing The Triumph of Jesus over death (Alleluia) and over their own Souls (Communion).

Let us remember that, by Baptism, we have become united in one and the same Faith to The Risen Christ (Collect), Whose Father is now Our Father.

Mass: Victrícem manum.
Sequence: Victimæ pascháli laudes.
Preface: For Easter.
Communicantes: For Easter.
Hanc igitur: For Easter.

Basilica Santi Apostoli, Rome.
Photo: July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: SteO153
(Wikimedia Commons)

Wednesday 15 April 2020

“Canny Glasgow”.

“Canny Glasgow”.
Date: 1887.
Current location: Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum,
Madrid, Spain.
This File: 19 February 2011.
Colección Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza
en depósito en el Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Easter Wednesday. The Station Is The Basilica Of Saint Laurence-Without-The-Walls.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Easter Wednesday.

Station at Saint Laurence-Without-The-Walls.

Indulgence of 30 Years and 30 Quarantines.


White Vestments.

[The spelling of this Saint's name can be either Laurence or Lawrence.]

English: Papal Basilica of Saint Laurence-Without-The-Walls.
Italiano: Basilica Papale di San Lorenzo fuori-le-Mura.
Photo: February 2005.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Lenten Station is at Saint Laurence-without-the-Walls. The Church puts before her New-Born Children, as a model, the illustrious Roman Deacon, to whom this Basilica is Dedicated.

Like Saint Paul, yesterday, Saint Peter tells us that The Prophets foretold the Death of Jesus and that The Apostles were witnesses of His Resurrection (Epistle). The Alleluia further reminds us that "The Lord hath appeared to Peter"; while the Gospel shows us Saint Peter directing the fishing operations of his companions, in expectation of the hour, now fast approaching, when he will direct their labours as fishers of men. More devoted to Jesus than the others, he cast himself into the sea to rejoin Him, and it was he who drew to land the net, full of one hundred and fifty-three big fishes.

The Cloisters.
San Lorenzo fuori-le-mura
(Saint Laurence-Without-The-Walls).
Artist: Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1783–1853).
Date: 1824.
Current location: Art Institute of Chicago,
(Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson Collection).
Photo: April 2007.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

According to The Fathers, these fishes, brought by Peter to The Feet of The Risen Christ, represented the Neophytes, for The Catechumens were born to Supernatural Life in The Font of Baptism. Called by God to receive His Kingdom (Introit), they eat The Bread of Angels, The Bread of Heaven (Offertory, Secret), which transforms them into New Creatures (Postcommunion), the "Agni Novelli" or "New-Born Lambs".

[The "Agnus Dei", or figures of The Lamb of God, stamped on the wax which remains from The Paschal Candle of the previous year, were formerly Blessed by the Pope on this day. Cherished in a spirit of Reverence and Faith, they are a protection against sickness and danger.]

Let us Celebrate these Festivities of The Resurrection of Our Lord in a Spirit of Holy Rejoicing, a foretaste of the joy we shall experience at The Eternal Pasch (Collect).

Mass: Veníte, benedícti.
Sequence: Victimæ paschali laudes.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: For Easter.
Commemoration: For Easter.
Hanc igitur: For Easter.

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Saints Tiburtius, Valerian, And Maximus. Martyrs. Feast Day 14 April.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saints Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus.
   Feast Day 14 April.


Red Vestments.

The Burial of Saint Valerian and Saint Tiburtius.
Artist: Amico Aspertini (1474–1552).
Date: 1504.
Current location: Oratorio di Santa Cecilia, Bologna, Italy.
Source/Photographer: Image from Web Gallery of Art
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Valerian, the husband of Saint Cecilia, Tiburtius, his brother, and Maximus, their executioner, who was converted at the sight of their courage, united in 229 A.D. their Martyrdom to that of The Crucified Christ and shared the Glory of Jesus, Risen Again.

Mass: Out of Paschaltide. Sapiéntiam.
Mass: In Paschaltide. Sancti tui.
Epistle and Gospel of The Mass: Protexisti.

Saint Justin. Martyr. Feast Day 14 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Justin.
   Feast Day 14 April.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Justin.
Deutsch: Justin der Märtyrer (auch: Justin der Philosoph).
Phantasieporträt aus dem 16. Jahrhundert.
Date: 16th-Century.
Author: André Thévet (1502–1590).
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church, in the 2nd-Century A.D., had to oppose the errors of pagan philosophers and suffer cruel persecution. But God raised up courageous men, known as The Apologist Fathers, who defended Christian Dogma at the price of their lives.

The most illustrious at that time was Saint Justin, who was born at Nablus (Samaria), about 100 A.D. As a pagan philosopher, he examined the teaching of the pagan philosophical systems and only found error and false wisdom; for human intelligence rejecting Supernatural Light soon goes astray (Epistle, Gradual).

Saint Justin then studied The Word of The Crucified God and became a Christian. Seeing in reason a precious auxiliary of Faith, he opened at Rome the first school of Christian Philosophy and there taught "the eminent science of Jesus Christ" (Collect).

He became celebrated especially by the two Apologies which he had the courage (Gospel) to address successively to the persecuting Emperors Antoninus and Marcus Aurelius (Introit).

An edict of Antoninus mitigated the persecution. Marcus Aurelius, on the contrary, caused Saint Justin to be scourged and condemned him to death. He died a Martyr on 13 April, about 162 A.D.

"Let us conform to the teaching of The Blessed Martyr, Justin" (Postcommunion) "so that we may remain firm in The Faith" (Collect).

Mass: Narravérunt.
Commemoration: Of The Feria, in Lent.
Commemoration: Of The Holy Martyrs Tilburtius and Companions.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Justin Martyr, also known as Saint Justin (100 A.D. – 165 A.D.), was an Early Christian Apologist, and is regarded as the foremost interpreter of the Theory of The Logos in the 2nd-Century A.D. He was Martyred, alongside some of his students, and is considered a Saint by The Roman Catholic Church, The Anglican Church, and The Eastern Orthodox Church.

Most of his works are lost, but two Apologies and a Dialogue did survive. The First Apology, his most well-known Text, passionately defends the morality of The Christian Life, and provided various ethical and philosophical arguments to convince The Roman Emperor, Antoninus, to abandon the persecution of the fledgling Sect.

Further, he also indicates, as Saint Augustine did regarding the "True Religion" that pre-dated Christianity, that the "seeds of Christianity" (manifestations of The Logos acting in history) actually pre-dated Christ's Incarnation. This notion allows him to claim many historical Greek Philosophers (including Socrates and Plato), in whose Works he was well studied, as unknowing Christians.

Easter Tuesday. The Station Is At The Papal Basilica Of Saint Paul-Without-The-Walls.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Easter Tuesday.

Station at Saint Paul-Without-The-Walls.

Indulgence of 30 Years and 30 Quarantines.

Double of The First-Class.

White Vestments.

English: Basilica of Saint Paul-Without-The-Walls, Rome.
Deutsch: Rom, Sankt Paul vor den Mauern.
Italiano: Statua di San Paolo di fronte alla facciata della
Photo: May 2007.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

After the Testimony to Our Lord's Resurrection given by The Angels (Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday), and by The Prince of The Apostles (Easter Monday), today's Liturgy brings before us that of The Apostle of the Gentiles.

So it is in The Papal Basilica of Saint Paul, on the Via Ostia, that The Church used to gather her New-Born Children around the tomb of this same Apostle (Collect), there to teach them, out of his mouth, The Words of Divine Wisdom ((Introit).

The Epistle consists of a portion of the address in which Saint Paul announced to the Jews of the Synagogue of Antioch, in Pisidia, The Resurrection of Christ, foretold by The Prophets and witnessed by The Apostles.

The Gospel gives us a new proof of Our Lord's Resurrection, telling us of an appearance of Jesus in The Cenacle on the very day that He Rose from The Dead. Jesus makes his Disciples touch Him. He eats in their presence and demonstrates from The Scriptures that it was necessary that Christ should die to save the World.

The Neophytes, "redeemed out of the hand of the enemy and united to God's own people" (Gradual), and all Christians with them, must, continues Saint Paul, henceforth live, like The Risen Christ, none but a Heavenly Life (Communion), and by their manner of living proclaim their Faith in Christ (Collect).

Let us renew our Faith in The Risen Christ and show it by living, like Jesus, an entirely New Life.

Every Parish Priest celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Aqua sapiéntiæ.
Sequence: Victimæ pascháli laudes.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: For Easter.
Communicantes: For Easter.
Hanc igitur: For Easter.

English: Basilica of Saint Paul-Without-The-Walls.
With a length of 432 feet, this Basilica is eleventh
among the largest Churches in the World.
Français: Basilique Saint-Paul-hors-les-Murs.
Avec sa longueur de 131,66 mètres, cette Basilique se classe
au 11è rang parmi les plus grandes églises au monde.
Photo: September 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tango7174
(Wikimedia Commons)

Monday 13 April 2020

Saint Hermenegild. Martyr. Feast Day 13 April.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Hermenegild.
   Feast Day 13 April.


Red Vestments.

English: The Triumph of Saint Hermenegild
Español: Triunfo de San Hermenegildo (1654), por Francisco de Herrera.
Latin: Triunfo de san Hermenegildo. Ioannes de Herrera pinxit.
Polski: Triumf św. Hermenegilda (?), 1654, Prado.
Suomi: Francisco de Herreran maalaus Pyhän Hermengildin voitto vuodelta 1654. Barokin taiteessa pyrittiin luomaan voimakas koristeellinen vaikutelma.
Français: Le Triomphe d'Hermenegild, par Francisco de Herrera le Jeune (1654), Musée du Prado, Madrid. Léovigild, le roi arien des Wisigoths conquiert le royaume des Suèves, "catholiques" (christianisme nicéen), au Nord-Ouest de l'Espagne. Il écrase la révolte de son fils Herménégild, converti par l’évêque Léandre de Séville. Herménégild, fait prisonnier à Cordoue et ayant refusé d'abjurer le catholicisme, est exécuté et Léandre exilé.
Date: 1654.
Current location: Prado, Madrid.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Hermenegild, son of the King of The Visigoths, in Spain, married the daughter of the Frankish King of Austrasia, and was converted to Catholicism, his family being Arian. His father, in his anger, threw him into a dungeon and, in the night of Easter, caused an Arian Bishop to take Communion to him.

But “God did not abandon him in his prison” (Epistle). Hermenegild sacrificed to The Love of God the love of his father, and of his own life (Gospel), and indignantly repelled the heretical Bishop.

Put to death on 13 April 586 A.D., he shared the triumph of Christ, Who "in The Kingdom of God, gave him The Royal Sceptre" (Epistle). His father died recommending the Martyr's brother, Recarede, to bring back the Nation to The True Faith. Thus, Spain became Catholic.

"Following the example of Saint Hermenegild, who preferred Heavenly Royalty to Earthly Royalty, let us despise perishable possessions and only seek the Eternal ones" (Collect).

Mass: Out of Paschaltide. In virtúte.
Mass: In Paschaltide. Protexisti.
Commemoration and Last Gospel of The Feria in Lent.

The “Vidi Aquam” And “Aspérges Me”.

Tridentine Latin Mass
at the Church of Saint Nicholas du Chardonnet, Paris, France.
The "Aspérges Me" can be heard at 4.00 on this Video.
Available on YouTube at

"Vidi Aquam" is sung during Paschaltide until Pentecost Sunday,
in place of  "Aspérges Me".
Available on YouTube at

and here is the Old Roman Chant version of "Vidi Aquam".

Old Roman Chant from Ensemble Organum
(Director of Music: Marcel Peres).
From the CD "Old Roman Chant: Vespers for Easter Sunday".
It is a bit shorter than The Traditional Form.
Available on YouTube at

and here is what "Vidi Aquam" replaces during Paschaltide.
On Pentecost Sunday, "Aspérges Me" returns for the rest of The Liturgical Year.

The “Aspérges Me”.
Sung during the rest of The Liturgical Year,
 outside of Paschaltide.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

"Vidi Aquam" is the name of an Antiphon, which is sung during The Latin Rite Catholic Mass. It accompanies The Aspérges, the ritual at the beginning of Mass where the Celebrant sprinkles the Congregation with Holy Water.

It is sung from The Easter Vigil throughout The Liturgical Season of Eastertide (Paschaltide) until The Feast of Pentecost.

Vidi aquam egredientem de templo, a latere dextro, alleluia:
Et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista, salvi facti sunt, Et dicent: Alleluia, Alleluia.

I saw water flowing out of The Temple, from its Right Side, Alleluia:
And all who came to this water were saved, And they shall say: Alleluia, Alleluia.

The Text refers to the words of the Prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 47:1), who saw the waters gushing forth from the Temple as a sanctifying flood that flows through the Earth.

If the sprinkling Rite occurs outside Eastertide, the simpler Antiphon "Aspérges Me" replaces The "Vidi Aquam".

"Aspérges Me" is a Latin Antiphon said or sung at a Roman Catholic High Mass in all Seasons except the Easter (Paschal) Season and Palm Sunday.

It Traditionally accompanies The Asperges, the ritual sprinkling of the Congregation by the Celebrant with Holy Water, as part of an Entrance Ritual, symbolising the cleansing of the people. Its words are taken from Psalm 50 (51| (The Miserére).

Aspérges me, Domine, hyssopo et mundabor,
Lavabis me, et super nivem dealbabor.
Miserere mei, Deus, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam.

Thou wilt sprinkle me, O Lord, with hyssop 
and I shall be cleansed,
Thou wilt wash me, and I shall be washed whiter than snow.
Pity me, O God, according to Thy great mercy.

It is followed by the conventional Doxology (except on The First Sunday of Passiontide):

Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto,
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in sæcula sæculorum.


Glory be to The Father,
and to The Son,
and to The Holy Ghost,
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
World without end.


The Antiphon is then recited a second time.

From Easter until Pentecost, "Aspérges Me" is replaced by the more lengthy and florid Antiphon, "Vidi Aquam".

Although usually sung to Plain Chant, "Aspérges Me" has been set to music; two well-known examples are those by Gilles Binchois (Bologna, International Museum and Library of Music, Ms Q15) and Tomás Luis de Victoria.

Easter Monday. The Station Is At The Papal Basilica Of Saint Peter’s.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Easter Monday.

Station at Saint Peter's.

Indulgence of 30 Years and 30 Quarantines.

Double of The First-Class.

White Vestments.

English: Saint Peter's Basilica.
The iconic Dome dominates the skyline of Rome. Christianity became the dominant Religion of Western Civilisation when The Roman Empire converted to Christianity.
Italiano: Basilica Papale di San Pietro-in-Vaticano.
Latin: Basilica Sancti Petri.
Magyar: Vatikánváros látképe.
Photo: January 2005.
Source: Flickr
Reviewer: Andre Engels
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome.
Artist: Giovanni Paolo Panini (1692–1765).
Date: 1731.
Current location: Saint Louis Art Museum,
Missouri, United States of America.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Octave of Easter, during which, formerly, no servile work was done, was one continual Feast. Each day, the Neophytes attended Mass at a Station, at which they received Holy Communion. In the evening, they went to Saint John Lateran for The Office of Vespers.

On the first day of the week, The Station was at Saint Peter's, which contains the tomb of The Temporal Head of The Church. We hear his voice in the Epistle. He proclaims to the World The Resurrection of Christ, of which he was a witness.

Likewise, the Gospel, after describing the appearance of The Risen Christ to The Disciples at Emmaus, mentions His apparition to Peter on the very day of His Resurrection.

Receiving, as we do during these Easter Festivities, one and the same Sacrament, the milk of our Souls, which were born to The Life of God and brought into the promised land by Baptism (Introit), let us all be one in heart and Soul (Postcommunion) in proclaiming together our Faith in The Risen Christ.

Every Parish Priest Celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Introdúxit.
Sequence: Victimæ pascháli laudes.
Creed: Is said.
Preface: For Easter.
Communicantes: For Easter.
Hanc igitur: For Easter.

Sunday 12 April 2020

The Marian Anthem Is Now “Regina Cæli”.

The Blessed Virgin Mary
is Crowned “Queen of Heaven”
by Her Beloved Son,

“Regina Caeli”.
As from Compline on Holy Saturday,
The Marian Anthem is now
“Regina Caeli”.
Available on YouTube at

“Resurrexit, Sicut Dixit”. “Alleluia”.


“Resurrexit, Sicut Dixit”.




A Very Happy,
And Peaceful,
Eastertide !!!

Easter Blessings.

“Supper At Emmaus”.

EnglishSupper at Emmaus.
Deutsch: Abendmahl in Emmaus.
Italiano: Cena in Emmaus.
Artist: Caravaggio (1573–1610).
Date: 1601.
Current location: National Gallery, London.
Photo: May 2010.
Source/Photographer: Own work.
User: Lafit86.
(Wikimedia Commons)

“Salve Festa Dies”. The Easter Processional Hymn. Composed By Venantius Fortunatus († 609 A.D.).

Illustration: CAMILLUS HOUSE

Illustration: NOT A DEACON YET

“Salve Festa Dies”.
Composed by Venantius Fortunatus († 609 A.D.).

“Salve Festa Dies”.
English: From The Mass and Vespers of Easter.
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey
Saint Maurice et Saint Maur Clervaux, Luxembourg.
Français: Des La Messe et les Vêpres de Pâques.
Par les moines bénédictins de Saint Maurice
et Saint Maur Clervaux, Luxembourg.
Available on YouTube at

“Salve Festa Dies” is the Title of a Hymn of The Catholic Church, in which we Celebrate The Resurrection of Jesus.

Tradition attributes it to the Latin poet Venantius Fortunatus, who wrote it before 609 A.D. In that case, it would be one of the oldest Hymns passed down.

The Anthem is not included in The Liturgy. It is sung during The Procession at the start of Mass on Easter Sunday.
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