Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Sunday 31 May 2020

Pentecost. Whit Sunday.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

   Whit Sunday.

Station at Saint Peter's Basilica.

Indulgence of 30 Years and 30 Quarantines.

Double of The First-Class
   with Privileged Octave.

Red Vestments.

Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Saint Peter's, Rome.
[Editor: The Station for Pentecost is Saint Peter's.]
Artist: Giovanni Paolo Panini (1692–1765).
Date: 1731.
Current location: Saint Louis Art Museum, Missouri, United States of America.
Source/Photographer: Saint Louis Art Museum Official Site.
(Wikimedia Commons)

"The Gift of Wisdom is an illumination of The Holy Ghost, thanks to which our Intellect is able to look at Revealed Truths in their more sublime light, to the greater joy of our Souls." [Reverend M. Meschler, S.J.: "The Gift of Pentecost: Meditations on The Holy Ghost," translated by Lady Amabel Kerr.]

Our Lord laid the Foundations of His Church during His Public Life, and after His Resurrection He gave it the powers necessary for its mission. It was by The Holy Ghost that The Apostles were to be trained and endued with strength from On High (Gospel).

"At Pentecost, we celebrate the first manifestation of The Holy Ghost among Our Lord's Disciples and the Foundation of The Church, itself." Hence, the choice of the Basilica, Dedicated to Saint Peter, for today's Station.

We read, in the Gospel, that Our Lord foretold the coming of The Paraclete to His Disciples, and the Epistle shows us the realisation of that promise.

It was at the third hour of the day (Terce, nine o'clock A.M.) that The Spirit of God descended upon the Cenacle, and a mighty wind which blew suddenly upon the house, together with the appearance of tongues of fire within, were the wonderful tokens of His coming.

Taught by The Light of Thy Holy Spirit (Collect), and filled by The Gifts of The Same Spirit poured out upon them (Sequence), The Apostles become new men, to go forth and renew The Whole World (Introit).

“Veni, Sancte Spiritus”.
The Sequence for Pentecost.
Sung by The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos.
Available on YouTube at

It is at High Mass, at The Third Hour, that we also receive The Holy Spirit, Whom Our Lord "going up above all The Heavens, on this day sent down . . . on the children of adoption" (Preface); for each of The Mysteries of The Liturgical Cycle brings forth its Fruits of Grace in our Souls on the day which The Church keeps as its Anniversary.

During Advent, we raised to The Incarnate Word the cry: "Come, Lord, and purge the sins of Thy people"; at this Season, let us, with The Church, say to The Holy Ghost: "Come, O Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts of Thy Faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love" (Alleluia).

Of all ejaculatory Prayers, this is the most beautiful and necessary, for, from The Holy Ghost, that "Sweet Guest of our Soul", flows all our Supernatural Life.

Every Parish Priest celebrates Mass for the people of his Parish.

Mass: Spiritus Domini.
Sequence: Veni, Sancte Spiritus.
Preface: For Pentecost.
Communicantes: For Pentecost.
Hanc Igitur: For Pentecost.

The Introit for Whit Sunday
(Pentecost Sunday).
Available on YouTube at

Saint Angela Merici. Virgin. Feast Day 31 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Angela Merici.
   Feast Day 31 May.


White Vestments.

Saint Angela Merici (1474-1540) as a teacher.
Devotional picture (pastel on paper) by Pietro Calzavacca (1855-1890).
Current location: Merician Museum, Brescia, Italy.
Date: Mid-19th-Century.
Source: Painting, Merician Museum, Brescia, Italy.
Author: Pietro Calzavacca (1855-1890).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Born at Desenzano, on the Lake of Garda, Italy, in 1474, of pious parents, Angela, from her childhood, ever tried to please Jesus, the Spouse of her Soul (Epistle, Gospel, Communion). She adopted The Rule of The Third Order of Saint Francis and united evangelical poverty to the merit of Virginity.

She "loved justice and hated iniquity" (Introit) and subjected her body to the severest austerities to atone for the sins of the World. "The disorders of society." she used to say, "are caused by those in families; there are few Christian mothers, because the education of young girls is neglected."

In consequence of a vision, she successfully formed, in 1535 in The Church, a new Society of Holy Virgins (Collect). Its object being the Christian education of youth, she placed it under the Patronage of Saint Ursula, the chief of an Army of Virgins.

She died in 1540 at Brescia, Italy, with the name of Jesus on her lips.

Mass: Dilexísti.
Commemoration: Saint Petronilla, by the Collects of The Mass: Vultum tuum.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Angela Merici, or Angela de Merici, 21 March 1474 – 27 January 1540, was an Italian Religious Educator. She Founded The Company of Saint Ursula in 1535 in Brescia, Italy, in which women dedicated their lives to the Service of The Church through the education of girls.

From this organisation later sprang The Monastic Order of Ursulines, whose Nuns established places of Prayer and Learning throughout Europe and, later, Worldwide, most notably in North America.

Saturday 30 May 2020

“Rejoice, Mary”.“Réjouis Toi Marie”. Opéra d'images de Jean-Michel Mahenc.

“Rejoice, Mary”.
Réjouis Toi Marie”.
Opéra d'images de Jean-Michel Mahenc.
Créé pour les Nocturnes de Notre-Dame de Paris.
- séquence 1/6 - INTRODUCTION Accueil dans la cathédrale -
Poème de Paul Claudel " La Vierge à midi " dit par Jean Topart.
Commande du DVD : Tel 0160664564 -
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

An Akathist Hymn (Greek: Ἀκάθιστος Ὕμνος, "unseated Hymn") is a type of Hymn usually recited by Eastern Orthodox or Eastern Catholic Christians, dedicated to a Saint, Holy Event, or one of The Three Persons of The Holy Trinity.

The name Akathist derives from the fact that, during the chanting of the Hymn, or sometimes the whole Service, the Congregation is expected to remain standing in reverence, without sitting down (ἀ-, a-, "without, not" and κάθισις, káthisis, "sitting"), except for the aged or infirm.

During Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Christian Religious Services in general, sitting, standing, bowing and the making of prostrations are set by an intricate set of rules, as well as individual discretion. Only during readings of the Gospel and the singing of Akathists is standing considered mandatory for all.

Saint Felix I. Pope And Martyr. Who Reigned From 269 A.D. - 274 A.D. Feast Day 30 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Felix I.
   Pope and Martyr.
   Feast Day 30 May.


Red Vestments.

Saint Felix I. Pope and Martyr.
Fresco in Sistine Chapel, Vatican.
Papacy 269 A,D, - 274 A.D.

In 269 A.D., Saint Felix ascended the Throne of Peter, to whom Jesus, before His Ascension, had committed His Church.

Saint Felix commanded that Masses be celebrated over the tombs of Martyrs, and it is in remembrance of this prescription that the Relics of Martyrs are placed in a small cavity of the Altar Stone, called "Tomb".

The Altar, nowadays, has indeed often the shape of a tomb, this being a relic of the "Confession", or underground tomb, which is found under The High Altar in Roman Basilicas, and is reached by stairs.

The custom of uniting the remembrance of Martyrs to The Sacrifice of The Mass, or of Calvary, shows that these Martyrs, having entered into the bosom of Jesus (Gospel), have found there the strength to confess their Faith before their enemies and the Grace of being Children of The Father (Epistle).

Saint Felix bore witness to Christ in 274 A.D., under the persecution of Emperor Aurelian.

Mass: In Paschaltide: Protexísti.
Collects: Of Mass: Státuit.
Mass: Out of Paschaltide: Státuit.

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

A Roman by birth, Felix was chosen as Pope on 5 January 269 A.D., in succession to Pope Dionysius, who had died on 26 December 268 A.D.

Felix was the author of an important Dogmatic Letter on the Unity of Christ's Person. He received the Emperor Aurelian's aid in settling a theological dispute between the anti-Trinitarian, Paul of Samosata, who had been deprived of the Bishopric of Antioch, by a Council of Bishops for heresy, and the Orthodox, Domnus, Paul's successor. Paul refused to give way, and, in 272 A.D., the Emperor Aurelian was asked to decide between the rivals. He ordered the Church building to be given to the Bishop, who was "recognised by the Bishops of Italy and of the City of Rome" (Felix). See Eusebius, Hist. Ecc. vii. 30.

The Text of that Letter was later interpolated by a follower of Apollinaris in the interests of his Sect.

The notice about Felix, in The Liber Pontificalis, ascribes to him a Decree that Masses should be Celebrated on the tombs of Martyrs ("Hic constituit supra memorias martyrum missas celebrare"). The author of this entry was evidently alluding to the custom of Celebrating Mass privately at the Altars near, or over, the tombs of The Martyrs in the Crypts of the Catacombs (missa ad corpus), while The Solemn Celebration always took place in the Basilicas built over the Catacombs.

This practice, still in force at the end of the 4th-Century A.D., dates apparently from the period when the great Cemeterial Basilicas were built in Rome, and owes its origin to The Solemn Commemoration Services of Martyrs, held at their tombs on the Anniversary of their burial, as early as the 3rd-Century A.D.. Felix probably issued no such Decree, but the compiler of The Liber Pontificalis attributed it to him, because he made no departure from the custom in force in his time.

Friday 29 May 2020

Why Are Bishops Ignoring The Instructions, Of Vatican II And Four Popes, To Ensure That Latin Is Taught In Seminaries ? No Doubt, Bishops Will Shortly Give A Reason. Won't Be Long, Now. We're Waiting. Shouldn't Be Long, Now. Still Waiting . . .

The Introit for The Mass for Saint Margaret, Virgin and Martyr, on 20 July, from Zephyrinus's Missale Romanum (dated 1861), which was kindly given by a Priest friend. Readers have to decide whether this Liturgical presentation has more Sanctity, Profundity, and Worth, than what is often on offer in today's "Missalettes".
Mass: Me exspectavérunt.
Illustration: ZEPHYRINUS

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

Variis linguis loquebantur Apostoli . . .

. . . but among the many tongues The Church speaks nowadays, Latin, the proper language of The Latin Church, apparently is not to feature. We are preparing for The Liturgical Celebration of Pentecost, the bestowing upon The Church of “The Gifts of Tongues”.

Yet, the language most securely fixed into place by Tradition, and by the enactments of Popes and Councils, Latin, has had a gag rudely thrust into its mouth by The Enemy and by those whom he has corrupted. It is difficult to avoid a conclusion that The Bishops, as a body, are largely the guilty men.

I have noticed, over the years, three or four occasions when a Bishop, perhaps when asked to provide a Celebrant for The Extraordinary Form, has cheerfully informed the World that not many Clergy know Latin. nowadays, so that it’s hard for him to find someone who can Celebrate The Extraordinary Form.

I am amazed by the nonchalant and shame-free way that Bishops make this revelation, without any apparent awareness that Canon Law (249) requires The Clergy to be proficient in Latin. If a Diocesan Bishop were rebuking a cheeky young Curate for ignoring Canon Law, what would be his reaction if The Junior Cleric cheerfully (and nonchalantly) said: “Come off it, “Bish, dear”, nobody takes any notice of all that old Canonical C**p any more, nowadays !!! Crawl out from under your poncy Mitre and try to get real !!!”

But, apparently, there are Bishops who feel exactly this same disdainful contempt with regard to Canon Law. Is chirpy insouciance, combined with dereliction of duty, any less reprehensible when expressed in po-faced management-talk by self-important Bishops than it would be among lowly and racy Presbyters ?

I am moved to repeat the actual Teaching of The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Popes on this highly-important matter.


Roman Pontiffs do not commonly sign their Magisterial documents on The High Altar of Saint Peter's in the presence of The Body of Cardinals. But Saint John XXIII thus promulgated his Apostolic Constitution “Veterum Sapientia”, 1962, in which he insisted that the Latin language must remain central to the culture of Western Christianity. What on Earth could the good old gentleman have done in order to make his point more emphatically ?

That Letter was praised by Saint Paul VI (“Studia Latinitatis, 1964", . . . principem obtinere locum dicenda sane est”), who was anxious that Seminarians “magna cum cura et diligentia ad antiquas et humanas litteras informentur”; and Saint John Paul II (“Sapientia Christiana”) emphasised the requirement for knowledge of Latin “for the faculties of The Sacred Sciences, so that Students can understand and use the sources and documents of The Church”.

Benedict XVI (“Latina Lingua, 2012”), praised “Veterum Sapientia” as having been issued iure meritoque: it is to be taken seriously both because of its legal force and because of the intrinsic merit of its arguments; and, in his Encyclical “Sacramentum Caritatis”, wrote specifically about the need for Seminarians to be taught Latin.

We have, in other words, a coherent and continuous expectation in the teaching of Popes Saint John XXIII, Saint Paul VI, Saint John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, that all Seminarians should become proficient in Latin, the Language of The Church. [So let nobody argue that the provisions of Canon 249 have fallen into desuetude because the legislator has failed within living memory to continue to insist upon them.] And the attitude of the Popes, to the promotion of Latin studies in even broader contexts than that of the formation of the Clergy, is demonstrated in the establishment by Saint Paul VI of a Latin Academy; a Foundation re-established and strengthened by Benedict XVI.

This Papal Teaching by no means relates solely to the language of Worship; it desires Latin to remain a living vernacular for the Clergy and not least for their formation; and it is explicitly based upon the belief that, by being Latinate, a Clerisy will have access to a continuity of culture. My post would have to be very long indeed if it quoted fully all the words of all four Popes to this effect.

Coming as I do from the Anglican Patrimony, I will instead share the witness of C S Lewis's Devil Screwtape, who confessed: “Since we cannot deceive the whole human race all the time, it is most important thus to cut every generation off from all others; for, where learning makes a free commerce between the ages, there is always the danger that the characteristic errors of one may be corrected by the characteristic truths of another”.

And, in his “Pilgrim's Regress”, Lewis suggests that the growing disuse of Classical Languages is a Diabolical trick to isolate the educated classes from the wisdom of the Past. Both in secular culture and within The Church, there is a risk that the educated class will be cut off and imprisoned in the narrow confines of a particular culture - victims of its particular Zeitgeist. A literate Clerisy is one that reads what other ages wrote, which means that it will at least be able to read Latin; and an obvious sign of such a Clerisy, in practical terms, will be that it can with ease say its Divine Office in Latin.

VATICAN II and Latin.

It is in this context that we must see the requirement of Vatican II (Sacrosanctum Concilium 101): “In accordance with the Centuries-old Tradition (saecularis traditio) of the Latin rite, the Latin language is to be retained by Clerics in reciting The Divine Office”.

And it is highly significant that it goes on to make any use of the vernacular an (apparently very rare) exception, which Bishops can grant “only on an individual basis”. One might plausibly surmise that this exception may have been envisaged as useful in areas where resources for Clerical formation were limited, like the remoter parts of the 1960s Third World.

I wonder how The Council Fathers - or a significant proportion of them - might have reacted to the information that in less than a decade the Bishops of Western, Old, Europe (whose culture, both religious and secular, had been based upon Latin for nearly two millennia, the Continent of the great universities in which the civilisation of The Greek and Roman Worlds had been transmitted) would regard both this Conciliar mandate, reinforced by the directions of the Conciliar Decree “Optatam Totius” on Seminary Training, as an irrelevant dead letter. As early as 1966, Saint Paul VI was deploring (“Sacrificium Laudis”) the habit of requesting dispensations for a vernacular Office.

Readers of this Blog [Editor: FR HUNWICKE'S MUTUAL ENRICHMENT] are probably familiar * with the other prescriptions of Vatican II for the retention of Latin, particularly in The Liturgy, and I will not labour the point. I emphasise that I am not basing an argument for the retention of a living Latin culture simply and nakedly upon the words of The Council. The auctoritas for that retention is very much more broadly based, as the Council Fathers themselves emphasised by calling it and invoking it as a “sæcularis traditio”.

The conciliar mandate is merely a dutiful affirmation, proper to an Ecumenical Council of The Church, of the continuity and abiding prescriptiveness of The Church's Tradition; the guarantee making explicit that in an age of revolutions the old assumptions are still in place. Without these words of The Council, it might have been plausibly argued by ill-disposed persons that a radical cultural and intellectual shift had invalidated previous assumptions.

In view of the plain language of The Council, such a thesis can only be advanced as a deliberate repudiation of the explicit words of an Ecumenical Council . . . as well as of the Centuries preceding it and of the Teaching of subsequent Popes.

CANON LAW and Latin.

But, not long ago, I met a bright and recently-Ordained young Priest who had been taught “a little Greek, but not a word of Latin”. So, despite Canon 249 (in the Post-Conciliar Code of Canon Law), the Clergy have not all learned, and are not now all being taught, Latin as part of their Seminary formation ?

Well, of course, they all haven't so learnt, and are not all being so taught. Everybody knows that. A Priest of my acquaintance once wrote to me: “When I was a Seminarian in the 1980s, the very fact of having done a course in Latin at University was considered tantamount to a declaration in favour of Archbishop Lefebvre.

A Priest who gave a Retreat (a prominent moral theologian of those days) searched our places “in Choir” and denounced those who possessed Latin Breviaries as certainly having no vocation”.

One can hardly blame the present generation of English Bishops for a problem which looks as though it arose more than half a Century ago (in any case, blame is not my purpose). Indeed, I have heard that matters may now be a little less bad. But not, I believe, everywhere, and certainly not for all Seminarians.

Surely, Catholic Bishops have some say about the syllabuses taught in Seminaries ? Surely, they have some responsibility for the formation of their own Clergy ? Are they happy that Seminaries are run in a way which pays only very selective regard to the Magisterium of Saint John XXIII ? And to The Second Vatican Council, which (vide “Optatam totius 13”) laid emphasis on the role of Latin in Seminary education; or is that particular Conciliar document now to be consigned to oblivion ?

Saint Paul VI, as the first in his list of academic priorities for Seminarians, wrote: “The cultural formation of the young Priest must certainly include an adequate knowledge of languages and especially of Latin (particularly for those of the Latin Rite). (“Summi Dei verbum”.)”

There has long been a tacit assumption among some that the Magisterium of the “pre-Conciliar Popes” is to be quietly forgotten. Pius IX ? Pius XII ? Who on Earth were they ? But now one might be forgiven for wondering whether the Magisterium of The Council, itself, and the Teaching of the “post-Conciliar Popes”, are now also (when it suits) being treated with similar contempt by these grand men.

Are those more recent Pontiffs to be elaborately honoured with questionable Beatifications and break-neck-speed Canonisations and facile rhetorical praise, while their actual Teaching, emphatically and insistently given, is tossed aside as irrelevant or impractical ?

“There just isn't room on the syllabus for any of that”. Really ? When Seminary syllabuses are composed, shouldn’t it be the first aim to ensure that the insistent mandates of Roman Pontiffs are not to be ignored ? Since entering into Full Communion in 2011, I have met significant numbers of Clergy who have deplored the fact that, at Seminary, they were robbed of what The Catholic Church regards as the first building block of a Priestly formation. They have seemed to have in mind quite a number of useless topics which could profitably have been omitted so as to liberate syllabus time.

Cardinal Basil Hume, back in the 1990s, rather impertinently reminded Anglican enquirers that “Catholicism is table d'hote, not a la carte”. Surely that gives an ex-Anglican some right to wonder whether this principle also applies as much to those who run, or who episcopally supervise, Seminaries as it does to Anglican enquirers ?

A final quotation from Saint John XXIII: “The Teachers . . . in universities or Seminaries are required to speak Latin (latine loqui tenentur) and to make use of textbooks written in Latin. Those whose ignorance of Latin makes it difficult for them to obey these instructions shall gradually be replaced by Teachers who are suited to this task (in eorum locum doctores ad hoc idonei gradatim sufficiantur).

Any difficulties that may be advanced by students or professors must be overcome (vincantur necesse est) either by the patient insistence of the Bishops or Religious Superiors, or by the good will of the Teachers.”

And a final question: How many of those currently Teaching in English Seminaries are (in the sense of Saint John XXIII’s precise use of the word) idonei, “fit for the job” ? Indeed, are there any ?


* You sometimes find claims made to the effect that “Vatican II mandated more extensive use of vernacular languages in The Liturgy. Sacrosanctum concilium para 54 says 'Linguæ vernaculæ in Missis cum populo celebratis congruus locus tribui possit'. Doesn't sound to me much like a 'mandate'. It doesn't even say 'potest' ! Somebody must have decided to put the verb into the subjunctive ! It goes on to say 'præsertim' and mentions the readings. Then, much more cautiously, it raises the possibility of the vernacular 'even' (etiam) 'in partibus quæ ad populum spectant' linking this with a specific requirement that the laity should also be able to sing and say those self-same parts in Latin. Hardly a 'mandate' for the vernacular ! Rather, a nervously tentative partial permission.

Saint Mary Magdalen Dei Pazzi. Virgin. Feast Day, Today, 29 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi.
   Feast Day 29 May.


White Vestments.

Saint Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi.
Date: 1878.
Source: Scanned by uploader from page 296 of
"Little Pictorial Lives Of The Saints", (Benzinger Brothers).
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Born at Florence, Italy, in 1566, of the illustrious Pazzi family, Saint Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi, at the age of ten, Consecrated her Virginity to Christ, Whom she chose as her Spouse (Epistle, Gospel, Communion). Wherefore, God loved her with a love of preference (Introit), and made her one of the Virgins who form His Court of Honour (Offertory).

She took The Carmelite Habit in 1584 and subjected herself to frightful mortifications. The Holy Ghost, Who, from Heaven, sent Jesus Risen Again to her, inflamed her with such love that she had to pour fresh water on her burning breast.

She would bitterly deplore that the infidels and sinners were in the way to perdition and offered to endure any torments for their salvation.

Her motto was: "Suffer and not die." She died in 1607 and her body, which she mortified in every way, has remained incorrupt to our day.

Mass: Dilexísti.

Vision of Saint Maria Magdalen dei Pazzi.
Artist: Pedro de Moya (1610–1674).
Date: Early-17th-Century.
Source/Photographer: Web Gallery of Art
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, O.Carm. (Italian: Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi), 2 April 1566 – 25 May 1607, was an Italian Carmelite Nun and Mystic. She has been declared a Saint by The Roman Catholic Church.

In 1580, at age fourteen, Pazzi was sent by her father to be educated at a Monastery of Nuns of The Order of Malta, but she was soon recalled to wed a young nobleman. She advised her father of her vow, and he eventually relented and allowed her to enter Monastic Life. She chose The Carmelite Monastery of Saint Mary of The Angels, in Florence, Italy, because The Rule there allowed her to receive Holy Communion daily. In 1583, she was accepted as a Novice by that Community, and given the Religious Name of Sister Mary Magdalen.

Numerous Miracles allegedly followed Pazzi's death, and the process for her Beatification was begun in 1610 under Pope Paul V, and completed under Pope Urban VIII in 1626. She was not, however, Canonised until sixty-two years after her death, when Pope Clement X raised her to The Altars on 28 April 1669. The Church of The Monastery of Pažaislis, commissioned in 1662 in Lithuania, was one of the first to be Consecrated in her honour.

The Saint is little known outside Italy, but her cult is very strong, especially in Florence. Paulist Press issued a selection of her writings in English translation in their series of Classics of Western Spirituality.

The following Text is from “The Liturgical Year”,
by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.

Volume 8.
Paschal Time.
Book II.


Our Paschal Calendar gives us three illustrious Virgins of beautiful Italy. We have already kept The Feast of the valiant Saint Catharine of Siena; in a few days, we shall be honouring the memory of Saint Angela dei Merici, surrounded by her school-children; today, it is The Fair Lily of Florence, Saint Magdalen de Pazzi, who embalms the whole Church with the fragrance of her name and intercession.

She devoted herself to the loving imitation of Our Crucified Jesus; was it not just, that she should have some share in the joy of His Resurrection ?

Magdalen de Pazzi was one of the brightest ornaments of The Order of Carmel, by her Angelic Purity, and by the ardour of her love for God. Like Saint Philip Neri, she was one of the grandest manifestations of The Divine Charity that is found in The True Church.

Saint Magdalen, in her peaceful Cloister, and Saint Philip, in his active labours for the salvation of Souls, both made it their ambition to satisfy that desire, expressed by Our Jesus, when He said: " I am come to cast fire on the Earth; and what will I, but that it be kindled ? "

The life of this Spouse of Christ was one continued Miracle. Her Ecstasies and Raptures were almost of daily occurrence. The lights given to her regarding the Mysteries were extraordinary; and, in order to prepare her for those sublime communications, God would have her go through the severest trials of The Spiritual Life.

Thursday 28 May 2020

The Shrine Of Saint Augustine And The National Pugin Centre, Ramsgate, Kent.

The place where Saint Augustine landed in 597 A.D., to bring the Gospel to England, and where the great Victorian architect, Augustus Pugin, lived, worked, and built his personal Church.

The Web-Site is available HERE

Visit Us.

We look forward to welcoming you at Saint Augustine’s. Thousands of people visit Saint Augustine’s each year:
Be one of them.

A School Trip To Pugin's “The Grange”
And Saint Augustine's Church, Ramsgate.
Available on YouTube at

Visitor Centre.

Information on Saint Augustine and Augustus Pugin with interpretative boards, videos, and audio guides available.

Introduction to The Shrine of Saint Augustine, Ramsgate, Kent.
Available on YouTube at

Pugin’s designs are on show in The Visitor Centre exhibition area. Featuring items owned and made for Pugin, as well as items inspired by his designs, this is a chance to see some of Pugin’s own creations.

Opening Times and Entry.
We’re open 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., each day.

Entry is free, and we suggest a donation of £3 per person.

The Shrine Web-Site is available at

Saint Augustine Of Canterbury. Archbishop. Confessor. Feast Day 28 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Augustine Of Canterbury.
   Archbishop. Confessor.
   Feast Day 28 May.


White Vestments.

“Saint Augustine of Canterbury”:
A Talk By Fr. Marcus Holden,
during “A Day With Mary”.
Available on YouTube at

“A  Day With Mary”.
Available on YouTube at

The ruins of Saint Augustine's Abbey,
with Canterbury Cathedral in the background.
Photo: 20 October 2012.
Source: Own work.
Author: Nessy-Pic
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Cycle Celebrates today The Feast of another son of Saint Benedict, who, filled with The Holy Ghost, like The Apostles, was sent to Great Britain by Saint Gregory, in 596 A.D., with forty Monks of his Community, in order to convert to Christ the people of that Country (Collect).

Wherefore, the Gospel recalls the seventy-two Disciples whom Jesus sent to Preach The Kingdom of God, and the Epistle alludes to The Apostolate of Saint Paul, who was busy night and day Preaching the Gospel of God.

Received by King Ethelbert, at Canterbury, Kent, the Capital of his Kingdom, Augustine built a Monastery there and later on established there his Episcopal Seat (Introit). The example of his life, added to his Preaching and Miracles, brought the King over to The True Faith, and Saint Augustine Baptised over ten thousand Anglo-Saxons one Christmas Day. This "Apostle of England" died in the year 604 A.D.

Let us ask, through the intercession of Saint Augustine, to bring back erring hearts to the unity of Christian Truth (Collect).

Mass: Sacerdotes tui.

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