Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Saint Eustace And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day 20 September.

English: The Conversion of Saint Eustace.
German: Die Bekehrung des heiligen Eustachius .
Artist: Joseph Binder.
Date: 1849.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from “The Liturgical Year”.
   By: Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
   Volume 14.
   Time After Pentecost.
   Book V.

The twentieth of September marks one of the saddest events in history.

At the height of her power, in the glorious days of Pepin and Charlemagne, the eldest daughter of The Church had crowned her mother; and The Church, in the person of her Head, reigned in reality, as well as by Right, until, a thousand years later, Satan took advantage of the fallen state of France to despoil Peter of the patrimony which ensured his independence. The Holy Cross is still shedding its rays on us !!!

Today, a group of Martyrs, and this time a whole family; father, mother, and sons, take up their position around the standard of salvation. While the antiquity of their cultus in both East and West rests on the best authority, the details of their life are extremely vague. 

English: The Altar, in Saint Eustace Chapel, in Hunting Lodge Ohrada, near Hluboká nad VltavouCzech Republic.
Čeština: Oltář kaple sv. Eustacha na Loveckém zámku Ohrada nedaleko Hluboké nad Vltavou
Photo: 6 August 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jitka Erbenová (cheva)
(Wikimedia Commons)

Could Placid the Tribune, whose exploits are recorded by Josephus in his “Wars of The Jews”, be the same as the Eustace we are celebrating, today ?

Does the genealogy of our Saint connect him with the “Octavia” family, from which Augustus Cæsar sprang ? Again, are we to recognise as his direct descendant the noble Tertullus, who confided to Saint Benedict his son, Placid, the favourite child of the holy Patriarch, and the Proto-Martyr of The Benedictine Order ?

Subiaco long possessed the mountain designated by ancient tradition as the site of the apparition of the mysterious Stag; Tertullus may have bequeathed it to the Monastery, as his son’s patrimony.

English: Church of Saint Eustace, La Mouille, France.
Français: Église Saint-Eustache de La Mouille, France.
Photo: 17 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

But we have not space enough to do more than record the fact that these questions have been raised.

There could hardly be a more touching legend that that of our Martyrs:

Eustace, otherwise called Placid, was a Roman, illustrious for his birth, wealth, and military renown, so that, under the Emperor, Trajan, he became General of the Army.

Once, while hunting, he was chasing a Stag of remarkable size, which suddenly halted, and showed him between its horns a large and bright image of Christ Our Lord hanging upon The Cross, and inviting him to make everlasting life the object of his pursuit.

Thereupon, together with his wife, Theopista, and his two little sons, Agapitus and Theopistus, he entered the ranks of the Christian warfare.

Soon afterwards, he returned to the place of the vision, in obedience to the command of Our Lord, from Whom he there heard how much he was to suffer for God’s glory.

Church of Saint Andrew and Saint Eustachius (Eustace), Woodbridge, Suffolk, England.
Photo: 26 August 2014.
Author: Bikeboy
(Wikimedia Commons)

He underwent, with wonderful patience, such incredible losses that in a short time he was reduced to the utmost need, and was obliged to retire privately.

On the way, he had the unhappiness to see, first, his wife, and then his two sons, taken from him. Overwhelmed by all these misfortunes, he lived for a long time unknown in a distant Country, as a farm bailiff; until, at length, a voice from Heaven comforted him; and soon afterwards, a fresh occasion of War arising, Emperor Trajan had him sought out and again placed at the head of the Army.

During the expedition, he unexpectedly found his wife and children again. He returned to Rome in triumph amidst universal congratulations; but was soon commanded to offer sacrifice to the false gods in thanksgiving for his victory.

Church of Saint Eustace, Ibberton, Dorset, England.
Photo: 19 June 2019.
Source: Own work.
Author: AtticTapestry
(Wikimedia Commons)

On his firm refusal, every art was tried to make him renounce the Faith of Christ, but in vain. He was then, with his wife and sons, thrown to the Lions. But the beasts showed nothing but gentleness; whereupon, the Emperor, in a rage, commanded the Martyrs to be shut up in a brazen Bull, heated by a fire underneath it.

There, singing the praises of God, they consummated their sacrifice, and took their flight to eternal happiness on the twelfth of the kalends of October.

Their bodies were found intact, and reverently buried by The Faithful, but were afterwards translated with honour to a Church erected to their names.

Saint Eustachius (Eustace) Church, 
Tavistock, Devon, England.
Photo: 24 September 2019.
Source: Own work.
Author: Andrewrabbott
(Wikimedia Commons)

Our trials are light compared with yours, O Blessed Martyrs !!! Obtain for us the Grace not to betray the confidence of Our Lord, when He calls us to suffer for Him in this World.

It is thus we must win the glory of Heaven. How can we triumph with The God of Armies, unless we have marched under His Standard ? Now, that Standard is The Cross.

The Church knows it, and, therefore, she is not troubled even by the greatest calamities. She knows, too, that her Spouse is watching over her, even when He seems to sleep; and she looks to the protection of such of her sons as are already glorified.

English: Church of Saint Eustace, Quebec, Canada.
Français: Église de Saint-Eustache, Québec, Canada.
Photo: 4 September 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Hadrianopolis
(Wikimedia Commons)

And yet, O Martyrs, for how many years has the sorrowful shadow of a sacrilegious invasion hung over the day of your triumph !!!

Rome honoured you with so much love !!!

Take vengeance on the audacity of Hell, and deliver The Holy City !!!

A Blast From The Past: “Islands In The Stream”. Sung By: Dolly Parton And Kenny Rogers.

“Islands In The Stream”.
Sung by: Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.
Available on YouTube

Albi Cathedral, France (Part Seven).

English: The Last Judgement Fresco.
Français: Le jugement dernier.
Photo: 15 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

The Chapels were frequently redecorated and repainted in the following years, causing Eugène Viollet-le-Duc to complain in 1841 that “Almost all of the Chapels were ruined; paintings were nailed over the murals, and clumsy restorations were made by the whitewashers.”

He made substantial restorations, particularly in the elaborate floor-to-ceiling murals in the Chapelle de la Sainte-Croix (The Chapel of The Holy Cross). The nine scenes of the mural depict the story of how fragments of The True Cross were discovered at Rome and given to Emperor Constantine, allowing him to defeat the barbarian chieftain, Maxence, and how later the nails used in The Crucifixion were recovered and given to Saint Helen. [22]

The Chapelle Saint-Claire, is a square Chapel tucked into the architecture of the West facade at the end of the 17th-Century. It is located directly behind the Mediæval fresco of The Last Judgement, and the builder of the Chapel, Bishop Le Goux de la Berchère, destroyed a central part of the fresco to give the Chapel a larger opening, and installed an Altar to match The High Altar at the other end of the Church.[22]

English: The Organ in Albi Cathedral. A masterpiece by Christophe Moucherel, completed in 1736, with a monumental Buffet 16.40 m wide and 15.60 m high. It is one of the most beautiful Organs South of The Loire.
Christophe Moucherel being better known for the high quality of his Buffets than for the reliability of his instruments, the Organ was revised in 1747 by François and Jean-François Lépine, then, in 1779, by Joseph Isnard, nephew of Jean-Esprit, and, in 1825, by Antoine Peyroulous.
Brought up-to-date during The Romantic Period by Jean-Baptiste Puget in 1904, it was in poor condition in the 1950s. Its restoration was entrusted in 1977 to Bartoloméo Formentelli. Now, his son, Michel, takes care of the instrument: Five Keyboards of fifty Notes (C1 to D5 without
1st C #); Dorsal Positive, G.O; Bombarde; Narrative; Echo; French Pedal; Fifty-Six Stops; 3,578 Pipes.
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The Chapel of Notre Dame and Saint Cécile is the Axis Chapel at the East End of the Cathedral. Its decoration was created between 1777 and 1779 by the Italian artist Jacques Antoine Mazetti, who established a studio at Avignon with his brother Bernard Virgile and the painter Maderni.

The central feature is a marble statue of The Virgin Mary from the 18th-Century, with four paintings depicting scenes from The Virgin’s life by the Toulouse painter François Fauré.

Behind The Virgin, is a “Gloire”, or “Glory”, a halo surrounding The Virgin, filled with Angels and other figures. The interior Chapel is decorated with coloured and moulded stucco.[22]

14th-Century Reliquary at Albi Cathedral.
Contains Relics of Saint Ursula.
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The oldest painting is the mural of The Last Judgement, on the interior of The Great West Front, which was painted at the end of the 15th-Century. It covers an area of 15 metres (49 ft) by 18 metres (59 ft). Some portions of the mural were removed in 1693 due to the creation of the Chapel of Saint Claire.

Some of the central figures, such as Christ rendering judgement and Archangel Michæl weighing the sins of those being judged, were removed to make a doorway into a Chapel.

The top portion of the painting depicts a row of Angels; below them, is a rank of Apostles, dressed in White to symbolise their purity. Below them are ranks of Saints and Clerics, including a Pope and Monks of the different Orders. as well as an Emperor (probably Charlemagne) and Saint Louis.

At the bottom are the sinners being judged, with a band of Text reminding viewers that the judgement was irreversible.

English: 17th-Century Painting in Albi Cathedral depicting
The Holy Family, with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist.
Français : La sainte famille
avec sainte Anne et saint Jean-Baptiste.
Italiano : La sacra famiglia
con Sant’Anna e San Giovanni Battista.
Artist: Karsten van Limbos (1527–1542).
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The Vigil Of Saint Matthew. Apostle And Evangelist. 20 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

The Vigil Of Saint Matthew.
   Apostle And Evangelist.
   20 September.


Violet Vestments.

English: The Inspiration of Saint Matthew.
Français: L'Inspiration de saint Matthieu.
Date: 1602.
Current location: Contarelli Chapel,
Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome.
(Wikimedia Commons)

In order to honour the high dignity of The Apostles (Secret), The Church prepares us for their Feasts by a Vigil. She therefore Commemorates on this day Saint Matthew by special Collects and by The Last Gospel of The Mass in which Saint Luke relates the call of this Apostle.

A Galilean by birth, his name before his conversion was Levi; he was a publican. This profession was that of a collector of The Roman Taxes and was very odious to the Jews, who were thus reminded of their dependence.

Generally harsh and greedy, the publican was considered by the Pharisees to be the type of the sinner. Wherefore, The Church shows us Jesus as the healer of Souls, whom He calls to Penance (Gospel).

Mass: Ego autem.

Ember Friday In September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Ember Friday in September.
In 2024, it is Celebrated on 20 September.

Station at The Twelve Apostles.

Violet Vestments.

Iona Abbey,

As on the other Ember Fridays during the year, The Station is held at the Church of The Holy Apostles, in Rome.

The Epistle reminds us of the words of the Prophet, Osee, to Israel: “Be Converted to The Lord thy God, since thy iniquity has caused thee to fall.” And Osee announces that The Almighty, seeing the spirit of Prayer and Penance of the Israelites, will heal their bruises and turn away His anger from them.

Basilica of The Twelve Apostles, Rome.
Photo: 20 July 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: SteO153.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A fine harvest of olives, wheat, and wine; that is to say, the riches of the Autumnal Season, consecrated to God by the September Ember Days; Blessings from on high are thus promised symbolically to the Chosen People.

What God did for repentant Israel, The Saviour did for Mary Magdalen, who, says the Gospel, “was pardoned many sins because she had loved much” (Gospel). And The Church Ordains her Priests during these days of Penance, so that they may repeat throughout the Centuries their Master’s example, and pardon those who repent.

Mass: Laetétur cor.
Second Collect: A cunctis.
Third Collect: At the option of the Priest.
Common Preface.



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Saint Eustace And His Companions. Martyrs. Feast Day, Today, 20 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Eustace And His Companions.
   Feast Day 20 September.


Red Vestments.

Wall Painting in Canterbury Cathedral, Saint Eustace sees Jesus standing, without a Cross, between the horns of a Stag.
This is a reconstruction of the Wall Painting in Canterbury Cathedral, painted half-size by E.W. Tristram in 1929.
Photo: 24 April 2023.
Source: Own work.
Author: ProfDEH
(Wikimedia Commons)

Eustace, also called Placidus, was illustrious at Rome, for his birth, his riches, and his Military valour. "One day," says the Legend, "while he was hunting a stag of extraordinary size, the animal suddenly turned and between its horns was seen a Crucifix."

Called by The Saviour, Eustace henceforth only pursued immortal life and, with his wife and two children, he enrolled himself in The Christian Militia. The Benedictine Abbey of Subiaco possessed for a long time the mountain where, according to Tradition, was shown the spot where the apparition had taken place.

Made a General in the Army by The Emperor Trajan, Eustace returned victorious from an expedition, but, having refused to thank the gods for this triumph, he was arrested and exposed to the Lions with his wife and children. The wild beasts, however, did them no harm.

"They were then shut up in a red-hot brazen bull," declares The Martyrology. "and their Martyrdom was completed by this torture." This was under Emperor Hadrian in 120 A.D.

Saint Eustace is one of The Fourteen Auxiliary Saints (see The Feast Day for 25 July).

Mass: Sapiéntiam.
Commemoration: The Vigil of Saint Matthew.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

The Nine-Month Novena To Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The Nine-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Cardinal Burke’s Twelfth Reflection on 
Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego.
Available on YouTube

Cor Jesu Sacratíssimum. Miserére Nobis.

Cor Jesu Sacratíssimum.

Miserére Nobis.

Most Sacred Heart Of Jesus.

Have Mercy On Us.

Lincoln Cathedral. The Cathedral Church Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Of Lincoln. (Part Seven).

Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 25 December 2009.
Source: Own work.
Author: Anuradha Dullewe Wijeyeratne.
(Wikimedia Commons)

A Visit Inside Lincoln Cathedral and Lincoln Castle.
Available on YouTube

Lincoln Cathedral’s Nave.
Photo: 30 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
Attribution: Photo by DAVID ILIFF.
Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Author: Diliff
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

Lincoln Cathedral is one of the few English Cathedrals built from the rock it is standing on.[51] It is mostly built from Lincolnshire Limestone.[52] 

The Cathedral has owned the existing quarry, on Riseholme Road, Lincoln, since 1876.[53] As of 2016, the quarry was expected to run out of stone in 2021.[54] 

The Cathedral’s stonemasons use more than 100 tonnes of stone per year for maintenance and repairs.[54]

17th-Century Print of Lincoln Cathedral
with Spires on the West Towers.
Artist: Wenceslaus Hollar (1607 – 1677).
Date: Not known.
Source: Artwork from 
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Choir is currently formed of adult singers (who are either Lay Vicars or Choral Scholars), and teams of about twenty girls and twenty boys. 

The Cathedral accepted female Choristers in 1995. Lincoln was the second Cathedral in the Country to adopt a separate girls’ Choir (after Salisbury Cathedral). The Choristers can now attend any school and are currently drawn from over ten local schools.

Jeffrey Makinson gives an Organ demonstration 
of the incredible “Father” Henry Willis instrument 
in Lincoln Cathedral.
Available on YouTube

The Master of the Choristers (Director of Music) is Aric Prentice, who conducts the Choir of boys and men; the Cathedral Organist and Assistant Director of Music is Jeffrey Makinson, who conducts the Choir of girls and men. 

The Great West Front, Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 15 November 2005.
Author: Anthony Shreeve.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Organist Emeritus is Colin Walsh, previously Organist and Master of The Choristers and then Organist Laureate.

The records of Cathedral Organists at Lincoln are continuous from 1439, when John Ingleton was the incumbent. 

The Choir, Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 30 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
Attribution: Photo by DAVID ILIFF.
Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Author: Diliff
(Wikimedia Commons)

Notable organists have included the Renaissance composers William Byrd and John Reading and the biographer of Mendelssohn, William Thomas Freemantle.

Choir Stalls, Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 29 August 2013 .
(Wikimedia Commons)

One of the best examples of the work of “Father’ Henry Willis, and the last he designed before his death, the Cathedral Organ dates from 1898. Willis had completed the design by 1885, but a shortfall in funding delayed construction and installation. 

This was made possible in 1898, after a donation of £1,000 (equivalent to £660,000 in 2023)[56] from Alfred Shuttleworth, an Engineer and later Chairman of Clayton & Shuttleworth.[57]

This, together with other private gifts and a public subscription, allowed work to progress. On Saint Hugh’s Day, 17 November 1898, the Organ was inaugurated at a Service attended by 4,700 people. 

Gallery, Triforium, Clerestory,
Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 15 September 2018.
Source: Own work.
Author: Cc364
(Wikimedia Commons)

Willis had intended that the Organ be electrically-powered, the first Organ in an English Cathedral to be powered in this way. As the Brayford Wharf Power Station had not yet been completed,[58] manual power was instead provided by Infantrymen from The Lincolnshire Regiment.[59]

The Organ has been restored twice, in 1960 and in 1998. On both occasions the work was undertaken by Harrison & Harrison. It is one of only two Willis Organs in English Cathedrals with its original tonal scheme.[59] The Organ specification is held on the National Pipe Organ Register.[60]

The Cathedral was used for the filming of The Da Vinci Code (based on the book of the same name).[63] Filming took place mainly within the Cloisters, and Chapter House,[63] of the Cathedral, and remained a closed set. 

The Angel Choir, Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 1865.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Cathedral took on the role of Westminster Abbey, as the Abbey had refused to permit filming.[63] Although there was protest at the filming,[64] the filming was completed by the end of August 2005. 

To make the Lincoln Chapter House appear similar to the Westminster Chapter House, murals were painted on a special layer over the existing wall, and elsewhere polystyrene replicas of Isaac Newton’s tomb and other Abbey monuments were set up.[63] 

For a time, these murals and replicas remained in the Chapter House, as part of a Da Vinci Code exhibit for visitors, but, in January 2008, they were sold off at auction to raise money for the Cathedral.[63]

Hostel Members Memorial: Lincoln Cathedral.
It reads: “To the Memory of Members of the Hostel, 
who gave their Souls to God, and their Lives for us, 
in The Great War, 1914 - 1919”.
The Lincoln Theological College, known as the Bishop’s Hostel, originally Founded in 1874, was a residential centre for Ordination training within The Church of England.
It was closed in 1974, and, following a period at the 
University of Sheffield, the Institute moved to the 
University of Manchester in January 2003, and is now 
a fully integrated academic unit within the department 
of Religions and Theology.
The above Plaque was originally within the College, 
but was removed to the Cathedral and placed there 
when the College closed.
Photo: 7 March 2007.
Author: John Readman
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Nave, Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 24 September 2018.
Source: Own work.
Author: Cc364
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Cathedral also doubled as Westminster Abbey for the film Young Victoria, filmed in September 2007,[65][66] and did again in June 2018 for the Netflix Shakespeare film The King.[67]

During 2022, the Cathedral was also one of the locations for the 2023 Ridley Scott film Napoleon.[68]

This concludes the Article on Lincoln Cathedral.

Holy Mass Of Ember Friday In September 2023. Sainte Messe Du Vendredi Des Quatre-Temps De Septembre 2023.

Holy Mass of Ember Friday in September 2023.
Sainte messe du Vendredi des Quatre-Temps 
de septembre 2023.
Available on YouTube

Tomorrow, Friday, 20 September 2024, 
is Ember Friday in September.
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