Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Albi Cathedral. France (Part Seven).. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albi Cathedral. France (Part Seven).. Show all posts

Friday 20 September 2024

Albi Cathedral, France (Part Seven).

English: The Last Judgement Fresco.
Français: Le jugement dernier.
Photo: 15 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

The Chapels were frequently redecorated and repainted in the following years, causing Eugène Viollet-le-Duc to complain in 1841 that “Almost all of the Chapels were ruined; paintings were nailed over the murals, and clumsy restorations were made by the whitewashers.”

He made substantial restorations, particularly in the elaborate floor-to-ceiling murals in the Chapelle de la Sainte-Croix (The Chapel of The Holy Cross). The nine scenes of the mural depict the story of how fragments of The True Cross were discovered at Rome and given to Emperor Constantine, allowing him to defeat the barbarian chieftain, Maxence, and how later the nails used in The Crucifixion were recovered and given to Saint Helen. [22]

The Chapelle Saint-Claire, is a square Chapel tucked into the architecture of the West facade at the end of the 17th-Century. It is located directly behind the Mediæval fresco of The Last Judgement, and the builder of the Chapel, Bishop Le Goux de la Berchère, destroyed a central part of the fresco to give the Chapel a larger opening, and installed an Altar to match The High Altar at the other end of the Church.[22]

English: The Organ in Albi Cathedral. A masterpiece by Christophe Moucherel, completed in 1736, with a monumental Buffet 16.40 m wide and 15.60 m high. It is one of the most beautiful Organs South of The Loire.
Christophe Moucherel being better known for the high quality of his Buffets than for the reliability of his instruments, the Organ was revised in 1747 by François and Jean-François Lépine, then, in 1779, by Joseph Isnard, nephew of Jean-Esprit, and, in 1825, by Antoine Peyroulous.
Brought up-to-date during The Romantic Period by Jean-Baptiste Puget in 1904, it was in poor condition in the 1950s. Its restoration was entrusted in 1977 to Bartoloméo Formentelli. Now, his son, Michel, takes care of the instrument: Five Keyboards of fifty Notes (C1 to D5 without
1st C #); Dorsal Positive, G.O; Bombarde; Narrative; Echo; French Pedal; Fifty-Six Stops; 3,578 Pipes.
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The Chapel of Notre Dame and Saint Cécile is the Axis Chapel at the East End of the Cathedral. Its decoration was created between 1777 and 1779 by the Italian artist Jacques Antoine Mazetti, who established a studio at Avignon with his brother Bernard Virgile and the painter Maderni.

The central feature is a marble statue of The Virgin Mary from the 18th-Century, with four paintings depicting scenes from The Virgin’s life by the Toulouse painter François Fauré.

Behind The Virgin, is a “Gloire”, or “Glory”, a halo surrounding The Virgin, filled with Angels and other figures. The interior Chapel is decorated with coloured and moulded stucco.[22]

14th-Century Reliquary at Albi Cathedral.
Contains Relics of Saint Ursula.
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The oldest painting is the mural of The Last Judgement, on the interior of The Great West Front, which was painted at the end of the 15th-Century. It covers an area of 15 metres (49 ft) by 18 metres (59 ft). Some portions of the mural were removed in 1693 due to the creation of the Chapel of Saint Claire.

Some of the central figures, such as Christ rendering judgement and Archangel Michæl weighing the sins of those being judged, were removed to make a doorway into a Chapel.

The top portion of the painting depicts a row of Angels; below them, is a rank of Apostles, dressed in White to symbolise their purity. Below them are ranks of Saints and Clerics, including a Pope and Monks of the different Orders. as well as an Emperor (probably Charlemagne) and Saint Louis.

At the bottom are the sinners being judged, with a band of Text reminding viewers that the judgement was irreversible.

English: 17th-Century Painting in Albi Cathedral depicting
The Holy Family, with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist.
Français : La sainte famille
avec sainte Anne et saint Jean-Baptiste.
Italiano : La sacra famiglia
con Sant’Anna e San Giovanni Battista.
Artist: Karsten van Limbos (1527–1542).
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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Wednesday 20 September 2023

Albi Cathedral, France (Part Seven).

English: The Last Judgement Fresco.
Français: Le jugement dernier.
Photo: 15 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

The Chapels were frequently redecorated and repainted in the following years, causing Eugène Viollet-le-Duc to complain in 1841 that “Almost all of the Chapels were ruined; paintings were nailed over the murals, and clumsy restorations were made by the whitewashers.”

He made substantial restorations, particularly in the elaborate floor-to-ceiling murals in the Chapelle de la Sainte-Croix (The Chapel of The Holy Cross). The nine scenes of the mural depict the story of how fragments of The True Cross were discovered at Rome and given to Emperor Constantine, allowing him to defeat the barbarian chieftain, Maxence, and how later the nails used in The Crucifixion were recovered and given to Saint Helen. [22]

The Chapelle Saint-Claire, is a square Chapel tucked into the architecture of the West facade at the end of the 17th-Century. It is located directly behind the Mediæval fresco of The Last Judgement, and the builder of the Chapel, Bishop Le Goux de la Berchère, destroyed a central part of the fresco to give the Chapel a larger opening, and installed an Altar to match The High Altar at the other end of the Church.[22]

English: The Organ in Albi Cathedral. A masterpiece by Christophe Moucherel, completed in 1736, with a monumental Buffet 16.40 m wide and 15.60 m high. It is one of the most beautiful Organs South of The Loire.
Christophe Moucherel being better known for the high quality of his Buffets than for the reliability of his instruments, the Organ was revised in 1747 by François and Jean-François Lépine, then, in 1779, by Joseph Isnard, nephew of Jean-Esprit, and, in 1825, by Antoine Peyroulous.
Brought up-to-date during The Romantic Period by Jean-Baptiste Puget in 1904, it was in poor condition in the 1950s. Its restoration was entrusted in 1977 to Bartoloméo Formentelli. Now, his son, Michel, takes care of the instrument: Five Keyboards of fifty Notes (C1 to D5 without
1st C #); Dorsal Positive, G.O; Bombarde; Narrative; Echo; French Pedal; Fifty-Six Stops; 3,578 Pipes.
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The Chapel of Notre Dame and Saint Cécile is the Axis Chapel at the East End of the Cathedral. Its decoration was created between 1777 and 1779 by the Italian artist Jacques Antoine Mazetti, who established a studio at Avignon with his brother Bernard Virgile and the painter Maderni.

The central feature is a marble statue of The Virgin Mary from the 18th-Century, with four paintings depicting scenes from The Virgin’s life by the Toulouse painter François Fauré.

Behind The Virgin, is a “Gloire”, or “Glory”, a halo surrounding The Virgin, filled with Angels and other figures. The interior Chapel is decorated with coloured and moulded stucco.[22]

14th-Century Reliquary at Albi Cathedral.
Contains Relics of Saint Ursula.
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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The oldest painting is the mural of The Last Judgement, on the interior of The Great West Front, which was painted at the end of the 15th-Century. It covers an area of 15 metres (49 ft) by 18 metres (59 ft). Some portions of the mural were removed in 1693 due to the creation of the Chapel of Saint Claire.

Some of the central figures, such as Christ rendering judgement and Archangel Michæl weighing the sins of those being judged, were removed to make a doorway into a Chapel.

The top portion of the painting depicts a row of Angels; below them, is a rank of Apostles, dressed in White to symbolise their purity. Below them are ranks of Saints and Clerics, including a Pope and Monks of the different Orders. as well as an Emperor (probably Charlemagne) and Saint Louis.

At the bottom are the sinners being judged, with a band of Text reminding viewers that the judgement was irreversible.

English: 17th-Century Painting in Albi Cathedral depicting
The Holy Family, with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist.
Français : La sainte famille
avec sainte Anne et saint Jean-Baptiste.
Italiano : La sacra famiglia
con Sant’Anna e San Giovanni Battista.
Artist: Karsten van Limbos (1527–1542).
Photo: 4 August 2021.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

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