Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Sunday 12 December 2021

From “A Benedictine Martyrology”. 12 December.

12 December.

Saint Walaricus (☩ 622 A.D. ).
Abbot of a Monastery that, afterwards, bore his name (Saint Valery) in Picardy, France. He observed long Fasts, slept on a couch of twigs, performed manual labour and distributed alms to the Poor.

Saint Gregory (☩ 540 A.D. ).
Monk at Saint Stephen's Monastery, Terracina, Italy. Disciple of Saint Benedict.

Saint Vicelinus (☩ 1154  A.D. ).
Bishop of Oldenburg, Germany. Previously a Monk at Siburg (Siegburg) Monastery, Germany. Preached the Gospel to The Wends, Slavs, and the inhabitants of Holstein.

“A Benedictine Martyrology” is available from AMAZON and other Booksellers.

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