Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Tuesday 31 May 2022

31 May. The Feast Day Of Saint Angela De Merici And Saint Petronilla.

Text is taken from “The Liturgical Year”, by Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
   Translated from the French by Dom. Laurent Shepherd, O.S.B.

   Volume 8.
   Paschal Time.
   Book II.

This last day of May, which is honoured by the Virginal triumph of Saint Aurelia Petronilla, in the first age of The Church, is also fragrant with the Lilies that wreathe the brow of Saint Angela de Merici.

The Sixteenth-Century, which, a few days back, offered to Our Risen Lord the Seraphic Magdalen de Pazzi [Editor: Feast Day 29 May], now presents Him with this second fruit of heroic Sanctity.

Saint Angela de Merici.


Angela de Merici realised the whole meaning of her beautiful name. She possessed the purity of The Blessed Spirits in a mortal body, and she imitated their celestial energy by the vigorous practice of every virtue.

This heroine of grace trampled beneath her feet everything that could impede her Heavenly march. Gifted at an early age with the highest contemplation, she bravely travelled to Palestine, there to Venerate the footsteps of her Divine Spouse, Jesus.

After this, she visited the New Jerusalem, Rome, and offered up her fervent Prayers at The Confession of Saint Peter. She then returned to her life of seclusion and Founded a Religious Order, which is, and will be to the end of time, one of the glories and aids of Holy Church.

The thought of the great Saint Ursula and her Virginal Legion made a great impression on Angela's Soul, and she, too, would form, to Our Lord, an army of valiant women.

Saint Ursula confronted the barbarian host; Saint Angela would give battle to the World and to its seductions, which are so dangerous to young girls. God Blessed her with victory. As a trophy of her combats, she can point to the countless generations of young people whom her Order has saved during the last three Centuries, by giving them a solid Christian education. The Liturgy speaks of the virtues and actions of Saint Angela.

Saint Angela was enrolled in The List of Holy Virgins, by Pope Pius VII, in a Solemn Canonisation, Celebrated in The Vatican Basilica, 24 May 1807.

Thou didst fight the battles of Our Lord, O, Angela, and thy holy labours merited for thee a glorious rest in the mansions of Eternal Bliss. An insatiable zeal for The Honour of Jesus, Whom thou hadst chosen as thy Spouse, and an ardent Charity for the creatures redeemed by His Precious Blood were the characteristics of thy whole life.

This love of thy neighbour made thee the mother of a countless progeny; for, who can number the young children that have been educated, in sound Doctrine and Piety, by thy daughters ? Thou didst powerfully contribute to the welfare of Christian society, by thus preparing so many for the duties of domestic life; and how many other Congregations, in imitation of thy Ursulines, have taken up the same admirable work, and have brought consolation to The Church, and happiness to the World ?

The Sovereign Pontiff has ordered that thy Feast should be kept throughout the whole Church. He declared, in issuing this Decree, that he wished to put under thy maternal protection the young girls, who are, nowadays, exposed to such fearful dangers by the enemies of Christ and His Church.

They have formed the project of undermining the Faith of women, that so their good influence may be destroyed in their families. Disconcert these impious plans, O, Angela ! Protect thy sex; nourish within it the sentiment of the dignity of Christian women, and society may still be saved.

We turn to thee, O, Spouse of Christ, and ask for fervour in The Liturgical Year, wherein we are made to follow in the path that was so dear to thee. Thy Devotion in following The Divine Mysteries, which are successively brought before us, led thee to visit The Holy Land.

Thou didst long to see Nazareth and Bethlehem, to traverse Galilee and Judea, to give thanks in The Cenacle, to weep on Calvary, and to adore the glorious Sepulchre. Deign to Bless our feeble desires and efforts to tread in these same holy paths. We have still to follow thee to Mount Olivet, whence Our Redeemer ascended into Heaven; we have to return to The Cenacle, which the Holy Ghost is preparing to light up with His Divine Fire.

Obtain for us, O, Angela, that we may follow thee to these hallowed spots, which made thee quit thy Country and undertake a long and perilous pilgrimage. Oh !, prepare our hearts for the sublime Mysteries, which are to crown our Paschal Season.

The same day.

Saint Petronilla.


Though The Church makes but a simple Commemoration of this illustrious Virgin in The Office of this day, we will not fail to offer her the homage of our devout Veneration. On the twelfth of this month, we kept the Feast of the noble Virgin and Martyr, Flavia Domitilla; it is probable that Aurelia Petronilla was also of The Imperial Family of The Flavii.

The early Traditions of The Church speak of her as being the spiritual daughter of The Prince of The Apostles; and, though she did not, like Domitilla, lay down her life for The Faith, yet she offered to Jesus that next richest gift, her Virginity.

The same venerable authorities tell us that a Roman Patrician, by name Flaccus, having asked her in marriage, she requested three days for consideration, during which confidently besought the aid of her Divine Spouse.

Flaccus presented himself on the third day, but found the Palace in mourning, and her family busy in preparing the funeral obsequies of the young Virgin, who had taken her flight to Heaven, as a Dove that is startled by an intruder's approach.

In the 8th-Century A.D., the Holy Pope, Paul 1, had the body of Saint Petronilla taken from the Cemetery of Domitilla, on The Ardeatine Way. Her Relics were found in a Marble Sarcophagus, the lid of which was adorned, at each corner, with a Dolphin. The Pope had them enshrined in a little Church, which he built near The South Side of The Vatican Basilica. This Church was destroyed in the 16th-Century A.D., in consequence of the alterations needed for the building of the new Basilica of Saint Peter; and the Relics of Saint Petronilla were Translated to one of its Altars on The West Side.

It was but just that she should await her glorious resurrection under the shadow of The Great Apostle, who had initiated her in The Faith, and prepared her for her Eternal Nuptials with The Lamb.

Thy triumph, O, Petronilla, is one of our Easter joys. We lovingly Venerate thy Blessed Memory. Thou didst disdain the pleasures and honours of the World, and thy Virginal name is one of the first on The List of The Church of Rome, which was thy mother.

Aid her, now, by thy Prayers. Protect those who seek thine Intercession, and teach us how to Celebrate, with Holy Enthusiasm, The Solemnities that are soon to gladden us.

The Web-Site of The Ursulines, Founded by Saint Angela De Merici, can be found HERE

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