Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Saint Anthony Of Padua (1195-1231). Confessor.

English: Apparition of The Child Jesus 
to Saint Anthony of Padua.
Português: Aparição do Menino Jesus 
a Santo Antônio de Pádua.
Artist: Francisco de Zurbarán (1598–1664).
Date: 1627-1630.
Current location: São Paulo Museum of Art, Brazil.
This File: 4 January 2010.
User: Dornicke
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Anthony of Padua.
Available on YouTube

Text from “The Liturgical Year”.
   By: Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B.
      Volume 12.
      Time After Pentecost.
      Book III.

Saint Anthony Of Padua (1195-1231). 

Rejoice, thee, happy Padua, rich in thy priceless treasure ! [Editor: The Antiphon to The Benedictus for the Feast in the Franciscan Breviary.]

Anthony, in bequeathing thee his body, has done more for thy glory than the heroes who Founded thee on so favoured a site, or the Doctors who have illustrated thy famous university !

The days of Charlemagne were past and gone: Yet the work of Pope Leo III still lived on, despite a thousand difficulties. The enemy, now at large, had sown cockle in the field of the Divine Householder; heresy was springing up here and there, whilst vice was growing apace in every direction.

In many an heroic combat, the Popes, aided by the Monastic Order, had succeeded in casting disorder out of the Sanctuary, itself: Still the people, too long scandalised by venal Pastors, were fast slipping away from The Church.

Who could rally them once more ? Who wrest from Satan a reconquest of the World ? At this trying moment, the Spirit of Pentecost, ever living, ever present in Holy Church, raised up the sons of Saint Dominic and of Saint Francis.

The brave soldiers of this new militia, organised to meet fresh necessities, threw themselves into the field, pursuing heresy into its most secret lurking-holes, and thundering against vice in every shape and wheresoever found. In town or in country, they were everywhere to be seen confounding false teachers by the strong argument of Miracle as well as by doctrine; mixing with the people, whom the sight of their heroic detachment easily won over to repentance.

Crowds flocked to be enrolled in The Third Orders instituted by these two Holy Founders, to afford a secure refuge for the Christian life in the midst of the World.

The best known and most popular of all the sons of Saint Francis is Anthony, whom we are celebrating this day. His life was short; at the age of thirty-five, he took his flight to Heaven. But a span so limited allowed, nevertheless, of a considerable portion of time being directed by Our Lord to preparing this chosen servant for his destined ministry.

The all-important thing in God’s esteem, where there is question of fitting apostolic men to become instruments of salvation to a greater number of Souls, is not the length of time which they may devote to exterior works, but, rather, the degree of personal sanctification attained by them, and the thoroughness of their self-abandonment to the ways of Divine Providence.

As to Anthony, it may almost be said that, up to the last day of his life, eternal Wisdom seemed to take pleasure in disconcerting all his thoughts and plans. Out of his twenty years of Religious life, he passed ten amongst the Canons Regular, whither the Divine Call had invited him at the age of fifteen, in the full bloom of his innocence; and there, wholly captivated by the splendour of the Liturgy, occupied in the sweet study of the Holy Scriptures and of The Fathers, blissfully lost in the silence of the Cloister, his Seraphic Soul was ever being wafted to sublime heights, where (so it seemed) he was always to remain, held and hidden in the secret of God’s face.

Suddenly, behold ! The Divine Spirit urges him to seek the Martyr’s Crown; and, presently, he is seen emerging from his beloved Monastery, and following the Friars Minor to distant shores, where, already, some of their number had won the Glorious Palm.

Not this, however, but the Martyrdom of love, was to be his. Falling sick and reduced to impotence before his zeal could effect anything on the African soil, he was recalled by obedience to Spain, but was cast by a tempest on the Italian coast.

It happened that Saint Francis was just then convoking his entire family, for the third time, in General Chapter. Anthony, unknown, lost in this vast assembly, beheld at its close each of the Friars in turn receive his appointed destination, whereas to him not a thought was given. What a sight ! The scion of the illustrious family de Bouillon and of the Kings of the Asturias completely overlooked in the throng of holy poverty’s sons !

At the moment of departure, the Father Minister of the Bologna Province, remarking the isolated condition of the young Religious, whom no-one had received in charge, admitted him, out of Charity, into his company. Accordingly, having reached the hermitage of Monte Paolo, Anthony was deputed to help in the kitchen and in sweeping the house, being supposed quite unfitted for anything else.

Meanwhile, the Augustinian Canons, on the contrary, were bitterly lamenting the loss of one whose remarkable learning and Sanctity, far more even than his nobility, had, up to this, been the glory of their Order.

The hour at last came, chosen by Providence, to manifest Anthony to the World; and, immediately, as was said of Christ, Himself, the whole World went after him. Around the Pulpits, where this humble Friar Preached, there were wrought endless prodigies in the order of Nature and of Grace.

At Rome, he earned the surname of “Ark of The Covenant”; in France, that of “Hammer of Heretics”. It would be impossible  for us here to follow him throughout his luminous course; suffice it to say that France, as well as Italy, owes much to his zealous ministry.

Saint Francis had yearned to be himself the bearer of the Gospel of Peace throughout the fair realm of France, then sorely ravaged by heresy; but, in his stead, he sent thither Anthony, his well-beloved son, and, as it were, his living portrait. 

What Saint Dominic had been in The First Crusade against the Albigensians, Anthony was in the Second. At Toulouse, was wrought that wondrous Miracle of the famished mule turning aside from the proffered grain in order to prostrate in homage before The Sacred Host.

From the Province of Berry, his burning word was heard thundering in various distant Provinces; whilst Heaven lavished delicious favours on his Soul, ever child-like amidst the marvellous victories achieved by him, and the intoxicating applause of an admiring crowd.

Under the very eyes of his host, at a lonely house in Limousin, The Infant Jesus came to him, radiant in beauty; and throwing Himself into his arms, covered him with sweetest caresses, pressing the humble Friar to lavish the like on Him.


  1. Saint Anthony of Lisbon and Padua was not a confessor but a priest. (Strictly speaking, a "confessor" is a holy layman, not a priest. For example: St. Joseph.) But St. Anthony was a priest of the Franciscan Order. Moreover, he was declared a "Doctor of the Church" by Pope Pius XII in 1946. That's a big deal. Thanks for the short bio of St. Anthony.

    1. Dear Marie.

      Thank you for your Comment, but I fear you are greatly mistaken. I don't know where you have got your reasoning from, but Saint Anthony of Padua is acknowledged and referred to as a Confessor by a whole host of authoritative sources, such as:

      Abbot Guéranger, O.S.B. (Author of “The Liturgical Year”;

      Fr. Zuhlsdorf. (Ordained 26 May 1991 by St. John Paul II in Rome for the Suburbicarian Diocese of Velletri-Segni (ITALY). Classics at Univ. of Minn. STL in Patristic Theology from the “Augustinianum” in Rome.);

      Dom Gaspar Lefebvre, O.S.B. (Abbey of Saint André, Bruges, Belgium. Author of “The Saint Andrew Daily Missal”;

      The Saint Lawrence Press. (Publishers of “The Ordo Recitandi Officii Divini Sacriqve Peragendi”).

      We hope this information is of use to you.

      In Domino.


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