Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 19 July 2024

Saint Vincent De Paul. Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 19 July.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Vincent De Paul.
   Feast Day 19 July.


White Vestments.

Saint Vincent de Paul.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Providence, ever watching over men with maternal solicitude, in the 17th-Century raised up Saint Vincent de Paul. He was filled with The Holy Spirit, Which had strengthened The Apostles, and he contributed abundantly to the evangelisation of The Poor and to the development of the Priestly virtues which are the glory of The Clergy (Collect).

He was born near Dax, France. When still a young Priest, he fell into the hands of Turkish pirates, who carried him to Africa. Having returned to France, he became, successively, a Parish Priest, and Grand Almoner of The Galley Slaves. Saint Francis de Sales entrusted to him later the Spiritual Direction of The Nuns of The Visitation.

Preaching especially to country people, he bound The Members of The Congregation he had Founded, under the Title of Priests of The Mission, or “Lazarists”, to undertake this Apostolic Work by a special Vow.

Teaching them to leave everything to follow Christ (Communion), he sent them to work in The Vineyard of God (Gospel) and to establish everywhere Seminaries in order to give good Priests to The People.

In order to help Poor People, Foundlings, Young Girls, whose virtue was exposed to danger, and others insane, invalided or sick, he Founded, in conjunction with Saint Louise de Marillac, The Congregation of The Sisters of Charity, which is now the most numerous and the most diffused throughout the World.

After a life which recalls the Apostolate of Saint Paul (Epistle), and which caused Pope Leo XIII to proclaim him The Special Patron of all Charitable Associations, Saint Vincent died in 1660, in Paris, France, at Saint Lazarus's, which was The Mother-House of his Congregation.

Let us beseech God that, following the example of Saint Vincent, whose pious merits we Venerate on this day (Collect), our hearts, like his, may be filled with Divine Charity.

Mass: Justus.

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