Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Thursday 1 August 2024

Lammas Day. Feast Day Of Saint Peter-In-Chains. The Roman Breviary. 1 August. First Vespers.

Text from The Roman Breviary.
Translated out of Latin into English by
John, Marquess of Bute, K.T.
Volume II.

Feast Days in August.

On the first day on which Nine Lessons are not read is said The Office of The Dead.

1 August.


All from The Common Office for an Apostle (Page 805 of this Breviary), except the following.

First Vespers.

Antiphons, Chapter, and Prayer, from Lauds.


The Lord commands; and, lo, his iron chains,
Falling from Peter, the behest obey,
Peter, blest shepherd ! Who, to verdant plains,
And life’s immortal springs from day to day,
Leads on his tender charge, driving all wolves away.

Versicle: Thou art Peter.
Answer: And upon this rock I will build My Church.

Antiphon at The Song of The Blessed Virgin:
Thou art the shepherd of the sheep, and The Prince of The Apostles, and unto thee are given The Keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.

Commemoration of Saint Paul (from Lauds).

A Commemoration is made of the preceding. 

Prayer from his Office.

Then of The Seven Holy Martyred Brethren, told of in The Second Book of The Machabees. All from The Common Office for Many Martyrs, with the following:


Lord, we Pray Thee, that the crown of the Brethren Thy Martyrs, may be a joy unto us, nerving the valour of our Faith, and strengthening us by sevenfold intercession.

Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of The Holy Ghost, one God, World without end.


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